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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/02/2017
Meeting Minutes                                                                            October 2,  2017
Town Office Building                                                                    6:30 P.M.

*Minutes are not official until approved at the next regular meeting

First Selectman Mailhos called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. with the following in attendance:  Selectman Kowalyshyn & Blessington and residents.    First Selectman Mailhos then led the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to approve the minutes of September 18, 2017as written.
Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Present to Speak:

No one was present to speak.


A list of correspondence was available at the meeting and in the Selectman’s office.  

First Selectman Status Report

First Selectman Mailhos went over the list of updates:

*The following items are on hold until we receive LoCIP funding:
        *River Road Athletic Complex Lighting
*WHFD Parking Lot Replacement  
*TOB Masonry & door replacement
*Pillars under the Town Clerk’s office
*PW Environmental Configuration Engineering (Salt Shed -  waiting on STEAP approvals)

*Daleville School Road Bridge –  the wall coating and road surfacing is being worked on now.  the contractor is expecting to finish the project by mid-October.  
*MS4 Compliance – Derek and First Selectman Mailhos attended a meeting last week and now have a list of items that need to be done in the next 5 years.  The first item to be done is work on an IDDE (Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination) plan. In addition, a meeting will be held on Thursday with key employees to get the ball rolling on getting these items done.

*2017-18 Lease items – truck and wood chipper –we are still waiting to hear back from the fire department as to whether or not they will receive a grant to cover the cost of the SBCA air packs.  In the meantime, Public Works is ready to go with the truck and chipper.  Derek is hopeful to get a truck soon, before winter and snow plowing season.

*Ground Spreader Controls – the unit will be installed on the truck on October 10th.

*Cadlerock Property – the RFP has been drafted and approved by DEEP.  It is expected to be by the Town of Ashford who will be going to go through a formal bidding process.

*Reval 2018 – The project was approved and the vendor has been authorized to start the project.  They will be working in the office researching properties in house this fall and residents can expect them to be doing field work in the Spring of 2018.

*Hiring new Town Clerk –the job description will be finalized at this meeting.

*Website Upgrade – the vendor is continuing to work on the design and operating system of the new website.  

*PZC/ POCD – the PZC will meet tomorrow night to review the Plan as it progresses with additions and deletions/changes as suggested from the community at the last meeting in September.

*Sign for Senior Complex- the new sign has been installed.  First Selectman Mailhos thanked  Signs of All Kinds (in Manchester), who  made the sign and did not charge the town for it.  

*Crumbling Foundations –the bill remains on hold; and there is no news on the budget. .

*Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance – this item will go to a future town meeting and will be discussed further later at the meeting.

 Public Works:

Derek reported that the crew has been busy with the following.

  • Removal of shrubs in front of T.O.B.*
Installation of millings along new paving on Jared Sparks
Set up for Town meeting
  • Roadside mowing
Equipment/vehicle repair:
Remove broken concrete step at side entrance to common room, install form to pour new step and frame new handrails
Removal of hazardous limb on Village Hill Rd
Install~ driveway aprons and pave waterways on Jared Sparks
Mow D.P.W. complex
  • Sign repair/replacement

*First Selectman Mailhos noted that the newly formed garden club met recently and have begun planting in the front where the shrubs were pulled out.  She stated it looks beautiful out front and thanked the members of the club for their work thus far.

New Business
  • Resolution – Department of Housing Application for concrete testing funds via CBDG with the town of Coventry, Ashford, Bolton, Columbia, Tolland & Union
Selectman Kowalyshyn stated that seven towns (Ashford, Bolton, Columbia, Tolland, Union, Willington and Coventry) are joining forces to submit one application to help homeowners test their foundations for pyrrhotite.  The tosn of  Coventry will submit the application on behalf of all of the towns.  Homeowners will be allowed up to $5,000 and it will be on a first come, first served basis.  She warned that 51% of the applicants will need to meet income requirements first and after that, anyone can apply.  She then added unlike other CBDG funding, this does not need to be paid back if the home is sold.  

Randy Belair asked what the income requirements are in order to qualify.  Selectman Kowalyshyn stated that was discussed at the last meeting and gave two examples – a family of 4’s limit is $68,000 and a family of 2 is $54,400.  Robin Campbell will seek the guidelines from our Human Services Department.   

Mr. Belair then asked if the grant would be available as a reimbursement for those who have paid for the testing and have had the work done on their own?  Selectman Kowalyshyn stated that she did ask that question and found that and it is not available as a reimbursement.  First Selectman Mailhos clarified that one is not, but there is another grant coming from CRCOG, that will be forthcoming and eligible for reimbursement to those who have already paid.  It will be nice for people to have different options.

Selectman Blessington then asked who is going to administer the grant?  Selectman Kowalyshyn stated that Coventry will be.

In order to take advantage of this grant, all of the joining Towns must adopt the following Resolution.

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to adopt the following Resolution:

This agreement entered into on the 2nd day of October,  2017 by and between the Town of Coventry, Town of Ashford, Town of Bolton, Town of Columbia, Town of Tolland, Town of Union and the Town of Willington.


WHEREAS, the Town of Coventry, Town of Ashford, Town of Bolton, Town of Columbia, Town of Tolland, Town of Union and the Town of Willington have identified need in the municipalities to provide crumbling foundation testing, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Coventry contemplates submitting jointly with the Town of Ashford, Town of Bolton, Town of Columbia, Town of Tolland, Town of Union and the Town of Willington an application for Block Grant funds under the Small Cities Program of the Connecticut Department of Housing for the purpose of meeting such needs, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Coventry, Town of Ashford, Town of Bolton, Town of Columbia, Town of Tolland, Town of Union and the Town of Willington understand that the Town of Coventry will act as the applicant and will have the ultimate responsibility to assume all obligations under terms of the grant including assuring compliance with all applicable laws and program regulations and performance of all work in accordance with the contract.

WHEREAS, it is understood that the Town of Coventry and DOH have access to all participants’ community development block grant records and authority to monitor all activities.

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant the Town of Coventry, Town of Ashford, Town of Bolton, Town of Columbia, Town of Tolland, Town of Union and the Town of Willington agree to cooperate in the submission of an application for such Block Grant Funds, and agree to cooperate in implementation of the submitted Small Cities Program, as approved by the Department of Housing.

Nothing contained in this agreement shall deprive any municipality of any power or zoning, development control or other lawful authority which it presently possesses.

ADOPTED on this          day of                         , 2017

        Donna Hardie, Town Clerk

The above Cooperation Agreement has been authorized by the governing body of Town of Willington, Connecticut, dated                     .

On behalf of the Town of Willington:                                                                    
               Christina Mailhos, First Selectman

First Selectman Mailhos seconded the motion.
First Selectman Mailhos thanked the Town of Coventry and Coventry’s Town Manager, John Elsesser, who is taking the lead on this.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

  • Gas Card Policy Revision
First Selectman Mailhos noted that we have to make a change to our Gas Card Policy.  When the policy was adopted, it applied to Public Works, Willington FD#1, Willington Hill FD and the Dog Warden.  The system has been working great, however the Senior Center (Willington Seniors, Inc.) would like to be included in the policy as well, as they have been going through a reimbursement process when fueling the senior vans and is cumbersome for them.  By adding them to this policy will help both the Senior Center as well as our records in the Finance Department.  

Our Business Manager Donna Latincsics revised the policy to include the Willington Seniors, Inc.

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to accept the Town of Willington Fuel Policy as updated to include the Willington seniors.
Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

  • Tax Refunds
First Selectman Mailhos moved to refund $380.64 to Hyundai Leasing, Irvine CA on a certificate of correction.  
Selectman Kowalyshyn seconded the motion.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

First Selectman Mailhos moved to refund $247.64 to Richard B. Mindek; Willington, CT  on a Certificate of Correction.
Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

First Selectman Mailhos moved to refund $42.43 to Kerry McMenemy of Willington, CT on a Certificate of Correction.
Selectman Kowalyshyn seconded the motion.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

First Selectman Mailhos moved to refund $121.70 to Mary Kozicki of Willington on a certificate of Correction.
Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington)  0 No.

  • Discussion  Future Town Meeting
First Selectman Mailhos stated that we were ready to call a Town Meeting to adopt the Adult Oriented Business Ordinance, but then realized that if we wanted to implement Transfer Station fees, we would have to do so at Town Meeting as well.  In addition, she said we are going to have to adopt a Stormwater Ordinance as regulated by the MS4 Permit in the near future and was hopeful we could add that to the future Town Meeting as well.

Selectman Kowalyshyn then stated that the way she reads the Transfer Station Ordinance, it states that the Board of Selectmen shall hold a public hearing – it does not say anything about a Town Meeting.
Selectman Kowalyshyn then added that the way she reads the Transfer Station Ordinance - it states that the Board of Selectmen shall hold a public hearing.~ First Selectman Mailhos clarified that particular~item is in regards to item and~load fees.~~

Under the Transfer Station Ordinance, the fee section on Page 85 states "there shall be no charge to residents for disposing of residential or household refuse except those items as specifically designated in the TSOMP (Transfer Station Operations Manual and Procedures)."~ Selectman Kowalyshyn then stated that it still does not refer to Town Meeting.  Selectman Blessington clarified that the only way to change any Ordinance~is through Town Meeting.~ ~First Selectman Mailhos added that the Selectmen are able to decide on fees for certain items (like an increase to disposal of~mattresses or upholstered furniture from $10 to $12 for example) would be possible, once a public hearing was held.~She then stated that she just feels it would be the right thing to do to bring it to Town Meeting even if we didn’t have to.~ ~

The change to the~Ordinance would replace the wording~of "there will be no charge to residents " to there will be a fee to residents of $XX for disposing of ..."~ Selectman Blessington said he agrees with the concept, and it should go to Town Meeting, but he is not in favor of it at all.~

The Selectmen discussed that we are not ready to call the Town Meeting right now because they need to discuss further.  It will be called at the next BOS meeting on 10/16 and the actual Town Meeting will be held on November 1st.~~

The Adult Oriented Business Ordinance was discussed.

Attorney Roberts was in attendance.~ He stated he attended the last PZC meeting and said they (PZC) felt pretty good about the Ordinance, but wanted to know what it left for them to regulate.~ They~will be able to permit live entertainment and allow it to occur where they want via a special permit process, once the Adult Oriented Business Ordinance is in place.~~

Selectman Kowalyshyn asked if the PZC will have time to put their regulations in place if this passes at Town Meeting?~ Robin Campbell stated that the Town Clerk must publish the Ordinance for a 15 day period and then it will be Effective after that date.~ First Selectman Mailhos clarified that the PZC automatically has a 65 day public hearing process to change their~regulations.~

Selectman Blessington said we have been talking about the history of this where the town has never allowed live entertainment in any of their businesses because it would open the way for adult oriented businesses; but since we don't allow it, nothing would ever come here.~ He added that he has never quite understood why we have it in place but he took it as it was and now we are talking about~establishing this Ordinance so we can have live entertainment.~ ~First Selectman Mailhos clarified that they (PZC) could keep the regulations in place if they wanted to~but we are presuming if this ordinances passes, they will then allow live entertainment.~ ~
Selectman Blessington said~he always wondered if there was any other way to allow live entertainment except to pass an Ordinance such as this.~ He then added that he is not going to go to the mat to fight this one because he does not see that it is necessary and feels it is silly.~ Everything listed in here might have happened in 1985 - including private viewing booths, etc.~ We have the internet now and establishments such as this are no longer desirable.  ~

Selectman Kowalyshyn then asked, wouldn't you rather have a silly ordinance on file that protects us just in case; than leave us open with no protection?~~

Selectman Blessington said he will vote on it to go to town meeting, but probably won't vote on it at Town Meeting.~~

Randy Belair asked if there is a fee for this type of business, if one were to come to town? ~Selectman Blessington stated the application fee for this type of business is currently set at $950 and if the application is denied, you only get ½ back. ~The renewal fee is $500 per year with a late fee of $100 on top of that.

First Selectman Mailhos reiterated that she would like to put the Transfer Station Ordinance on the Town Meeting agenda with the Adult Oriented Business Ordinance, but thinks we should wait to call the Town Meeting until the next Selectmen meeting on the 16th.  Selectman Blessington agreed stating that he would like to discuss further at the next meeting.  He added that he would like to have the proposed changes to the Transfer Station Ordinance and the newly proposed Adult Oriented Business Ordinance placed on the town website so the citizens will have a chance to review it before they go to Town Meeting.

The Selectmen then discussed the fees for the Transfer Station Ordinance in further detail.

First Selectman Mailhos said we should just charge $100 per permit.~ Selectman Kowalyshyn said that is what she was thinking, but added that she hopes it is not too much for those who are struggling as she would feel bad about that, however charging $100 each household will cover two thirds of the cost to run the Transfer Station. If someone has a hardship they might be able to seek assistance through Human Services.

The Selectman then looked at the Town of Woodstock as an example.  The charges are for a single family home is $150; Senior Citizens $75; seasonal (campground) $75 Business $150 and a day pass $15 each.

Selectman Kowalyshyn stated that she likes the idea of having a senior rate.

First Selectman Mailhos estimated that we should see $170,000 in revenue if we were to charge $100 each.  She then stated that trash haulers cost between $350 to $400 per year each household, so $100 is considerably less.  Selectman Blessington stated that he is not worried about trash haulers – he is worried about whatever you want to call this… - a fee or a tax increase.    Selectman Kowalyshyn clarified that if it were a tax, then everyone across the board would be paying it – this however is only going to be charged to those who choose to use the service.  

Selectman Blessington then said if we are looking to save money, then we should just close the Transfer Station.  First Selectman Mailhos said if we do that, then everyone will be paying between $350 and $400 instead of $100 each year.   Selectman Blessington said not necessarily – if we were to close the Transfer Station, the haulers will see a large increase in business and would most likely decrease their rates – especially if they would be competing against each other.  

First Selectman Mailhos stated that from what she has heard from other towns, there is no cheap way out of this.  Selectman Kowalyshyn added that the trash haulers are only good for household waste, it is difficult when you need to get rid of bulky items – which is an additional cost and it is very limited (in the town of Tolland’s case, residents are allowed 4 reasonably sized items at an extra charge each time) and she doesn’t even know if both of the haulers that pick up in town, offers bulky pick up.   Selectman Kowalyshyn then added that she hears a lot of issues from Tolland residents, on how they have to deal with the bulky waste, that she is thankful she lives here, adding it is worth the $100 or even $200 to pay to keep the Transfer Station to her.

Selectman Blessington stated it would be $125 less that the residents are paying to operate the Transfer Station and we are still not lowering taxes.  Selectman Kowalyshyn clarified that they are looking at $100 each (not $125) and then asked Selectman Blessington if he is thinking of decreasing everyone’s taxes by that amount, or would they still pay it?  Selectman Blessington said probably, because then we would find something else to spend that money on; but if not then yes, we would drop taxes.   First Selectman Mailhos then clarified the reason we are even in this predicament is because we are looking at a shortfall of $2 million in state revenue and we are currently under an Executive Order.   Selectman Blessington said maybe the revenue from the state will be even lower next year and we will see an increase to $200 to use the Transfer Station?

Selectman Kowalyshyn clarified if we are able to cover the cost of running the Transfer Station, then we wouldn’t increase the cost of the permit.   If the fee would cover the cost to run the Transfer Station, then we wouldn’t charge any more than that.   Selectman Blessington agreed and said we shouldn’t, but last year we weren’t going to do this at all, but now all of a sudden, it’s a wonderful idea.  Selectman Kowalyshyn & First Selectman Mailhos stated last year we had a budget and this year we are looking at a huge decrease in revenue from the State.   Christine Psathas (who served on the Solid Waste Advisory Commission) stated that the SWAC had been discussing the idea of implementing charges at the Transfer Station for several years, and clarified that this is nothing new.  She added that the citizens have a voice and can attend meetings if they feel the fees are too much.  

Sarah Smith stated that she has several concerns – first being if we make it difficult for people to rid of their bulky waste, we are going to find it in the ravines around town.  Second, she feels it would be more difficult for some people (the elderly, for example) to bring their trash out to the curb, when it is much easier to just load it in the car and drive it to the Transfer Station.  Lastly, she added that she did have a contractor come to pick up her trash years ago and found them to be unreliable and the service was not that great.  First Selectman Mailhos added that she has gotten phone calls from residents who have complained of trash being blown around their yards because the haulers did not compact the trash properly and also noise complaints.  We have had to send letters to this regard a few times in the past.

Selectman Kowalyshyn said we should take it to the people and let them decide.  Selectman Blessington stated that we need to come up with a price.  First Selectman Mailhos said she likes the $100 flat rate.   Selectman Kowalyshyn agreed and added that she likes the discounted rate of $75 for the seniors.  Sarah Smith asked if there could be a sliding scale for those who can’t afford the $100.  Selectman Kowalyshyn said that may be too much of an administrative nightmare.  Selectman Blessington said it is a good idea to make it less for seniors but would consider it fair to pay the same as everyone is paying.  If they are not able to pay the full amount, they can seek assistance from Human Services.

Randy Belair asked if the revenue stream will be directed to offset the cost to run the Transfer Station?  First Selectman Mailhos stated it would go into the General Fund but we do have a tracking mechanism for the Transfer Station revenue.  She then presented a receipt summary dating back to FY12-13.   As of right now, we average about $11,000 per year for recycles and charging for the large items.   

Selectman Kowalyshyn then said that we would need to come up with a solution for those who get trash pick up but might need to use the bulky services on occasion.   Randy Belair suggested that perhaps the Selectmen should look at what other towns do for that sort of situation; noting that renting a dumpster (for example for those who are doing a renovation on their home) could cost several hundreds of dollars for just a few weeks.  First Selectman Mailhos noted that we might want to implement a day pass for that case.  

Discussion was held on the charges.  The Selectmen decided on a flat fee of $100 each household and $15 per day pass (plus the charge of the item being discarded (for example, $10 for a mattress or couch).  

Section 12 – Fees ; Line A:  (residents) There shall be a fee of $100 per year  or $15 per day  charged to residents for disposing of residential or household refuse, except those items as specifically designated in the TSOMP (Transfer Station Operation and Management Plan) as requiring a fee.

First Selectman Mailhos stated she will update and highlight the proposed changes and add them to the website so people can see it prior to the next meeting.

First Selectman Mailhos then noted that she was hoping to adopt a Stormwater Ordinance at the Town Meeting, because it would need to be done by July of 2018 as required per the MS4 permitting.  As of right now there is only one active Ordinance in the State and it is located in the city of Stamford.   First Selectman Mailhos stated although she was hopeful to mock the Stamford Ordinance, she would rather see one for a small town instead.   

Selectman Blessington stated he often wonders what would happen if the Town decides not to pass it.  First Selectman Mailhos stated that she did bring that question up at one of the public hearings last year. She said you cannot make a Town pass an Ordinance if it is voted down. However, DEEP wants to see the Town put in a good faith effort first.

Selectman Kowalyshyn said she does not think we should rush on this.    First Selectman Mailhos agreed and stated that she is holding a meeting next week with some of the key employees who will be involved in the process as she will no longer be here after November.  She reviewed the entire Ordinance, of what is expected to be done and the deadlines for them.  That will be discussed with them and we will try to begin a procedure for that so the new Board will be able to slide into it.  First Selectman Mailhos added that she just wants to make people aware that it is something that needs to happen in the future and was hopeful to start so it would be one less thing for the new Board of Selectmen to deal with.

Old Business

  • Crumbling Foundation Update
First Selectman Mailhos said there is no update on legislation yet.~ We now have 2 ways to get money for testing which will help people.~

The Town of Coventry recently had to shut down a bridge suspected of having pyrrohotite in the concrete  ~It is an old bridge that was expanded in the 1980’s.  The addition area is the part that has failed and needs to be replaced.

Randy Belair asked who would be eligible to apply for funding for the testing process.  It appears that many people will want to remain anonymous as there is no reason for them to do so at this time. ~ First Selectman Mailhos said she suspects it is primarily those who want to sell or buy a home.~

  • Finalize Town Clerk Job Description
Selectman Kowalyshyn said that she found a few typos on the first and second pages.

The first paragraph on the first page needs reformatting.  It currently reads:  supervision is exercised all over department personnel – should read:  supervision is exercised over all department personnel.

The cash recording with the treasurer is done as needed (not weekly).

First Selectman Mailhos read the Help Wanted Ad:

The Town of Willington will accept applications for the position of Town Clerk.  This is a part-time position (30 hours per week) with benefits.

Selection and appointment will be based solely upon job related requirements and the applicant’s demonstration that he or she possesses the skills, knowledge, abilities and other characteristics necessary for job performance.

The successful candidate will be expected to perform all duties ascribed to Connecticut Town Clerk’s in Section 7-16 through Section 7-76 of the Connecticut General Statutes and have the ability to supervise Assistant Town Clerk personnel By Town of Willington Ordinance, The Town Clerk is appointed by the Board of Selectmen and carries a 4 year term.  Beginning salary will be determined commensurate with experience.

A complete job description is available on the Town of Willington website or by calling or writing the Town Clerk’s Office, Town of Willington, 40 Old Farms Road, Willington, CT  06279  860-487-3121.

Applications must be received in the Town Clerk’s Office (Attn:  Donna Hardie) by 2PM on Friday, 11/10/17.

The Town of Willington is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

First Selectman Mailhos stated that a shortened ad will go into the paper on October 16th and the full ad will go on the town’s website on that date as well.

First Selectman Mailhos reviewed the timeline, noting that the election will happen on November 7th and the applications will be due by November 10th (at which point the current board will still be in office).  

Selectman Blessington suggested having this board create a panel and appoint people (the incoming Board of Selectmen) to sit on the interview panel.   First Selectman Mailhos agreed and thought that we should invite a Town Clerk from another Town to sit on it as well in addition to our current Town Clerk.

  • Budget Update
First Selectman Mailhos noted that there is still no budget.  They are trying to convene a veto override vote, but it does not look promising.   She added that she will be attending a CCM Legislative committee update meeting tomorrow morning after which a press conference for Town leaders across the state will be held.  The message at the press conference is that action must be taken quickly; but they need to come up with a logical solution.

Good & Welfare

Our Revenue Collector is sending out notices for tax sale to those with outstanding real estate bills.  We currently have 6 on the list (those making diligent payments on a payment plan are excused).   There is one that has a closing date in October that will most likely cover the taxes upon closing. At this point 5 letters are going out.   First Selectman Mailhos presented a list of the outstanding 15 – 16 Grand List accounts.  She then stated that our Tax Collector wanted to remind everyone on a payment plan that if they miss 2 payments they will no longer be on the payment arrangement.

First Selectman Mailhos thanked Signs of All Kinds again for the generous donation of the new Senior Complex sign on Old Farms Road.

We have had a lot of complaints of speeding in Town, more recently Burt Latham Road and Cisar Road.  Our Public Works Director has suggested creating a speed enforcement commission.  Robin Campbell stated that she has spoken with Troop C several times.  The Sergeant at Troop C suggested putting out a speed trailer on each road and have it sit for one week and let them know when we remove it and they will have a Trooper run traffic surveillance.  She added that she did what they suggested, but Troop C never placed anyone out to run radar and we are receiving more complaints than ever.   Selectman Blessington asked if the trailer keeps data of the speeds that are travelling through.  Robin Campbell said she will ask Public Works.   Randy Belair asked if it would be possible to put a camera out to catch the license plate and speed.  First Selectman Mailhos said it would be possible, but we do not have funding for that.  Robin Campbell then asked who would enforce it?  We do not have a police department, or a Police Officer.    Selectman Kowalyshyn asked if we have a liaison at Troop C.  Robin Campbell stated that we are supposed to have a new person, but we have yet to hear from him.  Selectman Blessington stated that he would be interested in what the actual average speed is on those roads.

First Selectman Mailhos noted that our Building Inspector has increased his hours due to a demand for his service.  The Board of Finance recently approved a transfer to cover the funds at their last meeting.

Teri Gareau, who works in the Finance Department, has submitted her resignation with the Town.  She has been with the Town for the past 9 years.  Our Business Manager is trying to figure out what to do with that position. We wish Teri well in her new venture.

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 P.M.
Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.
Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Campbell
Administrative Assistant

Board of Selectmen

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