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CPC Minutes - 2009/05-28
Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of the Town Hall on Thursday, May 28, 2009 beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Members present included Chairman Holly Morris, John Bear, Lynne Devnew, Tony Kelso, Brendan Keohan, Pat Loring and Sarianna Seewald.  Also present was George Wadsworth from the Planning Board.

No subject was brought forth.

Diane Bartlett, Chairman of the Local Housing Partnership (LHP) was present for the discussion.  Ms. Bartlett reported that the funding for the housing consultant, Philip Mayfield was almost depleted and asked if the CPC would consider extending the consultant’s contract by funding $10,000 from its administrative budget.  Ms. Morris questioned whether the Homeownership Program funding could be used.  Ms. Loring had concerns about precedence.  It was noted that there are quite a few recently-approved housing projects that need to be administered and rather than hire a new consultant it would be better to have Mr. Mayfield continue his work with the LHP.  Mr. Kelso suggested the CPC approve temporary funding of $5,000 to bridge the gap between now and the next funding round at Town Meeting to allow the LHP to assess its needs for a long-term housing administrator and to investigate grant opportunities.  It was also recommended that Ms. Bartlett speak with the Town Manager regarding administration of all the new housing programs.  Mr. Bear made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion:  that the CPC provide $5,000 from its administrative account as a temporary support of the LHP to allow the continued funding of the housing consultant with the understanding that the LHP and the housing consultant would review all existing programs and look into obtaining long-term professional support for administrative needs of the housing programs through either grants or a Town Meeting request.

        Vote:  7 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Mr. Keohan left the meeting at 8:30 a.m.

The CPC reviewed the land use summit that was held on May 21, 2009.  .  The CPC discussed whether to have a formal action plan.  The CPC recognized the importance of educating residents on the role of the CPC.

The CPC reviewed wording and size of banners for ongoing projects and decided to order two banners, one for the artificial turf project and for the Tarkiln project.  Ms. Morris will check with the Building Department regarding regulations for signs.

The CPC reviewed a proposal from Angela Scieszka  for creative development of a CPC brochure providing information on how the CPC works and projects funded by CPC.  Mr. Bear made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Seewald.
        Motion: to approve the expenditure of up to $800 from the administrative account for the development of a CPC brochure.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

The CPC reviewed a proposal from an appraiser, Sandra Heath.  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Dr. Devnew.
        Motion:  to approve the expenditure of $2,750 from the administrative account for an appraisal for on two land parcels.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

The CPC discussed whether to give a donation to the Community Preservation Coalition in lieu of membership dues.  Ms. Morris was to contact the Executive Director, Stuart Saginor.

The CPC signed invoices regarding the artificial turf field project and historic survey.

The CPC reviewed the draft minutes for the meeting on 5/14/2008.  Mr. Bear noted a typographical error.  Mr. Bear made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion:  to approve the minutes of the meeting on 5/14/2008 as corrected.
        Vote:  5 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 1 – abstention (Seewald).  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.