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Conservation Comm. - 2003/05-13
The Conservation Commission held a meeting in the Basement Mural Room of Town Hall on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 beginning at 7:30 p.m.  Members present were Chairman Friend Weiler, Samuel Butcher, Thomas Gill, Anne Hill, Arthur Vautrain and Mark Mahoney. Brendan Halligan was absent.  

Representing the applicant were members of the technical committee of the DBR, Inc.   Members included Al Vautrinot, Les Smith, Shawn Dahlen, Margaret Kearney, Daniel Baker and Harbormaster Don Beers. Also present for the public hearing was Leslie Fields of The Woods Hole Group.  

Mr. Les Smith continued his PowerPoint presentation on the Duxbury Beach Management Plan (DBMP) and reviewed Chapter 6, Beach & Dune Maintenance and Restoration Program.  Items discussed included beach grass planting, fertilization, snow fencing, sacrificial dune and improvements to the roadway to Gurnet-Saquish.  Mr. Vautrain commented on the speed of vehicles traveling the roadway and asked what the applicant was doing to control the speed.  The Commission asked for more specifics with regards to roadway maintenance, including criteria for when maintenance is performed and the procedure for notification of when the work is being done.  Ms. Molly Bartlett of Crooked Lane had a question about materials used on the roadway and a concern that the berms along the side of the roadway would prohibit bird passage.

The Commission started to review the draft Orders of Conditions pertaining to the Endangered Species/Monitoring program.  With regards to scientific studies and reports on the beach, the Commission asked that the Orders specify the date that the information should be submitted to the Commission.  The applicant agreed to annually give a copy of the DBR, Inc. Annual Report to the Commission.

Ms. Bartlett asked if the Commission would be responding to the letter from Dr. French of the Natural Heritage Program.

For the next meeting the applicant and the Commission would identify sections of the Beach Management Plan where standard operating procedures would be beneficial and would continue review of the draft Orders of Conditions.

Dr. Gill made a motion that was seconded to continue the public hearing to June 10, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Mahoney made a motion that was seconded to approve the following expenditures from the Conservation Fund:  $300 to convert the open space maps to a electronic form for the web page; $300 for copies of the Trout Farm trail map; $300 for copies of the Round Pond trail map; and $29 for the inspection sticker for the department's vehicle.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Mahoney made a motion that was seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-965.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Butcher made a motion that was seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting on April 1, 2003, as written.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Mahoney made a motion that was seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting on April 8, 2003, as written.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Mahoney made a motion that was seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting on April 15, 2003, as written.  The vote was 5 in favor and 1 abstention (Butcher); the motion passed.

The Commission reviewed the minutes of the meeting on April 29, 2003.  Mr. Vautrain recommended a grammatical change.  Mr. Mahoney made a motion that was seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting on April 29, 2003, as amended.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Commission informally reviewed a proposal for a storage area behind a retaining wall at 69 Hornbeam Rd.  The Commission indicated the applicant would have to file for an amended Order of Conditions.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.