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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 12/15/2009
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Conference Room
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Present: Emily Beebe, Steven Gazzano, Co-Chairs; Jean Schaefer, Lori Vanderschmidt, Dan Wexman

Also Attending: DPW Secretary Joan Baker, Fire Chief Dan Silverman; Russell Tierney of WhiteWater  

Co-Chair Steve Gazzano called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

USDA Grant
Of immediate concern was an email from Paul Millett of EPG.  He had questions that needed to be included in the USDA application which is going to be sent out tomorrow.  
Connection Fee Anomalies
Jean Schaefer recused herself from the meeting and left the room.
Beebe said that list of properties that have already been connected need consideration.  Some have not paid and others have over paid according to the new fee schedule.  The Board agreed on water credits for the owners who have over paid.  Owners who have not paid or have not completed payment will be billed for adjusted connection fees.  Russ Tierney said he could revise the bills for each case.   Dan Wexman will draft a letter to Wellfleet Harbor Condominium Trust to explain the reconciliation of their connection fee.  The Bookstore Restaurant will have to pay according to the new fee schedule, and Dan Wexman will notify them.   WhiteWater will bill the parties after they have been notified by the Water Commissioners of their payment or credit balances.  
Beebe moved that the 6 parties (205 Commercial St., 16 Holbrook Ave., 55 Commercial St., 14 Kendrick Ave., 26 Kendrick Ave., and 22 Kendrick Ave.) should have their hookup rates recalculated according to the fee scheduled established November 3, 2009. Vanderschmidt seconded.  The fee for 150 Commercial Street is excluded from the list for discussion at another time.  The motion carried 4-0.
Schaefer returned to the meeting.
Application for Service Form
Joan Baker distributed draft copies of an application form which DPW Director Mark Vincent, Russ Tierney and she had developed.  The Board discussed modifications for the form.  Included in the application material was a flow chart, which the Board reviewed with Joan Baker.  Deposit with application applied to total balance, first year water use advanced payment, and meter sizes were discussed.  Jean Schaefer and Joan Baker will revise the draft application and flow chart.  Dan Silverman had suggestions for the fire suppression section of the application.  
Tank Construction
Dan Silverman also had a question about creating storage space with a concrete floor under the water tower.  The Board discussed this with him.  There will be storage space, but there will be decking rather than concrete flooring.  The contractor for the water tower had asked about working for an extra hour every afternoon.  The Board discussed revising the original plan to allow for extended hours.   There was consensus to have the resident engineer notify the abutters of the change that extends the work hours.  
WhiteWater Report
Russ Tierney presented the monthly report from WhiteWater. He will send the report to the Board electronically.  The report included information on a variety of meter pits available.  Tierney discussed scheduling of service installation.  He’ll have more information for the January 19, 2010 meeting of the BWC.  He will also provide the Board with the ACO for the marina.
Lori Vanderschmidt and Jean Schaefer are working on a revised edition of the Rules and Regulations for the Water System.  The Board will send suggestions to them.  
Construction Update
Emily Beebe played a phone report from resident engineer Doug Ballum to keep the Board apprised of construction activity this week.  
Jean Schaefer said there was an email from Mr. Ketover about multiple meters.  The Water Commissioners need to set a policy on this, she said.  This will have to be reconciled in the Rules & Regulations.  If a customer wants more than one water meter, additional meters must be installed downline of the master meter.
Schaefer will answer Mr. Ketover’s questions.  
Other Business
Steve Gazzano asked about placing a gate at the power line entrance to the Boy Scout Camp well site.    

Dan Wexman had prepared the 2009 Annual Report, which he reviewed with the Board.  Emily Beebe will provide a picture that can go with the report.  
Minutes of 12/1/09
Beebe moved to approve the amended minutes of December 1, 2009.  Wexman seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  
The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_____________________________           __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Steve Gazzano, Co-Chair

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 1/5/10.