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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 05/18/2010
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Conference Room
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Present: Emily Beebe, Co-Chair; Jean Schaefer, Lori Vanderschmidt, Dan Wexman
Regrets: Steven Gazzano
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff; WhiteWater Representative Russell Tierney; BWC Administrative Contractor Mark Fisk

Co-Chair Emily Beebe called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
WhiteWater Discussion on Contract Options
Russell Tierney of WhiteWater presented his General Operations report.  He also reviewed a number of other items for the Water Commissioners to consider.  He provided the meter service rates and the water supply report from 2001 to the present, and an e-mail to EPG about the flushing at the end of the line at Kendrick Ave.  Mr. Tierney concentrated on a spreadsheet of cost comparison of additional services from WhiteWater.  He explained the value WhiteWater could offer in man hours (MH) for an increase in the overall cost.  The Board asked about the high hourly rate for meter replacement which is set by “prevailing wage” rates.  
Connections Update
Mary Fisk gave a report on the application process for connections and a cover letter to be sent with the application form.  She said there would be additional information on the hook-up process sent with the letter.  The Board discussed the additional material that would be requested for each connection.  The letter will be sent out next week.
Water Meter RFP
The RFP has been sent out, and Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson will handle the bids.  From the floor, Irmgard and Henry Boriskin asked about the kind of meter the homeowner would need.  They also inquired about connecting early and the cost per foot of service pipe.   
Emily Beebe explained that the larger users would be contacted to discuss their situation.  EPG and WhiteWater will be included in the discussion.
Financial Concerns
Dan Wexman distributed a list of items to be included in extended payment agreements with customers.  Paul Sieloff said he would send the information to Town Counsel for formation as a contract.  The Board discussed: payment suggestions, the method for collecting money in arrears, liens, and connection fees.
There was a letter from Marla Rice regarding reducing Preservation Hall’s connection fee since it is on Town-owned land.  Lori Vanderschmidt moved to deny the request, to inform them through a letter, and further to compose a standard letter to other non profit organizations indicating that discounts and exemptions would not be offered. Jean seconded, and the motion carried 3-0-1.

Jean Schaefer asked that Lori Vanderschmidt become clerk in charge of correspondence.  
Further Needs
Vanderschmidt discussed staffing needs.  Beebe said that office and storage space also have to be determined.  The BWC would like to consider the Lawrence Road former COA building or the South Wellfleet Fire Station. Paul Sieloff said rehabilitation of either of those buildings is too costly.  Emily Beebe will investigate availability of space at Wellfleet Elementary School.
Minutes of 4/12/10, 4/19/10. 5/3/10 and 5/14/10
Beebe moved to approve the minutes of May 14, 2010. Schaefer seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.  
 Beebe moved to approve the minutes of April 19, 2010. Wexman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  
 Wexman moved to approve the amended minutes of April 12, 2010. Schaefer seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.
Other Business
Sarian Company had sent a letter describing the services they offer to water departments.
 A list of rates from other Cape towns from Cape & Plymouth Business was distributed by Paul Sieloff.
Early Connections
There are two requests for customers with water emergencies to connect to the system as soon as possible.  Beebe move to expedite connections on case by case situations of dire need, whether for health or economic conditions, subject to the Board’s agreement.  Schaefer seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.
Mark Fisk will be writing the letters to customers with anomaly situations.
Financial Consultant
Beebe will contact Mark Abrahams about the scope of his contract.
The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
___________________________             __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Emily Beebe, Co-Chair

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 6/1/10.