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Meeting Minutes 02/07/2006
February 7, 2006

Mayor James M. Gaughan
Trustee William Aylward
Trustee Kerry Dineen
Trustee Dean Whalen
Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos


7:30 pm

Attending: Attorney, E. Guy Roemer; Clerk, Jean La Crosse; Treasurer, Catherine Hasbrouck; Supt. Public Works, Timothy J. McIntyre; Chief AFD, Daniel Madison; Building Inspector, Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; DPW, Larry Adams, Jr.; Commissioner Salerno; Altamont Part-time police officers: Todd Pucci; Scott Mannarino; Patrick Thomas; Matt Hanzalik; Melanie Parks;

Guilderland Police Officers: Deputy Chief Lawlor and Sgt. Lee; Approximately 75 guests.

Mayor Gaughan called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed Village residents and guests.

Trustee Whalen reported that the committee has buried themselves in the process of gathering information by assuming individual tasks as well as briefing Consultant, Nan Stoltzenburg of Community Planning on various aspects of the Village operations including history government and utilities. A workshop is planned for early March 2006. The committee is looking to join the Hudson River Greenway Compact, a state run organization, for access to technical assistance and potential grants.

Kerry Dineen has coordinated with the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce for a summer event known as “Pigtacular”. This will be kicked off the end of June with a picnic in the village park and a display of decorated pigs spread throughout the Village.  The purpose is to promote Village of Altamont businesses.

The Mayor reported that from his monthly meeting with Supervisor Runion as well as County officials comes an opportunity to purchase an abandoned property known as the Fischer residence, in the Town of Guilderland, located on Route 146 and Gun Club Road. This would be a joint purchase and use project with the Town of Guilderland.

Supt. McIntyre reported that the Dept. received a satisfactory rating from the Dept. of Environmental Conservation. The SPEDES Permit requires minor modifications, upgrades and performance enhancements. The Department is looking into the most feasible way to approach these requirements.

Chief Madison reported that one fire engine is out for repairs.

Commissioner Salerno presented the Public Safety Report for inclusion in Village Board minutes and reported that the Standard Operating Procedural Manual is complete and available for the Board’s review. Recently appointed Deputy Chief Lawlor and Sgt. Lee from the Town of Guilderland received a Certificate of Appreciation for their participation and achievement in law enforcement. Altamont Police Officer Melanie Parks, Mounted Police Officer; Matthew Hanzelik, Patrol Officer; Patrick Thomas, Community Relation Officer; Scott Mannarino, Justice Court Officer and Todd Pucci, Patrol Officer all received Certificates of Appreciation.


Mayor Gaughan invited the Altamont Officers to introduce their families who attended tonight’s meeting.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to accept the Treasurer’s report, abstracts and transfers as presented. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried to approve the expenditure of up to $7,000 for the installation of an upgrade to the security system as recommended by Chief Daniel Madison. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to enter into a one year contract with Metro Media for video taping, editing, and creation of two DVD’s (one forwarded to Guilderland Public Access by Metro Media for broadcast) of Village Board Meeting at a cost of $150 per meeting. Agreement can be cancelled with one month’s notice.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried authorizing the Village of Altamont to enter into an agreement with the Town of Guilderland to purchase approximately 2.8 acres of property, tax parcel #37.04-1-14 formally owned by John G. Fisher and located at 759 Route 146, for an amount not to exceed $25,000 of the outstanding acquisition costs. Following the assessment of the property, as well as contents of the house and barn, the Mayor will form a committee to explore cultural/senior/youth development of the property.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve the January 3, 2006 Board Minutes as submitted. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to accept the bid of $120 from Gary Courtright for a 1993 Ford Ranger XLT 2 WD 6 Cyl. as advertised in the Altamont Enterprise on January 12, 2006. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to accept the bid of

$75 from John Donato for 1994 Midwest (8’ x 6’6”) Flat bed Stake body as advertised in the Altamont Enterprise on January 12, 2006. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen read the resolution that is entered into Board Minute Records and made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried for the Village of Altamont to be designated as a Greenway Community by supporting the criteria contained in the Greenway Act.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to submit membership application to New York State Geographic Information System Data Sharing Cooperative subsequent to the review of the Board of Trustees and Village Attorney.  Roll Call: All in favor.


Mayor Gaughan opened the Public Hearing to consider a transfer of reserve funds for the purchase of a mini-pumper.


With no public comment, Mayor Gaughan closed the Public Hearing and asked for a motion.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to transfer $140,872 from Fire Equipment Reserve Account for the purchase of a Fire Truck Mini-Pumper.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to conduct a Public Hearing on March 7, 2006 at 8:00 pm on the question of Local Law # 1- 2006, amending Local Law #2- 2003, by granting an increase from $29,000 to $32,400 in partial tax exemption for real property owned by senior citizens 65 years of age or older in accordance with the provisions of Real Property Tax Law Section 467 and to conduct

a Public Hearing on March 7, 2006 at 8:00 pm on the question of Local Law #2- 2006, amending Local Law #2- 2001, by increasing the exemption limits for Alternative Veterans exemption with maximum limits as follows: Year 2006: Wartime $27,000; Combat Zone $45,000; Disability $90,000; Year 2007 Wartime $36,000; Combat Zone $60,000; Disability $120,000 per section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York. Roll Call: All in favor.


The Clerk read the Legal Notice for the Public Hearing to consider Local Law #1-2006 amending Local Law #1-2003 “Water System Rules & Regulations” to include a $2,500 benefit assessment fee per unit on new inside and outside water connections to the Village lines.


Trustee Dineen reported on the January 26 public meeting that gave information and answered questions regarding the $2,500 benefit assessment fee per unit that is being considered later in the Public Hearing. At the meeting, Engineer Richard Straut spoke on the $1.4 million dollar bond and the impact on the Altamont taxpayers. Ways to soften the impact on taxpayers through grants, liquidating properties such as the reservoir and raising water rates were explored. Trustee Dineen stated that Saratoga, Colonie and Latham, as well as other municipalities, have instituted similar fees for their projects.


Mayor Gaughan stated that letters had been received regarding the proposal from

Rev. and Mrs. Keen Hilton, Jim and Rosemary Caruso, Joseph Giambo, Rosemary McGowan, George Martin and Jeff Thomas.


Trustee Aylward asked the Mayor to characterize the letters.


Attorney Paul Wein asked that the letters be read into the record


Mayor Gaughan declined without prejudice and offered the following: The Seniors who wrote are generally opposed to the fee structure. They provide a number of reasons for objecting to the fee structure. The belief is that it is targeting the senior population exclusively. They mentioned that their longstanding membership in the community deserves consideration as long tax paying citizens. Seniors considering Brandle Meadows fear that these fees and other costs will be rolled into the building cost by the developer making a rental unit more expensive. Letters further indicate that the structure of the water lines are in a direction that the village would go anyways and to charge the developer for public and private connection to the water is unfair and adds salt to the wound.


Jeff Thomas, owner of Park House Apartments and Altamont Plaza, and developer of Brandle Meadows Retirement Community stated that he is representing some of the seniors attending the meeting who have donated their speaking time to him.  Mr. Thomas continued with a presentation in relationship to the proposed benefit assessment fee for new water services. Mr. Thomas referred to the question and answer statements that were presented at an open public meeting in January that noted other municipalities who are charging assessment fees. Colonie and Saratoga were two such examples. Mr. Thomas agreed that these municipalities were charging fees however there are additional provisions attached to these fees. Credits were given for improving the water system infrastructure. Mr. Thomas said that his infrastructure cost for the Brandle Meadows project would be approximately $140,000 partially due to 8” pipe requirement and fire hydrants. In fairness Mr. Thomas reported that Saratoga requires a 12” pipe, which would add approximately $10,000 to the cost if the project were built there.  Colonie also gives a credit for improvements and in addition if the infrastructure fees exceed the allowable credit, the town reimburses the developer. The Village of Voorheesville has a $500 connection fee. However, if the developer does the infrastructure there is no connection fee.  The comparisons are as follows: Colonie, $2,000 credit; Saratoga $0 connection fee; Voorheesville $0; and Altamont $60,475.


Mr. Thomas states that the proposed benefit assessment fee is not consistent with other communities and it is not fair. He would like to see consideration be given for the improvements to the infrastructure as well as offsetting credits. He would like to see a fee category set up for senior housing project on a possible ratio of 1/8; 1/7; or 1/6 per unit dwelling. The senior living facilities are predominantly 1-2 persons per unit and therefore would use significantly less water. The senior population frequently leaves the area in the winter, which reduces the use of water.  He asks that the Board send a positive message by reducing the connection fee for the seniors thus establishing precedence. Mr. Thomas referred to two letters written by the Mayor and published in the Enterprise that confirmed concern and support for senior services. Mr. Thomas states that his project will benefit the seniors and the community thus the Board should consider his request for reduction of fees.


Rosemary McGowan Mountaindale Court asked about cost to the taxpayers. She would like to see the fee lowered.


Mr. Gaughan said that Brandle Meadows residents would not be paying Village Taxes.


Chris Marshall, Whipple Way, supports the fee. She feels the water and sewer rates are already high. The money required for the improvements will be assumed by the Village Taxpayers and will be a hardship if residents are required to pay in entirety. The proposed fee is for all new development and the improvements in the water system are necessary for the new building, therefore those should pay extra for the precious gift of water.


Eileen Dean, Lark Street, referred to developments of 20 years ago and the skyrocketing water and sewer charges that resulted.  Ms. Dean feels that the 110 newer homes should have been charged an assessment fee as well as the extensions outside of the Village such as Armstrong Circle.  Longtime homeowners have paid over 100% increases in water rates.


Mike LaMountain, Maple Avenue, says that the fee proposed is for any future project in Altamont such as a proposed development on Gun Club Road. Any kind of benefit assessment that helps to offset a 30% increase in water rates would help.  Recent increases in tax assessments and other costs have proved expensive. The fee proposed is not just meant for the Senior Project. The upgrades are needed for the project and in reality would not need to be done at this time if not for the new development.  Mr. LaMountain supports the proposed benefit assessment fee.


Mayor Gaughan closed the public comment period.


Trustee Vlahos made comments on the possible routes necessary to reach the proposed well site: the “double“ rates for outside users that need to be factored into the proposal; lower usage for seniors; Wildwood potential; ongoing litigation; uniqueness of the community; and need for affordable senior housing. Trustee Vlahos originally preferred that the fee proposal be addressed within Comprehensive Planning project and at this time is recommending a fee reduction and additional research.


Trustee Aylward asks if this proposal is really “unfair” as stated by Mr. Thomas?


Supt. Tim McIntyre says that the fees stated for Colonie and Saratoga are within their own district. Brandle Meadows is not in the Village and Mr. Thomas’s water main upgrade is required by law to facilitate the needs for Brandle Meadows. The system the Village owns facilitates our needs at this time. Mr. McIntyre says the fee is not unfair. Mr. Thomas is making an improvement to the system for his own needs.


Mr. Vlahos asked about the existing 4” village line for fighting fires. 


Supt. McIntyre says the 4” line is suitable for small-scale fires. Another line, such as within the fairgrounds, would have to be pulled for a more prominent fire.


Trustee Aylward asks is this “not correct” because the project is out of the Village?


Trustee Whalen says that we have to be careful about using “out of the Village” language, as this would be applicable as well to a project if it were inside the Village.


Mayor Gaughan and the Board agree that there needs to be a short time to research the additional material.


Trustee Whalen is intrigued by the new information, not yet verified, but reminds the Board that they must be fiscally responsible to the entire Village. Additionally he is uncomfortable with the impacts and the need to focus on a number of proposed projects inside and outside the village. He suggests further pursuit of the information.


Trustee Dineen agrees with Trustee Whalen and feels that tonight we have gathered a good deal of information.  She feels that we need to separate the diversified municipal goals in comparing fees against fees. The proposed fee is a good tool to help relieve some of the tax burden from the current taxpayers. Currently we are looking at a 35% tax increase. She has no problem continuing the Public Hearing.


Mayor Gaughan agrees to deliberate a bit more and cautions the Board that at this time it is not clear which route will be taken for the ground water project. The Mayor states that another significant lest costly route would be considered if it were not for the Village agreeing to accommodate the senior project.


Trustee Vlahos asked what is the significantly less amount in taking another the other route?


Mayor Gaughan responded that given the linear feet the cost is $120,000 in total to a spot in the fairgrounds, of course, with their permission.  The Brandle Road portion plus what we have to do on that end is $260,000.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to continue the Public Hearing at the March 7, 2006 meeting. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel issues. All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to come out of Executive Session. All in favor.


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to enter into Regular Session.  All in favor.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to terminate employment of part-time officer Peter J. Yakel and part-time officer Richard Vanderbilt with the Village of Altamont Police Department effective February 7, 2006 at the request of Commissioner Anthony Salerno. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen to adjourn at 10 pm.



Respectfully Submitted,
Jean La Crosse