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CPC Minutes - 2009/11-12
Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of the Town Hall on Thursday, October 29, 2009 beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Members present included Chairman Holly Morris, John Bear, Lynne Devnew, Tony Kelso, Brendan Keohan and Pat Loring.  Sarianna Seewald was absent.  Also present were Joe Grady, Conservation Administrator, Frank Mangione from Fiscal Advisory Committee, and George Wadsworth from the Planning Board.  

No subject was brought forth.

DPW Applications - Peter Buttkus, DPW Director was present for the discussion.  Mr. Buttkus asked to withdraw the application for the painting of Old Town Hall since he is hiring a company, West Mill Restoration Inc., to develop a detailed restoration plan for the building. The CPC suggested that the funding application be modified for restoration plans and specs.

Camp Wing Barn - Ms. Loring reported on her meeting with the applicant.  She suggested that the CPC do a site visit.  A site visit was scheduled for November 7, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.  The Historical Commission will also be invited to attend the site visit.

Historical Survey - The Historical Commission submitted an application to continue the survey of historical properties in the amount of $28,900.  Ms. Loring recommended the request be rounded up to $30,000.  It was also recommended that the public be made aware of where the survey information is available for research.  The Historic Commission is scheduled to meet with the CPC at the next meeting.

Tarkiln Plaque – the Historical Commission had submitted a request for the plaque noting that Tarkiln is on the National Register for Historic Places.  The CPC recommended that this request be funded from the administrative account.  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Keohan.
        Motion: to purchase the plaque from the administrative account and to withdraw the Town Meeting request.

The CPC postponed action on the motion until next meeting for additional information.  It was recommended that the size of a similar plaque for the Wright Building be checked.

The CPC confirmed which members were the contact and who was doing the criteria for each of the applications.
  • Grange/Fire Station – Mr. Keohan (contact); Ms. Loring (criteria)
  • Old Town Hall – Mr. Bear (contact); Ms. Morris (criteria)
  • Land Acquisition I - Ms. Morris (contact); Mr. Keohan (criteria)
  • Land Acquisition II – Ms. Morris (contact); Mr. Kelso (criteria)
  • Barn – Ms. Loring (contact); Ms. Morris (criteria)
  • LHP Land – Mr. Keohan (contact); Dr. Devnew (criteria)
  • Historical Survey – Dr. Devnew (contact); Mr. Kelso (criteria)
  • First Parish Church – Mr. Keohan (contact); Mr. Bear (criteria)
Grange/Old Fire Station – Mr. Keohan reported on a meeting with Habitat for Humanity.  He indicated that Habitat is still interested in going forward with the project.  Mr. Grady reported that the Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen want the two properties cleaned-up because of complaints from a neighbor.  The Building Inspector has condemned the Fire Station because of mold.  Mr. Grady reported that he contacted several companies regarding the cost of demolition and the lowest quote was $9,100.  The CPC discussed how to fund the demolition.  It was noted that the proposed housing project may not move forward without the demolition of the Fire Station.  The CPC discussed whether the demolition could be funded through its administrative account.  Dr. Devnew recommended that the CPC check with Town Counsel.  Mr. Bear suggested that the expenditure may be justified as a means of getting the property ready to sell.  Mr. Bear made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion:  spend up to $10,000 from the administrative account for the demolition of the Fire Station.
        Vote:  5 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 1 – abstention (Devnew).  Motion passed.

Turf Field – Mr. Grady reported that the Town is waiting for cancelled checks from P.R.I.D.E before the contractor can receive payment.

Mr. Grady reported that the example of the Community Preservation Works sign costs approximately $200 and was made by South Shore Sign Co.

At 9:35 a.m. Mr. Kelso made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring to go into executive session.
Motion:  to go into executive session to consider the taking, purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property which, if discussed outside of this session could have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governing body.  
Vote:  A roll call vote was taken:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.  

At 9:52 a.m. Mr. Bear made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion:  to reconvene into open session.
        Vote:  A roll call vote was taken: 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.
Ms. Loring reported the draft CPC brochure would be available for review at the next meeting.

The CPC asked if the Finance Director could provide the balances in each of the purposes of the CPA Fund for next meeting.

The CPC reviewed the draft minutes of the meetings on 9/10/2009 and 10/15/2009.  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Kelso.
        Motion: to approve the minutes of the meeting on 9/10/2009, as presented.
        Vote:  5 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 1 – abstention (Bear).  Motion passed.

Mr. Bear amended the minutes of the meeting on 10/15/2009, to reflect the correct list of members being contacts/criteria. Mr. Bear made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion: to approve the minutes of the meeting on 10/15/2009 as amended.
        Vote:  5 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 1 – abstention (Devnew).  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.