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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 09/29/2009
Minutes of the Town of Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners Meeting, 29 September 2009.

Board members present: Emily Beebe and Steve Gazzano, co-chairs, Lori Vanderschmidt, Jean Schaefer, Dan Wexman.  Also present: Paul Sieloff, Town Administrator.

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.

The meeting opened with a discussion of what type of fund would be most appropriate to manage the WMWS: enterprise, special revenue or general fund.  Beebe, Vanderschmidt, Gazzano, Schaefer and Wexman agreed that whatever type of fund was chosen, transparency should be the focus, so that those interested could easily understand and evaluate the financial status of the WMWS.  A question arose regarding the amount of new and existing debt that should be included in the fund.  Paul Sieloff pointed out that a debt burdened fund might never show a surplus, a situation which would impede the provision of adequate resources for both maintenance and future expansion.  These issues will be addressed in the teleconference with Mark Abrahams, scheduled for September 30th.  Further discussion suggested that Mark Abrahams also create a spread sheet, based on projected costs and revenues, that dealt with the following scenarios: 1) all old debt included 2) all old and new debt included 3) all old debt excluded 4) all old and new debt excluded 5) various percentages of debt included (i.e. 25%, 50%, 75%).

Discussion then turned to the cost and practicality of installing conduit and eventually fiber optic cable in the water tower.  This enhancement could become a means for a new town telephone system and a source of future revenue for the WMWS.  Paul Sieloff will follow up with costs.

Discussion then turned to the cost of adding new routes the current WMWS plan.  Beebe suggested, as had been discussed at the previous weekly construction meeting, that small additions be accepted as change orders, pending approval from the BOS.  Larger additions should be segmented to improve affordability, all subject to BOS approval and when appropriate, subject to voter approval and the Annual Town Meeting, while construction would still be ongoing.  Costs for these additions are now being developed.  Beebe suggested that the BoWC send letters to residents of smaller additional (potential) routes to determine interest levels, while the project is under way.

Vanderschmidt suggested that we create a budget for the WMWS which tracks all costs during the development stages of the new water system.  All BoWC members concurred that this endeavor would be useful and should be implemented as soon as possible.  Paul Sieloff agreed to create such a budget and present it to the BoWC.

Discussion then turned to protecting the well areas.  Gazzano drafted a letter the National Seashore, which requested permission to construct two gates on access roads to the well fields.  Paul Sieloff will send the final letter to the appropriate parties and follow up on replies.  Motion: (Vanderschmidt) To approve the letter and proceed with the plan; Second: Beebe.  Unanimous vote.

Discussion then moved to the impending meeting with the BOS, which follows this meeting, regarding NSTAR’s use of pesticides and the like to control growth and maintain access to the power lines in Wellfleet.  Beebe pointed out that Wellfleet already has established a zone of protection which extends to a radius of one half mile from each well.  

The meeting was adjourned by general consensus at 6:55 pm.

Minutes taken and submitted by Dan Wexman.

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 10/20/09.