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CPC Minutes - 2007/08-23
Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of the Town Hall on Thursday, August 23, 2007 beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Members present included Chairman Holly Morris, John Bear, Lynne Devnew, Tony Kelso, Brendan Keohan, and Pat Loring.  Sarianna Seewald was absent.   Also present were Joe Grady, Conservation Administrator, Frank Mangione from Fiscal Advisory Committee and George Wadsworth from the Planning Board.

At 8:05 a.m. Mr. Kelso made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring to go into executive session.
Motion:  to go into executive session to consider the taking, purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property which, if discussed outside of this session could have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governing body.  
Vote:  A roll call vote was taken:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.  

At 8:50 a.m. Mr. Kelso made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion:  to reconvene into open session.
        Vote:  A roll call vote was taken: 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

No subject was brought forth.

Mr. Kelso updates the CPC on the plans for the ceremony to dedicate the restoration of the building, which is scheduled for September 22, 2007 at 1:00 p.m.  Nancy Bennett is helping Mr. Kelso and was present for the discussion with the CPC.  Mr. Kelso reviews draft wording for the plaques and potential costs for the ceremony.  It was recommended that Mr. Kelso itemize the costs for the ceremony for the next CPC meeting.  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Keohan.
        Motion: to approve in principle that the expenses for the Wright Building ceremony in an amount to be determined later will be paid from the CPC administrative fund.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Ms. Loring provided the latest draft of the criteria and gave an overview to the new members.  Members are to review the drafts and discuss revisions at the next meeting.

The CPC discussed having a more generic, simple logo and formed a subcommittee, consisting of Ms. Loring and Mr. Bear, to work on the project.

Housing – Mr. Keohan reported the two housing projects on the Delano property have been awarded contracts.

Tarkiln -   It was reported the Request for Proposal for the construction plans has been written.

The CPC reviewed draft minutes from the meetings on 6/21/2007 and 8/2/2007.  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Kelso.
        Motion:  to approve the minutes of the meeting on 6/21/2007 as written.
        Vote:  3 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 3 – abstained (Bear, Devnew, Keohan).  Motion passed.

Mr. Kelso corrected who made the motions for the executive session on 8/2/2007. Mr. Kelso made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion:  to approve the minutes of 8/2/2007 as corrected.
        Vote:  3 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 3 – abstained (Bear, Keohan, Morris).  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:46 a.m.