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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 6/30/2009
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Hearing Room
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Present: Chair Emily Beebe, Steven Gazzano, Lori Vanderschmidt, Jean Schaefer, Dan Wexman
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Assistant DPW Director Paul Lindberg, EPG Representatives Paul Gabriel and Paul Millett

Chair Emily Beebe called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
Harborside Village
Dave Bennett of Dave Bennett Environmental and Maria Hollis were present to discuss the connection of Harborside Village.  Bennett said that Harborside needed to make decisions on connecting to the 85 units to the Municipal Water System.  Beebe gave September, 2010 as a target date for completion of the expansion and said there would be enough capacity for Harborside.  Mr. Bennett said one metered connection to the entire parcel was Harborside’s hook-up preference.  Beebe asked that Mr. Bennett get the Harborside Title V flow figures of gallons per day (gpd) to the BWC.  Mr. Bennett made his formal request for a connection of Harborside Village.  
Discussion of Meeting with USDA
Paul Gabriel and Paul Millett of EPG and Paul Sieloff reported on their meeting with Ronald Koontz to get United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funding.  The Board grappled with the possibilities for funding regarding the State Revolving Fund (SRF) grant and USDA money.  Paul Gabriel explained the possible consequences of putting the project back out to bid if the grant procedure changes.    Paul Sieloff, Paul Millett and Emily Beebe will make further inquiries about financing options. Paul Millett and the Board discussed the amount of a loan that would be needed if the Town seeks short term financing.  
Preconstruction Conference
Beebe asked that the communication process be set before the final preconstruction conference.  Paul Gabriel assured the BWC, through the chair, that BWC would be involved in all decisions such as: change orders; plans for the crews each week; the purpose of the preconstruction meeting; quick decisions in the field; the designation of Emily Beebe and Paul Sieloff for signing change orders up to $10,000 with a ceiling of $100,000; communications through EPG; the point of contact person; emergency situations; prevailing wage costs per day; advance changes of route; and bringing the changes to the BOS.
Dates for Preconstruction Meeting
A preconstruction meeting during the week of July 13, 2009 will be scheduled with Robert B. Our for Contract #1 for the well and water mains.
Contract for Operation and Maintenance
Paul Millett distributed the Contract and Specifications for Operations and Maintenance of the Wellfleet Municipal Water System for the Commissioners to review.  The meeting for bids will be held July 16, 2009.  
Legal Questions  
Schaefer disclosed she has a connection to the WMWS
Paul Sieloff discussed the questions which the BWC had forwarded to him.  He discussed: changes to the route; establishing an Enterprise Fund; legal liability;  use of a financial consultant; and connection fee anomalies.  
Connection Fees
Dan Wexman and Jean Schaefer distributed an information sheet on connection fees for the Board to study.
Planning for Public Hearing
The Board decided to move the date for the public hearing for changes to the Rules & Regulations to August or September.
Preparation for Planning Board Meeting
Planning Board has invited the BWC to their July 15, 2009 meeting.  Emily Beebe plans to attend the meeting to discuss any zoning changes needed for the expanded water system.  
Design for Water Tank
Lori Vanderschmidt recommended meeting each week in July.  Meetings will be scheduled for July 13, 20 and 27.  
Emily Beebe had received an e-mal from realtor Kathleen Nagle regarding the water tower.  
Beebe moved to adjourn, Gazzano seconded and the meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
__________________________              __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Emily Beebe, Chair

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 7/20/09.