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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 11/15/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Senior Center Conference Room
Thursday, November 15, 2007,  7:00 pm

Present:  Chairman Mark Berry, Moe Barocas, Julia Willecke, Celeste Makely

Absent:  Emily Beebe

Chairman Berry called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

I.      Minutes of 11/01/07.    Moe Barocas moved the minutes as amended; seconded by Celeste Makely; passed 4-0.

II      Talking Points for Dec. 6 Meeting with EPG.  Dec. 6 meeting as:
1.      Suitability for the Wellfleet by the Sea parcel for tank siting.  
2.      Timeline for tank siting
3.      Timeline for finalizing engineering in regard to April Town Meeting
4.      Superimpose the interest map on the proposed route map.
5.      Results of Soil testing at the Boy Scout Camp.
6.      Anticipated  chemical treatment and additives
7.      Material that they are specifying and why for piping fittings for the system.
8.      Telephone emergency system for notification of water system quality or mechanical problems to Wellfleet households.

III     Discussion on Hearing on Rules and Regulations:  Rex Peterson and Mark  Vincent:
1.      Solidify DPW liaison
2.      Flexibility of the route proposal as per master plan/town vote
3.      Has Rex notified school on legal opinion on the expiration on the deed restrictions on the school property.
4.      TA and board of water commissioners liaison with seashore

Moe moved to send a letter to the elementary school.  Discussion took place regarding informing them it is the #1 site and the deed restrictions have expired.   What, if any objections do you have so we can work with you to alleviate your fears.  If the town decides on that generalized site, we would like to be sure it doesn’t impact your plan for a soccer field or other plans.  Moe suggested notifying the elementary school about when our meetings are and invite them to address their concerns. After discussion among Board members, it was decided to ask Rex if he has notified the school and not send the letter.  
Moe withdrew his motion  Moe stated if Wellfleet by the Sea is looked at more seriously, a survey needs to be done.

Mark Berry added definitions to the rules and regulations in the legal advertisement for the January 17, 2008 meeting.  Mark Berry moved to accept the definitions as listed for the legal advertisement for January 17, 2008; seconded by Julie Willecke; passed 4-0.  
IV.     Follow-up on Tank Site Search
        One site and potential site at Wellfleet by the Sea.  

Mark Berry motioned to adjourn at 8:05 pm; seconded by Moe Barocas; passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary            Mark Berry, Chairman
