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Meeting Minutes 11/21/2006
November 21, 2006

7:00 pm

Mayor James M. Gaughan
Trustee Kerry Dineen;
Trustee Dean Whalen;
Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos


Donald F. Cropsey; Tim McIntyre; E. Guy Roemer; Kate Provencher; Kristen Casey;

       John Smith; Steve Parachini; 5 guests.

Mayor Gaughan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The purpose of this workshop meeting is for the Committee to present the draft Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Altamont to the Board for review prior to a Public Hearing.

Trustee Whalen made the following resolution. Trustee Dineen seconded the motion:

WHEREAS, Alice Fisher, A Town of Guilderland water customer of the Village of Altamont, is approximately $6,732 in arrears in payment of her water bill; and,

WHEREAS, the Village has reduced the water supply to her Gun Club Road residence to one hour per day in preparation for shutting the supply off completely due to the non-payment, and

WHEREAS, Ms. Fisher has offered to give to the Village a note and second mortgage in the amount of $6,732 providing interest at 9%, payments of $80 per month, with the balance due after three years, as well as an Assignment of Wages document assigning $80 per month of her wages from an employer to the Village, should she be in default of a monthly payment; and


WHEREAS, Ms. Fisher has offered to provide a last owner title search and provide the necessary funds for the recordation of the Note and Mortgage document; and


WHEREAS, Ms Fisher is a widow with whom approximately three children reside.



RESOLVED that the Village of Altamont accept the offer of a Note and Mortgage document, as well as the Assignment of Wages document, as has been presented to the Village Attorney, together with the title search and recordation expense monies, and upon the giving of such items, the water supply shall be resumed in full to Ms. Fisher’s premises, subject always to it being discontinued if she is in default of any payment due the Village under the Note and Mortgage, or of any payment due on any future water or sewer usage bill from this date forward.

Trustee Whalen             In favor
Trustee Vlahos              In favor
Trustee Dineen              In favor
Mayor Gaughan            In favor             Motion carried 4/0

Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to adjourn. All in favor

Respectfully submitted, 
Jean La Crosse