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Planning Board Minutes 01/17/08

January 17, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:

Bob Edwards (Member)
Brian Sawich (Chair)
Bradley Houseworth (Staff)
Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio)
Joe Koziell (Alternate)
Sandy Snow (Member)
Laurie Lemons (Staff)
Kathy Wasserloos (Member)

Member & Staff Absent:

Mary Allen (Alternate)
Scott Burnside (Vice Chair)
Andrew Robblee (Member)  
Public Attendees:

Peter Beblowski (Conservation Commission)
Shelley Nelkens
Sam Bonacci (Reporter,Monadnock Ledger Transcript)
Steven Platt
Diane Chauncey (CIP)
Michael Pon (Reporter - Villager Newspaper)
Micheline DeRosa
Ben Pratt (Selectmen),
Mike Genest (Selectmen),
Bill Prokop (CIP)
Ron Haggett (CIP)
Missy Taylor (CIP)
Bob Holmes (CIP)

Chair Sawich convened the meeting at 6:00 PM, introduced himself, the Board members, and the Staff, and appointed Mr. Koziell to sit for the absent Mr. Robblee.

2008 – 2013 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Presentation to the Planning Board:  Chair Sawich opened the public meeting of the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Subcommittee presentation to the Board regarding the proposed 2008-2013 Antrim CIP.  Chair Sawich asked Mr. Sandy Snow, the Chair of the CIP Subcommittee, to present and explain the proposed 2008 -2013 CIP.  Mr. Snow, with assistance from Ms. Missy Taylor, presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Board, reviewing each of the Town departments’ requests for the 2008-2013 CIP.  After reviewing each department’s requests, Mr. Snow and Ms. Taylor presented a tax rate summary spreadsheet for years 2005 thru 2013 and a similar graph outlining the cost of requested CIP items per $1000 of total assessed property values and how these current requests will affect the tax rate through 2013.  Furthermore, Mr. Snow and Ms. Taylor also provided several pie charts, breaking down the percentage of CIP requests by each department, for years 2008 -2013.

Mr. Snow then presented the members with a copy of the CIP Subcommittee’s report and recommendations for the 2008-2013 CIP and explained that there were a total of 57 requests this year by the Town departments for the 2008-2013 CIP, totaling $4.9 million dollars.  He stated that requests are considered and added to the CIP as capital requests if they are $5,000 dollars or more and are not part of the normal maintenance and operation of that respective departments’ budget.  He also explained that the biggest request came from the Antrim Highway Department, which is asking for $2.7 million dollars over the next six years, while the second biggest request came from the Parks and Recreation Commission, which is asking for $401,000 over the next six years.  Mr. Snow explained that one of the CIP Subcommittee’s recommendations is to not approve the Parks and Recreation Commission’s requested $13,000 dollar infield groomer (baseball field) proposed for purchase in 2008, due to the fact that the existing tractor can be used for the same task.  In addition, he stated that the CIP Subcommittee also had serious concerns regarding the expensive requests from the Parks and Recreation Commission and therefore recommended that a professional study be performed on Antrim’s parks and recreation needs, especially in light of the declining school enrollments and increasing senior population.  Ms. Wasserloos suggested that, in addition to help from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) for a potential study, perhaps the Southwest Regional Planning Commission (SWRPC) could also be of some assistance. After several questions and a short discussion, Mr. Edwards moved to approve the 2008-2013 CIP Plan, with the proposed changes/ recommendations suggested by the CIP Subcommittee, which was seconded by Mr. Schacht, and was unanimously approved.  Roll call vote: Ms. Wasserloos – aye, Mr. Schacht – aye, Mr. Koziell – aye, and Mr. Edwards – aye.  Click here to see the CIP Committee's Report for 2008.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the December 20, 2007 Board meeting as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Snow, and was unanimously approved.  Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the January 3, 2008 Board meeting as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Koziell, and was unanimously approved.

IN-EX Homes, LLC; File #2007-10PB; 6-Lot Cluster Housing Subdivision Proposal:  Mr. Houseworth informed the members that Mr. Marrotte, Developer for IN-EX Homes, LLC, called this week to re-schedule/ continue his public meeting from January 17, 2008 to January 31, 2008, allowing him more time to complete the Boards’ requests and requirements pertaining to the pending application.

Public Hearing for Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation Changes: Chair Sawich opened the public hearing for the proposed zoning ordinance and subdivision and site plan review regulation changes and asked Mr. Houseworth to lead the Board through the public hearing.  Mr. Houseworth explained that he will first introduce the proposed changes to the zoning ordinances and then the changes to the subdivision and site plan review regulations second.  He stated that the proposed changes to the zoning ordinances, if approved by the Board after the holding of a public hearing, will be placed on the ballot for the March 11, 2008 elections while the proposed changes to the subdivision and site plan review regulations can be voted on for adoption by the Board after the public hearing has been held and become effective immediately.  He also encouraged individuals to feel free to ask any questions pertaining to the proposed changes as they come up during the Boards’ discussions.

Antrim Zoning Ordinance Proposed Changes To:
        1) Article III - 2008 Proposed Definition Additions & Changes - Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposed definition additions and revisions for Article III of the zoning ordinances.  All of the proposed definition additions and changes were approved by the Board with the following exception: the Board agreed to delete the proposed ‘contiguous’ definition.  In addition, due to the proposed changes to the definition of ‘patio,’ the Board requested Mr. Houseworth to draft a definition for ‘roof,’ for Article III, to be ready for the final public hearing for zoning ordinance changes on January 31, 2008

        2) Articles V, VII, VIII, IX – Addition of Earth Excavations as a Permitted Use in the Highway Business, Rural, Lakefront Residential, and Rural Conservation Districts -  Due to the Board’s request to remove this proposal at the January 3, 2008 Board meeting, this proposed change has been rescinded and therefore was not discussed during the Board’s public hearing.

        3) Article XI-B, Establishment of an Aquifer and Wellhead Protection District:  Mr. Houseworth reviewed the draft version of the proposed Article XI-B Aquifer and Wellhead Protection District and the associated GIS map, outlining those areas of Town where this proposed zoning ordinance would apply.  It was suggest by Mr. Schacht that a definition for the term ‘bulk’ be added to Section 3, in addition to a definition for the term ‘sludge.’  Mr. Koziell questioned whether  the language of Section 9. (Prohibited Uses) B. would prohibit new medical facilities from being established in this zoning district because they store or dispose of hazardous waste.  Mr. Houseworth stated that he wasn’t sure but would review Env-Wm 500-900 and Env-Wm 401.03(b)(1) in order to determine what new facilities would be prohibited by this section.  In addition, there were several concerns from citizens regarding whether current activities or uses would be grandfathered from the requirements of this new ordinance.  Mr. Houseworth stated that Section 11 addresses this by stating that any existing nonconforming uses may continue without expanding or changing to another nonconforming use, but must be in compliance with all state and federal requirements, including Env-Wq 401, Best Management Practices for Groundwater Protection.  After a short discusion, the Board agreed to continue the discussions of the proposed Aquifer and Wellhead Protection District to the final public hearing on 1/31/08 at 7 PM.

        4) Article XIII, Sections A & B– Special Exceptions Criteria – Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal to add language to Section A of Article XIII, to clarify the process for the granting of special exceptions, and to delete a portion of Section B.4, so that all special exceptions do not require considerations and recommendations’ received from the Planning Board.  After a short discussion, all of the proposed special exception additions and changes to Article XIII A. & B. were approved by the Board to be reviewed at the final public hearing before being voted to be placed on the ballot for 3/11/08.

        5) Article XIII, Section D.1.c – Proposed Changes to Special Exception Criteria for Conversion Apartments - Due to the Board’s request to remove this proposal at the January 3, 2008 Board meeting, this proposed change has been rescinded and therefore was not discussed during the Board’s public hearing.

        6) Article XIV, Section J – Proposed Changes to Supplemental Regulations for Patios – Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal to amend the language for patios, found in Section J. of Article XIV – Supplemental Regulations.  He stated that the reason for the amendment is to make the language of Section J. for patios consistent with the proposed amendment to the definition of ‘patio’ in Article III. After a short discussion, the proposed changes to Article XIV, J. were approved by the Board to be reviewed at the final public hearing before being voted on to be placed on the ballot for 3/11/08.

        7) Article XIV, Section N.3 – Amendment of Front Yard Setback Exceptions  Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal to amend Section N.3 of Article XIV to limit the front yard setback exceptions to the Village Business District and the Residential District, instead of allowing these exceptions in all zoning districts. He stated that the front yard setback exception encourages new development within the front yard setback when an existing building is within one hundred (100’) feet of the proposed new building and is already in the front yard setback area.  After a short discussion, the proposed amendment to the front yard setback exceptions of Article XIV, N.3 were approved by the Board to be reviewed at the final public hearing before being voted on to be placed on the ballot for 3/11/08.
        8) Article XIV, Section N.5 - Deck Setback Exceptions in the Lakefront Residential District – Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal to delete Section N.5 of Article XIV, which would remove the deck setback exceptions currently allowed in the Lakefront Residential District.  Similar to the front yard setback exception of N.3, he stated that the deck setback exception encourages development of new decks into the one hundred (100’) foot setback when an existing building is within one hundred (100’) feet of the proposed new deck and also includes a deck which extends into the deck setback area.  After a short discussion, the proposed amendment to the deck setback exceptions of Article XIV, N.5 were approved by the Board to be reviewed at the final public hearing before being voted on to be placed on the ballot for 3/11/08.

        9) Article XIV, Section O. Replacement of Section O (Cluster Housing Developments) with the proposed Article XIV-C Open Space Residential Development (OSRD) – Mr. Houseworth reviewed a draft version of the proposed Article XIV-C Open Space Residential Development, which is proposed to replace Section O of Article XIV.  Mr. Beblowski suggested changing Section G.(3) of proposed Article XIV-C in order to increase the minimum tract area for Open Space Residential Developments from ten (10) acres to twenty (20) acres.  In addition, he recommended changing Section G.(6)(a)[1] in order to increase the minimum frontage of Open Space Residential Developments from fifty (50’) feet to one hundred (100’) feet.  Lastly, Mr. Beblowski suggested changing Section H.(1) in order to increase the amount of common open space required in OSRDs in the Rural Conservation District and the Lakefront Residential District from fifty (50%) percent to sixty (60%) percent.  After a lengthy discussion, the Board agreed to Mr. Beblowski’s suggested change to Section H(1) but to continue the discussions of the proposed changes to the minimum tract area and minimum frontage requirements to the final public hearing on 1/31/08 at 7:00 PM.

        10) Article XIV, Section P – Revisions to Home Occupations Criteria – Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal by Chair Sawich to amend language of several criteria for Home Occupations in Section P of Article XIV, in order to make the criteria for home occupations consistent with the criteria for Home Based Businesses, found in Article XIV-A, Section 3.  Mr. Houseworth suggested that item # 1 of Section P. be revised to allow Home Occupations to employee no more than one (1) nonresident employee.  After a short discussion, the proposed amendments to the home occupations criteria of Article XIV, P. were approved by the Board to be reviewed at the final public hearing before being voted on to be placed on the ballot for 3/11/08.

        11) Article XIV, Section S – Back Lot Criteria - Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal to add a fourth criteria to Section S. of Article XIV, pertaining to Back Lots, clarifying that back lots may be further subdivided, once established, after additional subdivision approval has been granted by the Board.  Mr. Beblowski reiterated his earlier suggestion to revise Section S.2.b. of Article XIV to increase the minimum road frontage of back lots from fifty (50’) feet to one hundred (100’) feet, in order to provide for more flexibility in access road or driveway layouts, and allow more space for potential vegetated/ landscaped buffers.  In addition, Mr. Beblowski suggested that the Planning Staff conduct an inventory of all existing back lots on Class V roads in Antrim, to be reviewed at the final public hearing, in order to help facilitate the Board in its decision of whether to increase the minimum frontage requirements for back lots. After a short debate about whether to increase the minimum frontage requirement for back lots, the Board agreed to tentatively leave the current frontage requirement of fifty (50’) feet and revisit the discussion at the final public hearing on Thursday, 1/31/08.

        12) Article XVII – Amendments to the Sign Ordinance – Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal by Mary Allen to amend sections of the sign ordinance, Article XVII, which include refining the definition of a ‘temporary sign’ and moving items # 10 and 11 of Section B to Section D as items # 4.a. & b. and 5.a. & b., in order to clarify the existing requirements of the sign ordinance. After a short discussion, the proposed amendments to the sign ordinance, Article XVII, were approved by the Board to be reviewed at the final public hearing before         being voted on to be placed on the ballot for 3/11/08.

Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation Changes To:

        1) Sections IV, V, VII, and IX to Replace the Term ‘Bond’ with  ‘Performance Guarantee’ – Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal to amend Sections IV, V, VII, and IX of the Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations to replace the term ‘bond’ with the term ‘performance guarantee,’ in order to be consistent with the proposed definition for ‘performance guarantee,’ in Article III of the Antrim Zoning Ordinances. After a short discussion, the Board approved of the suggested changes to Sections IV, V, VII, and IX and agreed to adopt them as presented.

        2) Addition of RSA 36:56 Requirement - Developments of Regional Impact -  Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposal to add language to several sections of the Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations, in order for the Board to comply with RSA 36:56 by determining whether every development, if approved, could reasonably be construed as having the potential for regional impact.  After a brief discussion, the Board approved of the suggested additions and agreed to adopt them as presented.

        3) Town of Antrim Planning Board By-Laws – Mr. Houseworth reviewed the final draft of the proposed Planning Board By-Laws and explained that only minor changes have been made to them since the Board and Town Counsel last reviewed them.  After a short discussion, the Board approved of the final draft of the Antrim Planning Board By-Laws and agreed to adopt them as presented.

Mr. Koziell moved to adopt all of the proposed changes and additions to the Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations presented tonight at the public hearing, including the adoption of By-Laws, which was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos, and unanimously passed.  The roll call vote follows: Ms. Wasserloos – aye, Mr. Schacht – aye, Mr. Koziell – aye, and Mr. Edwards – aye.  Mr. Houseworth stated that the adopted subdivision and site plan review regulation changes become effective immediately.

Planning Board Public Notice for Final Public Hearing for Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation Changes:  Mr. Houseworth provided the Board with copies of the public notice for the final public hearing for the proposed zoning ordinance and subdivision and site plan review regulation changes, scheduled for Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 7:00 PM.

Southwest Region Planning Commission’s (SWRPC) DRAFT ‘Access Management Plan - Review, Findings, and Recommendations for Antrim’:  Mr. Houseworth informed the members that he recently met with Mr. J.B. Mack, Planner, from the Southwest Region Planning Commission, regarding his recent completion of the draft document titled: ‘Access Management Review, Findings, and Recommendations for the Town of Antrim, New Hampshire,’ and dated 1/9/08.  He explained that Mr. Mack would like to hold a workshop with the Board in order to present his document and explain his recommended changes to several articles of the Zoning Ordinances and several sections of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations.  Mr. Houseworth explained that the timing of the completion of the Access Management Plan is perfect as the Town Engineer, Mr. Peter Pitsas, is finishing up his work on the revision of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation sections pertaining to performance guarantees, inspections, driveway and road general requirements.  He stated that he has spoken with Mr. Pitsas, who has agreed to incorporate sections and recommendations of the Access Management Plan into his revision work of sections of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations.  He explained that they are hoping to hold a special Board Meeting in February for the workshop and presentation of both projects by Mr. Mack and Mr. Pitsas.  After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to hold this special workshop public meeting on Thursday, February 7, 2008 at 7 PM at the Antrim Town Hall.

Planning Board Roster – 2 Member Positions Open and up to 5 Alternate Positions Open for terms running from March 2008-March 2011:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a current Board roster, showing that the three (3) year terms are up in March 2008 for the following individuals: Chair Sawich (member), Bob Edwards (Member), and Mary Allen (Alternate).  He explained that Mr. Koziell has expressed interest in running for one (1) of the member positions, which would still leave one (1) open member position.  He stated that if Mr. Koziell does run for the member positions, then there would be as many as five (5) positions open for alternate members on the Planning Board.  He stated that he has spoken with a couple individuals about joining the Board as alternate members but also encouraged current Board members and alternates to do the same.  Lastly, he stated that the time period for candidates to file declarations of candidacy or nomination petitions with the Town Clerk for open Planning Board member positions begins on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 and ends on Friday, February 1, 2008.

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript Newspaper Public Notice Costs:  Mr. Houseworth provided the Board with copies of an e-mail, dated 1/15/08, from Ms. Cindy Cadot from the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, confirming the posting of several public notices in the 1/17/08 newspaper edition.  In addition, he stated that she also provided the costs of each of the public notices, which is useful for the staff to compare whether the current charges for public notices needs to be increased.  Mr. Schacht moved to increase the public notice fee for all land use applications from eighty ($80.00) dollars to ninety ($90.00) dollars per public notice, which was seconded by Mr. Edwards and was unanimously approved.

NH Office of Energy & Planning (NH OEP) – 15th Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference in Manchester, NH on Saturday, April 26, 2008:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a ‘save the date’ letter from the NH OEP regarding their 15th Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference, scheduled for Saturday, 4/26/08 at the Center of NH, Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH.  He explained that registration information will be available on 2/16/08 at:, and registration fees will be reimbursed by the Town of Antrim for land use Board members.

Mr. Edwards moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Snow, and was unanimously approved.  Chair Sawich adjourned the meeting at 11:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth, Town Planner
Antrim Planning Board