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Zoning Board of Appeals 06/08/06
Minutes of Zoning Board of Appeals Public Meeting

Date:           June 8, 2006
Time:           7:00 PM
Attendees:      Trevor Pontbriand, Jeffrey Stewart, Vern Jacob, William Nicholson, Charlie Amsler, Bruce Drucker, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary.  
Regrets:  Sibel Asantugrul and Robert Hankey

Chair Pontbriand called the meeting to order at 7:002 pm.  Chair Pontbriand gave an overview of the hearing process.

7:03 pm    06-16   Lawrence & Karen Goldberg, 75 East Hill Road, Map 29, Parcel 445:  Application for a Special Permit under WZB to construct a small deck within setback (Cont’d from 05/25/06).  The applicant’s representative, Chet Lay of Slade Associates, requested the application be withdrawn, without prejudice, in a May 30, 2006 letter.  Trevor Pontbriand moved to allow the application for a Special Permit be withdrawn without prejudice; seconded by Bruce Drucker; passed 6-0.

7:20 pm    06-20  Michael and Rebecca Finn, 320 Priscilla Road, Map 24, Parcel 82:  Application for a Special Permit under 6.1.5 to alter a non-conforming single family dwelling by increasing living space and enlarging outside decking.  Board members for this hearing were Trevor Pontbriand, Jeffrey Stuart, William Nicholson, Bruce Drucker and Charlie Amsler.  Ed Patten, Attorney, Chet Slade, Land Surveyor,  and Matt Miller, Architect, represented the applicant.  Attorney Patten gave an overview of the project, stating there are existing non-conformities on the property now with respect to lot area and frontage and setback violations, and the proposed project will enhance the neighborhood and environment.  There was discussion regarding the location of the proposed structure and decks with regards to setbacks.  He stated the proposed project will increase the lot coverage to 5% from the current 4.7%.  The height of the dwelling will be 26.9’, with habitable living area going from 585 square feet to 878 square feet.  The new dwelling will be angled on the property to enhance vista views for abutters.  Patten gave his opinion of the benefits to the neighborhood.  Photos were distributed to the Board members demonstrating the styles and scale of dwellings in the area.  

The following letters were read into the record:
·       National Park Service dated June 5, 2006 – concern regarding potential for the basement to be used as living space
·       Michael and Susan Bliss dated June 7, 2006 – concern regarding lack of elevation/topography plans
·       Carolyn Mechem dated June 1, 2006 (daughter of abutter) – oppose project
·       Stephen and June Jablinowski dated June 6, 2006 (concerned citizen) – oppose project
·       Allan and Jane Wechsler dated June 1, 2006 (summer renter) – oppose project
·       E-mail:  Ellsworth and Leonora Rosen dated June 5, 2006 (neighbors in area) oppose project
·       E-mail:  Lou Calogridis dated June 3, 2006 – (summer renter) – oppose project
·       E-mail:  Barbara Redington dated June 5, 2006 – (summer renter) – oppose project
Audience comments:  Melinda Craston (neighbor) concerned about retaining walls and parking
Attorney Ben Zehnder representing abutter Whittemore – concerned the plans did not include building dimensions for calculating lot coverage, if height of proposed dwelling would construe a third floor, erosion due to proposed site work, and character of area.

Attorney Patten stated the National Seashore’s letter determined the plan was within their guidelines and the basement plans were designed to not be considered habitable space.  Lay stated the property would be revegetated and erosion would be controlled.  Stuart expressed concern receiving materials the night of the meeting and felt the pictures of the area were incomplete.  The Board requested the applicant(s) provide an overlay of the elevations showing the existing structure and the proposed structure on all four sides, a landscape plan, topographical elevations with contours, plans which include all dimensions, and confirmation if the septic is up to code (Title 5).  Attorney Patten stated he will produce letters to support the plans as well.

Pontbriand moved to continue the hearing to July 13, 2006; seconded by Bruce Drucker; passed 5-0.

Other Business

Trevor Pontbriand read into the record a letter received from Reuben and Nancy Cook dated May 30, 2006 re. abutting property on Route 6.  Pontbriand stated this is an enforcement issue and is the responsibility of the Building Inspector.

Pontbriand moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm; seconded by Bruce Drucker; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary