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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 01/17/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Hearing Room
Thursday, January 17, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Chairman Mark Berry, Emily Beebe, Celeste Makely, Julia Willecke, DPW Director Mark Vincent

Absent: Moe Barocas

Chairman Mark Berry opened the hearing at 7:05 p.m.

Public Hearing on Double Check Valves and Expansion Tanks
Berry moved to accept a change in the Rules & Regulations.  Willecke seconded.  Berry explained that the new section on double check valves and expansion tanks was meant to update the regulations.  The motion carried 3-0.

Chairman Berry closed the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. and the regular meeting began.

Minutes of 12/6/07
Berry moved to approve the amended minutes of December 12, 2007.  Willecke seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

Water Tank Site A Concerns
Laura Wanko of the Recreation Commission and Recreation Director Becky Rosenberg were present to discuss locating a soccer field in the same area off Lawrence Road that the Water Commissioners had recommended for the water tank.  Wanko had concerns about coordination of both projects; the extent of fencing that would surround a water tank; and construction routes into the water tank location.  The Water Commissioners requested the soccer field plans, so that the engineers can design a plan that shows both the soccer field and the water tank dimensions.  Recreation is hoping to have the field installed in a few years.  Beebe discussed the benefits of doing both projects together as much as possible.  Beebe said EPG was good at bundling projects, so timing would be for the mutual benefit of the water tank and the soccer field.  BWC will also be meeting with the School Committee to discuss the water tank at the Lawrence Rd. site.  

Operations Update
Mark Vincent distributed a list of maintenance and operations on the water system in 2007.  He answered questions from the Water Commissioners.  He gave an explanation of lead and copper water test failures at two residential locations; DPW believes that the samples had been compromised by sitting too long.  The generator at the Coles Neck pump station had finally been installed, he reported.    Vincent promised to have copies of the sampling protocols and the locations of locations being sampled.  

Mark Vincent and the Board discussed reassessment of fees for hook-ups and use of the water system.  Use of betterments is another possibility they discussed. The existing fees in Wellfleet and other towns were compared.  Willecke asked if there was a possible tax deduction for home improvement loans for water connections.  

Mark Vincent discussed the problem of property transfers and the balance of the water connection loans.  Town Counsel is reviewing the transfer of property issue.  Another Rules & Regulations change might be needed to address transfer of property.  

Cost of the system construction was another major concern.  The Board would like to have a Warrant Article for fee changes ready for April Town Meeting.  
This discussion will be continued at the second meeting in February.

Near-term Goals
The Board considered getting a fee schedule and plan to pay for the system expansion as important near term goals.  They also discussed the Wastewater Committee formation and the upcoming meeting with the BOS about provisions for wastewater.

Local Comprehensive Planning Committee Revision on Water System
Berry and the Board reviewed the latest version of the LCPC draft and made further revisions to the Water Resources section.  Berry moved to adopt the amended draft of the Water section of the Local Comprehensive Plan.  Willecke seconded.  The motion carried 4-0.

Berry moved to endorse the Cape Cod Commission’s comments on the Water Resources section of the LCPC..  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

Berry moved to adjourn and the meeting ended by consensus at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Mark Berry, Chairman

These minutes were approved at the BWC meeting February 7, 2008.