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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 11/03/2009
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Conference Room
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Present: Emily Beebe & Steven Gazzano, Co-Chairs; Jean Schaefer, Lori Vanderschmidt, Dan Wexman
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, Paul Gabriel of Environmental Partners Group (EPG), Consultant Mark Abrahams, Russ Tierney of WhiteWater, Assistant DPW Director Paul Lindberg

Co-Chair Steve Gazzano called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

WhiteWater Operator’s Concern
Russ Tierney of WhiteWater discussed SCADA radio problems.  He said it would be less expensive and more efficient for the Town to replace them.  

Minutes of 10/20/09
Beebe moved to approve the minutes of October 20, 2009.  Wexman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

The Board and Paul Gabriel of EPG discussed the USDA grant and State Revolving Fund dates.  The Board will continue to seek more grant money.

Enterprise Fund
Paul Sieloff discussed creation of a Water System Enterprise Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2011.

Connection Fees
Mark Abrahams and Jean Schaefer offered a PowerPoint presentation on connection fee options.  Schaefer presented Option A, a service size based fee schedule.  Abrahams explained Option B, a combination of meter size and service size to determine the fee.  After deliberating on the connection fee options, the Water Commissioners decided upon the service sized-base fee schedule.  

Beebe moved to adopt Option A with a $10,000 fee in State Class Description equals for Single Family Residences with 1” and 2” service sizes; a $16,000 fee for all other State Class Descriptions with a 1” and 2” service; and a $42,000 fee for properties with 3” and 4” service size equivalent.  Wexman seconded, and the motion carried 3-2.

The Board will make a statement on how the figures were arrived at and write a draft of the new connection fees for the Rules & Regulations.

Harborside Village
Discussion of Harborside Village’s connection will be an agenda item for another meeting.

Budget Spreadsheet
Mark Abrahams reviewed a Fiscal Year 2010 spreadsheet of revenue, expenditures, debt, general water system expenses, capital project funds, and the Water Distribution Capital Fund with the Board.  A similar budget for Fiscal Year 2011 will be created.  

Construction Update
Paul Gabriel reviewed the construction schedule for this week.  He also distributed several additional route options with cost estimates for each.  Beebe suggested submitting an additional request for USDA Funds for the next phase of expansion.  Mr. Gabriel also distributed figures for other options that have been discussed.  Gazzano suggested that the Water Commissioners study the options and come back to vote on them at the next meeting.  Beebe said the next phases could be a warrant item for the Annual Town Meeting.

Other Fees
Paul Sieloff asked Jean Schaefer to do further work on other fees for additional services.

Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held November 17, 2009.  Agenda items will include: the operator’s report, prioritization of additional routes, and the DPW Department operations.

Gazzano moved to adjourn, and the meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
___________________________             __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Steven Gazzano, Co-Chair

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/17/09.