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Meeting Minutes 08/01/2006
August 1, 2006

Mayor James M. Gaughan
Trustee William F. Aylward
Trustee Kerry Dineen
Trustee Dean Whalen
Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos

7:30 pm

Attending: Attorney, E. Guy Roemer; Clerk, Jean La Crosse; Treasurer, Catherine Hasbrouck: Building Inspector, Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; Commissioner Anthony Salerno; Approximately 8 guests.

Mayor Gaughan called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and thanked guests for attending on this torrid night.

Trustee Whalen thanked Trustee Vlahos for presenting the July report. The committee is in the process of sifting through all the data in order to refine and develop strategies and objectives. Trustee Aylward inquired about quality community planning grants for development and land use.  Trustee Whalen says they looked at various grants. The grant that Trustee Aylward refers to was applied for but to date no word has been received on the grant.

Keith Lee reports that Carl Schilling has met with the engineer regarding the plans for the Maple Avenue shelter.

Mayor Gaughan reports that Commissioner Salerno is working on the Village Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and the Altamont Police Department Standard Operating Procedures Manual that will be available by September for the Board’s review. The Volunteer Fire Department will be honored on Saturday August 19 at the Altamont Fair Grounds including a parade and presentation commencing at 2 pm. The Mayor is pursuing a federal grant that is available and could support, with a 20% capital match of village funds, the purchase of a new senior van to replace the current vehicle in approximately 2 years according to the replacement vehicle schedule approved by the Board.  To be considered for the grant, the Altamont Seniors need to file for not for profit status. This will be accomplished through the efforts of a volunteer accountant and lawyer to assist with paper work.  Albany County is sponsoring a bill relating to providing certain rights in the transferring of property by farmland owners. As part of the process the county has sent out to all municipalities a request for comments. Information has been provided to Altamont Orchards, the fair and other agricultural landowners prior to a formal comment from the village.  Negotiations continue regarding noise abatement issues with Altamont Fair with concentration on the placement of speakers to mitigate the sound. 

Trustee Aylward attended the senior luncheon today to inquire about the senior in light of the high temperatures that we are experiencing.   Mr. Aylward offered the Village offices as cooling centers if needed.  Marie Blakesley McMillen, Vice President of Altamont Fair, also visited the Altamont Seniors regarding the sound problems and reported that the fair is working to redirect the speakers toward the back of Brandle Road.  Trustee Aylward made inquiries into the purchase and installation of sound barrier fences to address the noise issue. This would prove to be a very expensive project and require the services of an engineer.


Mayor Gaughan reported that he is pursuing a luncheon exchange for the Altamont Senior Citizens with a senior group in Rensselaerville. The Farmer’s Market, established this year as a base, will be considered for expansion next year.


Commissioner Salerno reported that the department continues to review community-based priorities surrounding special events in the village and at the fair.  Officer Thomas, Lebel, Hanzalik and Commissioner Salerno were certified by NIMS. The department received $4,400 for their public service to the Country Fest. A discussion continued on the Altamont Fair events.


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Roll Call:  All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to approve a bid of $3,700 from ABC Tree Company for tree and stump removal. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to appoint Larry N. Adams, Jr. to Water Treatment Plant Operator position from Verification of Eligibles Resident List from County of Albany Department of Civil Service effective July 25, 2006. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to appoint Heather DeSarbo to Court Clerk position from Verification of Eligibles Resident List from County of Albany Department of Civil Service effective July 25, 2006 Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried authorizing the destruction of the following records retained in the Village Office beyond the required 6 years under New York State Laws and Regulations subject to review by the Village Historian for selected retention:

Roll Call: All in favor

Local Government Records Section 57-A, Schedule MU-1, Claims and Warrants Section 1[275] subject to review by the Village Historian for selected retention:

Claims for payment (vouchers) from June 1, 1999 through December 31, 2000 and Banking and Investment Section 3.[265] Copy of checks or check stubs from June 1, 1999 through December 31, 2000 relating to the above listed vouchers.

Trustee Whalen made a resolution seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried authorizing additional funds of $2,665 for Comprehensive Planning Planner Nan Stolzenburg to proceed with GIS mapping as proposed in original contract. Base contract was approved January 2006 for $26,327 with a cap of $34,000 subject to Board approval. Roll Call: All in favor

Trustee Aylward made a resolution seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried authorizing Mayor Gaughan to sign property easement contracts prepared by Village Attorney, E. Guy Roemer for installing an 8” water line on Brandle Road related to Ground Water Development. Contracts are between Village (Grantee) and homeowner (Grantor). Roll Call: All in favor

Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve Board Minutes of June 6, 2006 and July 18, 2006. Roll Call: All in favor 

Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to adjourn at 8:10 pm.

All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted, 
Jean La Crosse