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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 01/05/2010
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Conference Room
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Present: Emily Beebe, Steven Gazzano, Co-Chairs; Jean Schaefer, Dan Wexman
Regrets: Lori Vanderschmidt,
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff

Co-Chair Emily Beebe called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Connection Fees/ Anomalies
Jean Schaefer recused herself from the meeting.
Beebe said she had sent an email to Mr. Ketover telling him not to make his next payment until the earlier fees are reviewed by Town Counsel.  The Board discussed the initial connection fees and outlined questions for Town Counsel.  The four properties on the Wellfleet Harbor System were of concern.  The discounts that are being offered will be universally applied, the Water Commissioners said.  The special cases of properties that have not paid the connection fee will be given the discount but expected to pay the balance without being offered the loan application.  Steve Gazzano suggested having Mark Abrahams review the questions before submitting them to Town Counsel.  Beebe will prepare the letter to Town Counsel.
Jean Schaefer returned to the meeting.

Application for Service Process
Jean Schaefer and Dan Wexman had met with DPW Director Mark Vincent and DPW Secretary Joan Baker to update the water application for service form.  Vincent had recommended getting as soon as possible a staff person to handle applications, set up a data base and handle financing. There is also a need for office space for operations.  WhiteWater could possibly handle the process, but there were reservations about initially using their services.  By the next meeting Schaefer and Wexman said they would have a prototype of the application for service form.  There is also an installation form that DPW will help them prepare.

The Board listed tasks for a Position Description (PD) for a system administrator.
Review of Regulations
Lori Vanderschmidt has been working on a revised Rules & Regulations.  Joan Baker is also working on the pieces of the Regulations that go to the applicants.  The Board considered the sections that Joan Baker had redone.  

Cell Towers
Emily Beebe said there were two letters regarding cell antennas on the water tank.  Paul Sieloff wanted the Board to consider cell antennas for the tower.  He discussed options that the cell tower companies offer.  Paul Millett of EPG has been in contact with the big companies.  The Board said that there was interest in municipal use.  

Minutes of 12/15/09
Wexman moved to approve the amended minutes of December 15, 2009.  Gazzano seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  

Next Meeting
The Board outlined an agenda for the January 19, 2010 meeting.  

Old Business
Steve Gazzano said on Thursday there will be a site visit to inspect an abandoned transformer near Duck Pond

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
___________________________             __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Emily Beebe, Co-Chair

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/2/10.