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Meeting Minutes 03/11/2008


March 11, 2008

Mayor James M. Gaughan                   Michael Moore, Attorney                        

Trustee William F. Aylward                  Jean La Crosse, Clerk                               

Trustee Kerry Dineen                           Catherine Hasbrouck, Treasurer

Trustee Christine Marshall                    Anthony Salerno, Commissioner

Trustee Dean Whalen                           Tim McIntyre, Supt. DPW


Attending: Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; Paul Miller, Chief AFD; Richard Straut; Jason Ballard Barton & Loguidice; 10 guests


Mayor Gaughan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mayor Gaughan gave an update on the Crounse House project. Trustee Whalen has been involved in the preparation of material for a future feasibility study. The Mayor asks the Board to make recommendations, before the April Board meeting, of individuals who would serve on an advisory committee to investigate possible uses for the property. The Mayor will prepare a draft charge for the proposed committee.


Trustee Whalen reported that there are no existing drawings of the house to document the footprints, elevations framing construction or existing rooms that would help determine possible opportunities for additions and a bathroom. The project did not attract the interest of small architectural firms, therefore Trustee Whalen will do these measurements to assist the proposed committee referred to by Mayor Gaughan.


The Mayor updated the Board on the evaluation and structural issues in the Village firehouse. Following an initial report, Mayor Gaughan and Trustee Whalen met with Paul Miller, Chief AFD and Mark Wertman, Asst. Chief to discuss the situation. They determined that there needed to be further expert investigation.  A subsequent inspection revealed pier movement in one of the beams in the main bay and determined this to be a significant safety concern. Trustee Whalen will contact a firm specializing in concrete construction.


Tim reported that the DPW is clearing out waste from the Crounse House. Mr. McIntyre says that there is no connection to the Village Sewer and if there ever is a desire to connect, it would require an extension to the Village line at the Rescue Squad on Route 146. There is a Department of Health registered out house on the property. Mr. McIntyre noted that Richard Straut, Barton & Loguidice Engineering is present at tonight’s meeting to explain the Engineering Services for the Wastewater Treatment Dechlorination System project. Briefly, the project, Inflow & Infiltration, involves first chlorinating followed by de-chlorination. This is required by NYSDEC as part of compliance with the Village’s State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit for the Wastewater Treatment plant. In the Altamont area, waste could result in creek contamination. Plans include the purchase of 3 sanitary sewer meters to work in conjunction with the project. Approximately $14,000 is allocated from this year’s budget expenditures.


Richard Straut, Engineer, gave a visual presentation on the I & I and De-Chlorination project for the Wastewater Treatment System. The discussion included the reporting of ongoing repairs and improvements performed by Village DPW, smoke testing to determine leaks in the system in main sewer line as well on private properties. Flow monitoring, to identifying leaks in the system by camera inspection, is another goal as well as completing inspections and repairs of manholes. Barton & Loguidice will prepare reports on the findings and recommend steps to seek remedies.


Trustee Aylward inquired about sump pump discharge into the sanitary sewer. Richard Straut said that this is a difficult issue due to the aging and location of the pipes. Legally, they need to be removed. The Village DPW can do inspections as they read and replace water meters in resident’s basements.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to approve the Treasurer’s report Abstract # 18 & # 19 as submitted. Roll Call: All in favor.


Michael Moore, Attorney, read the Legal Notice for the Public Hearing for authorization to expend approximately $59,447.00 of funds from Wastewater Project Reserve for installation of Wastewater Treatment Plant generator.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to close the Public Hearing.

All in favor.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve the transfer of funds in the amount of $59,447.00 of funds from Wastewater Project Reserve for installation of Wastewater Treatment Plant generator. Roll Call: All in favor.


Richard Straut, Barton & Loguidice reported to the Board that new requirement from DEC include the need for a chemical feed system to be installed at the Wastewater Treatment plant. This project would monitor the feed rate based on flow going through the plant in order to keep a constant dosage. There is an existing building on the property  that will house the feed line following some improvements to the building that include a general clean out of old pumps and adding wallboard. The Village DPW will do some of the prep work and the new system should be on line by July.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve Proposal 895.009 Engineering Services for Wastewater Treatment Dechlorination System from Barton & Loguidice Engineering in the amount of $13,400. Any additional fee will require Board approval. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen reopened the earlier discussion on needed repairs to conditions identified in the fire house. The first interim step is to address the piers that support beams in the main bay of the structure. To address the immediate concern, in the next couple of weeks the Village DPW can install wood piers or steel tubes in one end to support the damaged beams. Estimated cost is $1,500.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to authorize the expenditure of no more than $1,500 without prior approval to address the immediate safety issues in the fire house.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to accept a Proposal from Carver Construction, Inc. in the amount of $7,880.00 for the cleaning of culvert pipe behind the Bowling Alley per recommendation of Timothy McIntyre, Supt. Public Works. Funds designated from FEMA as result of spring 2007 storms. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to hold Annual Organizational Meeting April 1, 2008 at 7:30 pm. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall to hold a Budget Public Hearing prior to adoption of the 2008-2009 Village Budget on April 1, 2008 at 7:30 pm. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to approve entering into contract with NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets for 2008 Farmer’s Market. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Marshall made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve February 5, 2008 and February 13, 2008 Board Minutes as submitted. Roll Call: All in favor.


Mayor Gaughan provided information on the CDTA Linkage Study Grant obtained on behalf or the Village of Altamont through the efforts of Don Csaposs Town of Guilderland Shared Services professional. The Village will establishment of a committee and, together with a consultant and series of meetings, will develop a master plan proposal to construct sidewalks and pathways that compliments the recently adopted Village Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Law 2008. The committee will be comprised of a representative from CDTA, Trustee Marshall, Tim McIntyre, a representative from ACT and community representatives recommended by the Board. Trustee Whalen recommends Shelly Johnson of Gun Club Road. Ms. Johnson is not a resident of the Village.


 Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Capital District Transportation Committee and Village of Altamont related to the Community and Transportation Linkage Planning Program for the Altamont Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan. Approved study cost in $27,000, $20,250 of which shall be paid for with Federal Planning Funds and $6,750 by Local Cash Match. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to adjourn at 8:15 pm.  All in favor


Respectfully Submitted,

 Jean La Crosse



Next Meeting     April 1, 2008     Annual Organization Meeting

                                                        Annual Budget Public Hearing