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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 10/04/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Senior Center Conference Room
Thursday, October 4, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Moe Barocas, Emily Beebe, Celeste Makely and Julia Willecke
Absent: Mark Berry
Also Attending:  John Riehl, Chairman of the NRAB; Peter and Donna Karycki

Vice-Chairman Moe Barocas called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.  

The intent of the meeting was to plan for the meeting with the Board of Selectmen and another meeting with the Board of Health, but first the Water Commissioners dealt with a few other issues.

John Riehl informed the Board that he was present to discuss wastewater issues with the BWC.  He and Emily Beebe discussed the Estuaries Project’s approach to nitrogen in the harbor.  Riehl said there would be a presentation of the Estuaries Project at the State of the Harbor Conference November 10 at the Wellfleet Elementary School.  

Peter and Donna Karycki were present to ask about a timeline for the water expansion and tank siting.  They were particularly concerned about the flagging that had been done along the road exiting the Coles Neck Well site.  The Water Commissioners did not have an explanation for the flags.  The Karyckis had additional names to include in the petition they had presented at the last meeting.  

The Commissioners examined an overlay map based on survey results.  The map indicated which homeowners had an interest in connecting to the water system.  

Moe Barocas said that the time frame for choice of a tank site is not set  
Beebe considered that hearings were several months away.  Barocas had received a reply from Paul Millett of EPG regarding the size lot needed for a tank site.  This was in the interest of finding a private lot that might be suitable.  The subcommittee plans to contact all the Wellfleet realtors to request listings that meet the criteria that Millett suggested.  Celeste Makely said there was also Town-owned land within the National Seashore that the subcommittee was investigating for possible siting of a water tank.

Donna Karycki asked about pumping stations as an alternative to water tanks.  Beebe said that the amount of storage is the most compelling reason for tanks.
Topics that the BWC wished to discuss with the Board of Selectmen included tank sites in the Seashore, wastewater planning, water for the fire station, and Charter changes that affect the Water Commissioners,

Barocas suggested getting a monthly Water System report that is separate from the DPW report.  Barocas said that a DPW representative in attendance at BWC meetings once a week would be desirable.  The Water Commissioners would also like to have a question included interviews for TA candidates.  The secretary will request that the search committee ask about experience with municipal water systems.  

The first item to discuss with the BOS will be water for the new fire station.  The second point is to implement the spirit of the Charter changes in order to keep the BWC informed on all aspects of the water system.  The Charter change in regard to BWC power (8-8-4) states: “Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 5-3-2(h) of this Charter, except under emergency conditions, no contract relating to the Town’s Municipal Water Systems shall be executed without prior approval of the Board of Water Commissioners.”   

The subset of topics for this point consists of receiving a water system activity report monthly and having a DPW liaison meet with BWC once a month.  

The other Charter provision the BWC wants considered is 8-8-6: “The Board of Water Commissioners shall:
(a)     correspond with Federal, state or county agencies relating to the Town’s Municipal Water Systems unless prohibited by contractual or statutory provisions;
(b)     review all other correspondence with Federal, state or county agencies relating to the Town’s Municipal Water Systems;
(c)     receive copies of all correspondence from these agencies relating to the Town’s Municipal Water Systems as soon as they are received by any Town official, board, commission or committee”

The third discussion point is to be wastewater planning.  The survey responses regarding the need for a wastewater system could be mentioned.  The Water Commissioners believed a wastewater committee would need representatives from the BOH and BWC.  Beebe, who is part of the Water Protection Collaborative, stressed the interconnectedness of water and wastewater issues.  There could be a technical committee and a citizens’ wastewater group, she suggested.

Barocas moved to recommend the creation of a wastewater committee of two Water Commissioners, two Board of Health members and two Selectmen.  Beebe seconded the motion, and the motion carried 3-0-1.  

Beebe elaborated on money that could be available for a wastewater committee.
She discussed new funding legislation that would become available for wastewater as well as water supply planning. A Wastewater management plan must be in place in order to get any funding, she explained.  Barnstable County offered a grant that Eastham was able to take advantage of already, she said.
Money is still available for watershed study, according to Beebe.  

Beebe discussed the water testing programs in Eastham and Truro and said that the County covers most of the cost of their programs.  She would like to see this implemented in Wellfleet.  

Barocas suggested that the water testing be a subject to discuss with the BOH.  The BWC could offer to help a water testing program and offer support to the BOH.   This will be a topic to discuss with the BOH at a joint meeting.

Barocas said the BWC needed to get a copy of the waiting list of people who wanted to be added to the list of homeowners waiting to be connected to the municipal water system.  Willecke asked about criteria for prioritizing people on the waiting list.   

Barocas moved to adjourn.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________         __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Moe Barocas, Vice-Chairman
