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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 07/20/2009
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Hearing Room
Tuesday, July 20, 2009

Steve Gazzano called the meeting to order at 6:45.
Those members in attendance were Dan Wexman, Steve Gazzano, Jean Schaffer, Lori Vanderschmidt and Emily Beebe. Paul Sieloff, Town Administrator was also present (until 6:45).

Water Tower
The Board developed a list of questions to ask of CBI (Chicago Bridge and Iron), holder of the contract for the Water Tower construction. Questions were primarily about the issues involved with painting the tower, and possibly adding a design.
Questions included:
  • Cost of template for painting artwork
  • Color of base painting
  • Specifications for any artwork, dimensions, # colors, etc.
  • Frequency of future maintenance painting req’d
  • Specs for adding cellular service.
At 7:00 The Board called Dan Knight from CBI to go over the questions. He indicated we could send him artwork in order to provide us with cost estimates for the painting. He suggested that painting a logo or simple artwork would keep costs down. A design with less colors and less intricacy would also keep costs down. He stated that the company would use a primer coat touchup on all seams once the tank was assembled, then the application of an intermediate and then a final 2 part epoxy coat on the exterior.
He also stated that the outside of the tank would need to be re-painted every 15 years, and that the inside of the tank would have to be sandblasted to bare metal every 15 years as well. He said that decals might be a feasible cost option for an intricate design, but that the life span is shorter than painting.
Mr. Knight sent us a model replica of the tank, and offered to help with a school presentation on the tank if we were interested. The phone call ended at 7:30.

Lori Vanderschmidt informed the Board that the sale of space as sponsorship for the tower art project presented a conflict because of the federal funding of our project, according to Mr. Knight from CBI. Lori Vanderschmidt presented her idea of a voter phone survey to gauge interest on a design contest for the water tower, and the Board tabled the matter until their next meeting.
Construction schedule
The Board discussed the construction schedule, which will be posted once it is rec’d from the contractor R.B. Our Company.  Construction of the mains will not begin until after Labor Day. The weekly construction meetings will be posted, and held on Tuesdays at 10 AM beginning in September, at the COA. Steve G and Emily B will attend weekly and other Board members and the public are welcome.  
The Board discussed communication protocol for the upcoming construction of the water mains, and the change-order process. Steve Gazzano prepared a protocol overview, and emailed it to the group.
Connection fees
Dan Wexman had drafted clearly worded motions that would allow the Board to resolve some persistent technical questions about property categories.

MOTION: Emily Beebe, SECOND: Jean Schaefer
For the purpose of categorizing properties the BoWC shall adopt the same definitions and examples of property types and property uses as stated in sections II and V in the Town of Wellfleet Zoning By-Laws.
VOTE: 5-0 in favor

MOTION: Emily Beebe, SECOND :Jean Schaefer
For the purpose of establishing water usage and resulting connection fees the BoWC shall use the Title V flow calculations which are on file with the Town of Wellfleet Board of Health.  In the absence of such data the BoWC shall request an estimate of septic flow from the Town of Wellfleet Board of Health, which the BoWC will use for calculating water usage and resulting connection fees.
VOTE: 5-0 in favor

MOTION: Emily Beebe, SECOND: Jean Schaefer
For the purpose of differentiating between properties used as single family dwellings and multiple family dwellings, single family dwellings shall be defined as those properties which, regardless of the number of structures contained thereon, have only one kitchen which contains a stove; multiple family dwellings shall be defined as those properties which contain multiple structures or multiple units within a structure, each of which contains a kitchen with a stove.  In the case of single family and multiple family dwellings, the BoWC shall use either Title V flow data on file with the Town of Wellfleet Board of Health or the Board of Health septic flow estimate for calculating water usage and resulting connection fees
VOTE: 5-0 in favor

The Board discussed the process for answering questions on connection costs for various properties.

  • The minutes of May 6, 2009 were discussed, and accepted.
MOTION: Emily Beebe, SECOND: Lori Vanderschmidt VOTE: 5-0 in favor
  • The minutes of June 16, 2009 were discussed, and accepted with changes.
MOTION: Dan Wexman, SECOND: Jean Schaefer VOTE: 5-0 in favor
  • The minutes of June 30, 2009 were discussed, and accepted with changes.
MOTION: Jean Schaefer, SECOND: Dan Wexman VOTE: 5-0 in favor
  • The minutes of July 13, 2009 were discussed, and accepted with changes.
MOTION: Dan Wexman, SECOND: Emily Beebe VOTE: 5-0 in favor

Steve Gazzano moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40, and so we did.

Minutes submitted by Emily Beebe

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 8/17/09.