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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 02/21/2008

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Senior Center Conference Room
Thursday, February 21, 2008, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Vice-Chairman Moe Barocas, Emily Beebe, Celeste Makely, Julia Willecke

Absent: Mark Berry

Vice-Chair Moe Barocas called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Meeting with School Committee & Tank Site
The Water Commissioners decided to write a letter to the School Committee apologizing for not having been prepared with a full presentation for their meeting of February 12.  There was a misunderstanding, and the BWC will coordinate with Environmental Partners Group (EPG) to reschedule a presentation at a future date.  

The BWC plans to make a site visit to the Lawrence Rd. property.  BWC will also schedule a meeting inviting Recreation, School Committee and Housing Authority with EPG after the BWC has met with EPG.   The other committees will be asked for a list of questions in advance.  

Betterments & Hook-up Fees
Betterments have to do with how to charge for water hook-ups and usage.  Moe Barocas reviewed betterments with the Board.  There is an impact on the value of property if a water line goes by it.  Betterment fees for properties that do not hook-up, based on the possibility of workable fire hydrants were discussed and the fact that fire insurance premiums would go down.  Hook-up fees based on pipe size rather than residential equivalents were discussed.  The hoped for reversal in the 80:20 cost ratio was also discussed.  

Celeste Makely will get information on the Brewster Water System and its pricing policies.

Liens at Transfer of Property
Town Counsel had given the opinion that the unpaid water bills can be put on tax bills.  Barocas moved to endorse this plan.  Makely seconded and the motion carried 3-0.  Notification of this vote will be sent to Town Administrator Paul Seiloff, Assistant Town Administrator Rex  Peterson and Tax Collector Maryanne Nickerson.

Loan Programs for Hook-ups
BWC looked at a sample letter offering a 10-year program of amortization of connection fees at a rate of 5 % per year.  BWC discussed summer residence and usage also.  The loans are available through the State Revolving Fund (SRF).  Twenty year loans are available through SRF, according to Beebe.

Minutes of 2/7/08
Barocas moved to approve the minutes of February 7, 2008.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.  

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Moe Barocas, Vice-Chairman

These minutes were approved at the BWC meeting of 3/6/08.