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2003-10-20 Board of Selectmen Minutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                      October 20, 2003

At 7:00 p.m. Selectmen Andre Martecchini introduced Carol Carson, Chief of the Communications and Public Education Division for the Massachusetts State Ethics Commissioner.  Ms. Carson presented a “Conflict of Interest Law Seminar” to Duxbury Boards, Committees, and citizens from 7:00 p.m. – 8:25 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m.   Present were Chairman Elizabeth Sullivan, Selectmen Andre Martecchini and John Tuffy, and Town Manager Rocco Longo


There was no one present under Open Forum.   


Beginning on October 22, 2003 there will be a new traffic flow at the Duxbury Transfer Station.  There will be one way in and one way out.  Other changes will be made, i.e. moving the “Duxbury Mall”.  Beginning in January 2004 the disposal of wood waste will not be permitted.  The Board requested DPW Director Tom Daley, and the Transfer Station Committee be added to an upcoming Board of Selectmen’s agenda to discuss the new law and how the Town will manage it.  Mr. Longo noted that Tom Daley and the Transfer Station Committee will be attending a “Pay as you Throw” seminar.
The Old Library “Wright Building” is currently closed and unoccupied until accessible and building code compliant.  Holly Morris, Community Preservation Act Committee has developed specifications for an architectural study.  An RFP will be used as the normal process of obtaining bids.

Selectmen acting as Water/Sewer Commissioners will adopt the Sewerage Rules and Regulations at there November 3rd Board of Selectmen’s meeting.

The Beach Committee will hold a meeting on October 22, 2003 in the Mural room to discuss beach access and permits.   

The Town received a letter from Rev. Dr. John Cree of Chorley Parish Church of St. Laurence extending an invitation to visit during the church’s 350-anniversary celebration of Myles Standish signing his will. St. Laurence is the birthplace of Myles Standish and the Chorley Parish Church is where Myles Standish was baptized.  The letter will be referred to the Historical Commission and the Town Historian.

Mr. Longo referred to a letter from the State indicating the Town has been awarded $922,706 as the State’s matching funds under the Community Preservation Act.  These funds reflect surcharges on property taxes during the fiscal year 2003 and will be distributed on October 15, 2003.


Mrs. Sullivan announced there would be a Special Town Meeting held on November 24, 2003.  She noted that in the process of resolving the Health Insurance Trust Fund deficit, there were some tough decisions that had to be made.  The Board went to the Town’s department heads and asked them to further cut their budgets, with good results.  However, the Department of Revenue has requested the following steps be taken to balance the books.  

At a Special Town Meeting scheduled to take place on November 24th, the Town must reduce the line item appropriation for the Health Insurance Trust Fund $1.325 million to offset the deficit and balance the books.  
The state will then re-certify Free Cash.   
At the next Town Meeting to be held in March 2004, the Town must then make the adjustment to approve the transfer of the money back in order to avoid a deficit in FY04.  

A presentation on the subject will be made at the Special Town Meeting.  Mrs. Sullivan also noted there was an extensive hike in rates of 53%, with a 30% increase in rates the year before.  The introduction of an HMO was also made.  So far the fund is operating in the black with a small surplus.  

Mr. Tuffy indicated it was more an accounting issue, that the Town Manager gave a presentation on the subject 3-4 weeks after Town Meeting and now it is a matter of dealing with accounting debits and credits to resolve the issue.

Other Articles to be addressed are: 1) Union contracts (Library/Custodians), 2) Resolve affordable housing issues regarding the Merlet, Delano and Hamadeh properties.

The board deferred voting on the minutes until the next meeting.


Mr. Martecchini moved the Board accept the minutes of October 6, 2003 as written.  Mr. Tuffy seconded.  The motion was passed 3-0.

COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS/REAPPOINTMENTS – There were none at this meeting.

At 8:58 p.m. Mrs. Sullivan moved the Board go into Executive Session to consider the taking, purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if such discussion may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body.  And to reconvene in open session in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23 B, Subsection 6.  All in favor, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.  

At 9:49 p.m. a roll call vote was taken to reconvene in open session. All in favor, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.  

 At 9:49 p.m., Mr. Tuffy moved to adjourn.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed 3-0.

Karen McCann