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Meeting Minutes 06/20/2006
June 20, 2006

Mayor James M. Gaughan
Trustee William Aylward
Trustee Kerry Dineen
Trustee Dean Whalen
Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos

7:30 pm

Attending: Attorney, E. Guy Roemer; Clerk, Jean La Crosse; Treasurer, Catherine Hasbrouck, Building Inspector, Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; Commissioner Anthony Salerno; Approximately 10 guests.

Mayor Gaughan called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Trustee Whalen reported that the Master Planning met June 19 with consultant Nan Solzenberg for the purpose of reaching a consensus on the committee’s mission statement. The consultant is meeting with various focus groups such as the Community Caregivers to gather additional input and insight.  Additionally a Teen Focus pizza night is planned for June 27 for ages 13 – 19 to gather views on what teens think the village’s long-term plans should be.

Trustee Aylward asks if the main focus of the group is on zoning?  Trustee Whalen states that zoning is only one aspect. Because Altamont is a relatively small village, Master Planning can develop a work plan for the next 15 years that includes utilities, landscaping, lighting, street and sidewalks.

Keith Lee reported for the Maple Avenue Park’s Committee. The May 2006 report indicated that the shelter would be up and running; however, Carl Shilling is awaiting final plan approval from the engineer.   Three new shrubs are planted in the front of the park. The Village gardeners added perennials and some additional seasonal colors.  The rear of the park has been renovated by removing brush and stone. Hostas and 2000 grape hyathyns are planted. The Survey of the Maple Avenue parkland is pending as we wait for information on the railroad line beginning and end details. When the survey is finalized the committee can complete the plot plan and final design.

Mayor Gaughan clarified that the “engineer” Mr. Lee referred to is actually a surveyor, not to be confused with Village Engineer. The Mayor will provide the name of the firm. Trustee Vlahos inquired about the engineering fees. Mr. Lee says a prospective was provided in a May 2006 report. He will provide a copy for Trustee Vlahos.

Trustee Dineen reported on Business Collaborations. We are one week away from the Pignic in the Park event scheduled for June 29th    from 5-9 pm sponsored by the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce and the Village of Altamont. Included are food vendors, rides for kids and Old Songs.


Mayor Gaughan reported on the following: 1) The Farmers Market may have opened today with strawberries. The Board was copied regarding the vendors. 2) The Post Office representatives, who addressed the Board at the June 6, 2006 Board Meeting, will follow through with a public service announcement which is the first step in addressing the mail delivery concerns; 3) The Mayor, along with the County Executive’s office and the Supervisor of the Town of Berne, will participate at some level in an good neighbors initiative by Catholic Charities to mutually collaborate to provide resources to people at risk in emergency situations as part of our continuing “watching out for each other initiative.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve the Treasurer’s abstracts for June 2006.


Police Department did not present a report.  Trustee Aylward inquired about the shelter training. Commissioner Salerno said a plan is in progress and a draft may be available in the near future.


There were no other committee reports.


Jean La Crosse extended appreciation to Keith Lee for his volunteer work on the Village gardens and the results of his efforts are evident in the appearance of all the parks.


Donald Cropsey inquired about the signage for the Farmer’s market regarding sight concerns. 


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to hire Amanda Heacock @ $8.00 as a booth attendant for Bozenkill Park. Roll Call: All in Favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to support the Altamont Farmer’s Market project to be held this summer courtesy of free space given by the Altamont Free Library at the Train Station. Vendors will provide the Village and library with certificates of insurance. The Village Police Department and Public Works will commit to logistical support if needed.   Roll Call: All in Favor


Trustee Aylward made motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel issues. All in Favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to come out of Executive Session. All in Favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into Regular Session.  All in favor.


With no further business, Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried to adjourn at 9:00 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,





Jean La Crosse
