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Conservation Comm. Minutes - 2007/04-17
The Conservation Commission held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of Town Hall on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 beginning at 7:30 p.m.  Members present were Chairman Joseph Messina, Samuel Butcher, Thomas Gill, Dianne Hearn, Barbara Kelley, and Donald Merry.  Holly Morris was absent. Joe Grady, Conservation Administrator was also present.  

Mr. Butcher recused himself from this public meeting.  The applicant John Baldwin described the project.  A portion of the proposed driveway is located in the buffer to bordering vegetated wetlands located across the street.  Mr. Merry made a motion that was seconded to issue a negative determination that a Notice of Intent is not required for the construction of the driveway.  The vote was 5 – in favor; 0 –opposed.  Motion passed.

The project has received the DEP file number.  Ms. Kelley made a motion that was seconded to issue Orders of Conditions.  The vote was 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

The Commission reviewed requests for Certificates of Compliances.  Dr. Gill made a motion that was seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-1298, 11 Bailey’s Circle.  The vote was 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Ms. Kelley made a motion that was seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-1321, 129 Flint Locke Dr.  The vote was 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Dr. Gill made a motion that was seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-939, 120 Bolas Rd.  The vote was 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Mr. Merry made a motion that was seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-335, 15 Hatches Bar Rd.  The vote was 6 – in favor; 0 –opposed.  Motion passed.

Mr. Grady reported that an emergency certification was issued to Responsive Environmental for the cleanup of an oil spill on the coastal bank at 244 Powder Point Avenue.  Mr. Butcher made a motion that was seconded to reaffirm the issuance of the emergency certification.  The vote was 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

The Commission took no action on a request from Mrs. McKenzie to pay for an appraisal of the property for tax purposes she gifted to the Commission.

The Commission reviewed the draft regulations for use of conservation lands.

The Commission discussed a potential land gift off Lincoln Street from Mrs. Goodrich.  The land is has no frontage and but abuts two parcels under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen.  It was recommended that Mrs. Goodrich contact the Board of Selectmen.

The Commission reviewed the minutes of the meetings on 11/7/2006 and 12/5/2006.  Ms. Hearn made a motion that was seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting on 11/7/2006, as written.  The vote was 4 – in favor; 0 –opposed; 2 abstentions (Butcher, Merry).  Motion passed.

Mr. Merry made a motion that was seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting on 12/5/2006, as written.  The vote was 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.