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Meeting Minutes 06/06/2006
June 6, 2006

Mayor James M. Gaughan
Trustee William Aylward
Trustee Kerry Dineen
Trustee Dean Whalen
Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos

7:30 pm

Attending: Attorney, E. Guy Roemer; Clerk, Jean La Crosse; Chief AFD, Daniel Madison; Building Inspector, Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; Timothy McIntyre, Supt. DPW; Larry Adams, Jr.; Water Treatment Operator; Commissioner Anthony Salerno; Approximately 12 guests.

Mayor Gaughan called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor introduced

Suzanne DeLyons, Manager of Marketing, Caesar Taormina, Consumer Affairs Manager, Altamont Postmaster Terry Loehner and Maureen Milner. These individuals are primarily public relations representatives from the US Postal Service who have agreed to give a presentation regarding the new efficiency measures that have been implemented over the past year.  Their presence is a follow-up to telephone conferences with the Mayor. Mayor Gaughan invites Caesar Taormina to speak.

Mr. Taormina focused on the Postal Service’s efficiency efforts. Since 1983 the postal service ceased to be supported by the federal government and postal operations are entirely supported by postal fees. The Postal Service is a non-profit organization striving to keep costs down for customers during these times of rapidly increasing inflation. The last official increase in postal fees was 2002. Last year’s increase was the result of a congressional act that requires the postal service to maintain an escrow account.  Internet services, as well as other private mail services, are in competition with the Postal Service. Mr. Taormina explained the sorting process and box numbers vs. street address as related to carrier service. Familiar, long-term, local knowledge, community delivery and post office staff have been replaced by a mobile work force that is able to bid for specific positions. The Albany post office processes one million pieces of mail per day. If not addressed properly delivery will be interrupted. The bottom line regarding identity theft is: “If your mail is addressed properly and the clerk knows where it goes, the post office will deliver it. If not, it will be returned to sender.”

Barbara Quackenbush, Rosemary McGowan, Beatrice Smith, Lois Ginsburg, Bob Bernardi, Mike LaMountain, Judy Dineen, Ron Ginsberg, Debbie Pratt, Joe Giambo and Ted Newman, spoke on many concerns related to mail delivery, postal service and other logistics.

The Mayor expressed appreciation to Mr. Taorimina for listening to the resident’s concerns and considering solutions. Mr. Taorimina made a commitment to provide a public service announcement to address specific concerns in an effort to show good faith measures including the inconvenience created by the removal of the postal drop box.


Suzanne De Lyons commented on a resident’s statement regarding  “the postal service doesn’t want your business”. She assured us that this is not the case. Ms. De Lyons contacted one of the unit headquarters in Washington, D.C. that specifically deals with large mailers such as financial institutions. Ms. Lyons recommended that as they develop and create new postal positions they encourage these larger businesses to use both a physical address and PO box number in addressing mail.


Trustee Whalen distributed the Comprehensive Planning monthly report. The survey was gathered last month and raw data will be posted on the web by the end of the week. This month’s goal is for the committee and the professional planner to provide individual vision statements.


Mayor Gaughan reported that the porch at the newly acquired Crounse house has been removed because it is falling down. The Mayor asked Donald Cropsey to do a structural evaluation and an inventory of the house and grounds.  The Farmer’s market should be open with strawberries before the Fourth of July.


Donald Cropsey, Building Inspector, reported that Troy Miller’s Park House senior project is underway.  Contaminated soil found on the property has been removed and trucked to Fort Edward, New York. The foundation for the eight unit building is in.


Dan Madison reported that E16 fire engine is out for repairs.  E15 failed the pump test and he is investigating the needed repairs. The new pumper may be in by Labor Day and a decision is pending regarding the repair of E15.


Commissioner Salerno presented his monthly report. Two officers attended a community watch seminar.


Tim McIntyre, injured at Christmas time on a fire call for the village, is recuperating from knee surgery.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Roll Call: All in favor


Public Comment


Robert Thomson inquired about a mission statement for the Crounse property. The Mayor answered that it is forthcoming.  Mr. Thomson also complained about the granite curbs and destruction of tires.


Teri Gockley presented the Board with a formal complaint against Commissioner Anthony Salerno.


Joseph Giambo, long-time former resident of Altamont currently residing on Danvers Road, approached the Board advocating for the Board to grant water to the proposed senior housing project on Brandle Road.  Mr. Giambo requested statistical information through the Freedom of Information Law regarding the village water production and usage. Based on this information he asks the Board to grant the water upon completion of development. Mayor Gaughan requested a copy of Mr. Giambo’s analysis.


Rosemary McGowan inquired about the status of The Meadows?


Mayor Gaughan said that he is committed to move with speed now that the lawsuit is settled. Barring construction schedules and other factors, the current schedule targets January 2007 for the supplemental water supply project completion. Monthly written reports and meetings with the engineers and the developer of Brandle Meadows will prove beneficial.  We have a process in place and expect to rapidly move forward.


Bea Smith commented on water usage and feels the Board should use caution in granting water before the new source is available.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to approve the request of Scott Forman, ACT, to support the community day at the Bozenkill Park, July 16, 2006 with free parking and swimming for the event. As part of the Summer Recreation Program the Village will present The Puppet People’s production of “The Elephant Child”. The event is open to all village residents. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried authorizing Mayor Gaughan to submit an application for Federal Funding on behalf of the Altamont Free Library to the New York State Department of Transportation as follows:



RESOLUTION NO. 4, June 6, 2006




WHEREAS, the Village Board is supportive of the plan to convert the old train station to function as a public library;


WHEREAS, the Village Board will be the project sponsors and the Altamont Free Library will be the project applicant;


WHEREAS, if the project is selected to receive federal funds, the Altamont Free Library will fund all non-federal share project cost and provide staffing as needed to progress the project, including the use of professional firms and contractors;


WHEREAS, this project would significantly improve accessibility to the library, especially for the elderly and disabled;


WHEREAS, this project is consistent with the Village’s long range plan to improve accessibility to community centers;


WHEREAS, in accordance with the “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, known as SAFETEA-LU, this project falls under the Transportation Enhancement Program funding eligibility;


WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation is seeking proposals from municipalities throughout the State for projects to be partially funded under the Transportation Enhancement Program;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Board fully supports this project and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to submit an application as the sponsor for this project under the SAFETEA-LU Transportation Enhancement Program. 


The foregoing Resolution is offered by Trustee Dean Whalen and seconded by Trustee Harvey Vlahos, was duly put to a role call vote as follows:


Board Members:             

                                                          AYE                                    NAY

James M. Gaughan, Mayor                __X__                                _____

William F. Aylward, Trustee               __X__                                _____

Kerry Dineen, Trustee                        __X__                                 _____

Dean Whalen, Trustee                         __X__                                _____

Harvey C. Vlahos, Trustee                  __X__                                 _____


The foregoing Resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


DATED: June 6, 2006


Jean La Crosse



Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried authorizing payment to E. Guy Roemer in the amount of $5,454.21 for legal services related to the Trumpler litigation.

Roll Call:  All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried authorizing Mayor Gaughan to represent Altamont Senior Citizens in the pursuit of a congregate meal program grant through Albany County Office of the Aging that will subsidize the weekly luncheon program.

Roll Call: All in favor

Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel and litigation matters. Roll Call: All in favor
Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter back into Regular Session. Roll Call: All in favor

 Mayor Gaughan made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward to approve the termination of Anne Femia, Office Cleaner, effective June 4, 2006. Roll Call: All in favor

Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried to hire Kathy Canestraro and Rita Murtagh as part time laborers to clean the village offices in accordance with the duties description formulated by the Village Clerk at the rate of $20 per hour each to a maximum of 6 hours per week total. Roll Call: All in favor. (Contract filed with official village minutes.)

Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried to adjourn at 9 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jean La Crosse