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ZBA Minutes 6-12-03


Present:  Steven Rose, Chair; Charles Amsler, Sibel Asantugrul,
         Robert Hankey, William Nicholson, Trevor Pontbriand,
         David Rowell, Jeffrey Stewart, Peter Watts;
         Birgitta Olson, Clerk.

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Steve Rose.

7:30. #03-30, Allan & Sally Stern, Pilgrim Spring Road, Map 29, Lot 215.E, Unit 5: Special Permit Application, enclose screened porch for living space.  The Board for this hearing consisted of Steve Rose, Chair; Robert Hankey, David Rowell, Jeffrey Stewart and Peter Watts.  Sally Stern presented the proposal. It was the consensus of the Board that it is not an increase in use.  It was noted that the space is in a state of disrepair and will need a foundation, and that a better plan, drawn to scale and with dimensions is needed. Also, written approval of the condominium association is needed.  David Rowell MOVED "that the Board of Appeals continue the hearing to 7/10/03, with the plan to be submitted two weeks prior to the hearing date."  SECONDED by Robert Hankey and CARRIED 5-0

7:45. #03-31-B, Dulce & Mahlon Williams, Chequessett Neck Road, Map 14, Lot 126: Special Permit Application, replace & enlarge deck. The Board for this hearing consisted of Steve Rose, Chair; Robert Hankey, William Nicholson, David Rowell and Peter Watts. Dulce Williams described the proposed deck. The Board found the plan inadequate and asked for a plan with dimensions.  Robert Hankey MOVED "that the Board of Appeals continue the hearing to 7/10/03, with the plan to be submitted two weeks prior to the hearing date."  SECONDED by David Rowell and CARRIED 5-0.

8:00. #03-31-C, Paul & Janice Long, 57 Wigwam Street, Map 35, Lot 158: Special Permit Application, Addition.  Paul Long described the proposed addition, which had received Board of Appeals approval in 1999 (#99-29), but had never been built. The addition will enable them to move a below ground bedroom up to ground level. The septic system has already been upgraded. It was noted that Conservation Commission approval has lapsed and will need to be renewed.  David Rowell read the Minutes of the meeting of 8/19/99.  It was agreed that the addition could be approved conditionally, subject to Conservation Commission approval, if a more specific plan with elevations were submitted.  Steve Rose MOVED "that the Board of Appeals continue the hearing to 7/24/03, with plans to be submitted two weeks prior to the hearing date."  SECONDED by Robert Hankey and CARRIED 5-0.


Other Business.
-  The Minutes of the meeting of 5/22/03 were approved, as MOVED     by Hankey, SECONDED by Rose, and CARRIED 9-0.
-  Mail was reviewed.
-  The Chair reported that the Washburn decision, being written
  by Attorney Elizabeth Lane and Building Inspector Rick Asmann,
  is not ready and will be dealt with at a later date.
-  Sibel Asantugrul & Trevor Pontbriand left the table. A change
  in plan for the Shay/Hood project, Alves Lane, namely the
  replacement of a loft with a second story deck, was reviewed.
  It was the consensus of the Board that the change is not
  significant enough to warrant an amendment of the Special
-  David Rowell and Trevor Pontbriand will work on revising the
  application form and present a first draft for review at the
  Business Meeting following site inspections on June 25th.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Birgitta V. Olson                      
Committee Secretary

Steven Rose, Chair

Approved  6/26/03