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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 10/18/2011
                Minutes Board of Water Commissioners October 18, 2011
Town Hall Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Board of Water Commissioners attending: Chairman Dan Wexman, Lori Vanderschmidt, Justina Carlson, James Hood. Absent: Bill Carlson.
Also attending: Paul Millet of Environmental Partners Group, Roy Maher of WhiteWater and Michaela Miteva, Water System Administrative Coordinator.

Chairman Dan Wexman called the meeting to order at7:02 pm

WhiteWater Report: Roy Maher gave a brief overview of the WhiteWater Report1. He explained the Coliform bacteria detection and the correction measures WhiteWater has taken. Discussion ensued. Paul Millett suggested that in the future it would be advisable to chlorinate the water prior to a flow testing. Wexman had a question about painting the low pressure hydrants. Maher reported that he will talk to Russ Tierney and Chief Silverman, ask them to agree on a color, and then paint the hydrants.

The Administrative Coordinator’s Report: Michaela Miteva gave a brief overview of the Administrative Coordinator Report2 and presented a letter3 received from the Lighthouse Restaurant with a request for permission to “double plumb the restaurant’s public toilets.  Wexman reviewed the procedure outlined in the “Double Plumbing” policy approved at the October 4, 2011 BWC meeting.

Motion to approve the “double plumbing” request by the Lighthouse Restaurant.
Moved: Lori Vanderschmidt. Second: Jim Hood. The motion passed 4-0.

Budget Progress: Vanderschmidt requested that all current expenditure data be sent to her and Bill Carlson. Wexman apprised the Board that budgeting consultant Mark Abrahams had encountered software incompatibility issues with the reports sent from the Town Accountant’s Office, and that measures had been taken to resolve the problem. Wexman advised that the next meeting on November 1, 2011, would be devoted almost entirely to the budget.
Marketing Plans: Justina Carlson presented her evaluation of the most recent Water System marketing brochure.  Carlson reviewed the existing brochure and suggested revisions. Discussion ensued. Wexman suggested that the most beneficial time to mail the newly designed brochure would be in early spring. Carlson preferred that the brochure be sent in the winter (January, February) in order to give the people time to react.  Carlson added that follow up calls might generate a better response. Vanderschmidt said that she would volunteer to make the follow up calls. Jim Hood proposed offering discounts for testing the resident’s water in order to encourage their interest in the WMWS. Carlson asked the Board for comments and suggestions, and Wexman suggested that this discussion continue during the November 15, 2011 BWC meeting.

QuickBooks & Meter Reading Software: Michaela Miteva reported that the process has begun, and completing it will just be a matter of time.
Progress on Master Plan: Paul Millett gave a report on a Proposed Scope of Services for System Expansion and Master Plan Update4. He began with a background on the WMWS, and where it needs to go. He also talked about the proposed costs. For funding purposes Carlson said that the cost of the survey and Master Plan update could be included as part of the Town Meeting Warrant. Other funding sources, such as the Nonresident Taxpayers Association, might also be considered. The NRT newsletter might be an effective tool for distributing the survey.
Cathodic Protection Plan: Millet explained the purpose and benefits of the Cathodic Protection Plan5 and advised accepting Plan “C” as offered in the Service Contract.

Motion to recommend the purchase of Plan C of the Cathodic Protection Plan.
Moved: Hood Second: Carlson. The motion passed 4-0.
Minutes of 10/4/2011

Motion to approve the Minutes of 10/4/11.
Moved: Hood Second: Carlson. Vanderschmidt abstained. The motion passed: 3-1-0
Deferred Payment Vote and Minutes

Motion to approve a Deferred Payment Agreement for 50 Main Street Realty Trust for the amount of $8,640.00.
Moved: Wexman. Second: Hood. The motion passed 4-0. ~

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m..
Moved: Carlson. Second: Wexman. The motion passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

______________________________          ___________________________
Michaela Miteva, Admin Coordinator              Daniel Wexman, Chairman

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/1/11.

Public Records Materials
1. WhiteWater Report of October 18, 2011
2. Administrative Coordinator Report of October 18, 2011
3. Lighthouse Restaurant Letter
4. Proposed Scope of Services for System Expansion and Master Plan Update
5. Cathodic Protection Plan Memo