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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 07/17/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Senior Center Conference Room
Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Mark Berry, Chairman, Julia Willecke, Celeste Makely, and Moe Barocas,
Regrets:  Emily Beebe

Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.  

Mark Berry motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 6/19/07 as amended; seconded by Julie Willecke; passed 4-0.

Mark Berry motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 6/27/07 as written; seconded by Moe Barocas; passed 3-0.

The Board discussed the water tank Site A property behind the ball field and, Moe Barocas motioned to send a letter to Rex asking for a legal opinion on the deeds for the school property.  seconded by Celeste; passed 4-0.

It was requested Paul Gabrielle at Environmental Partners and the Selectmen be copied on the letter.

Mark stated the DEP may not allow a soccer field be located there; however, if the restriction were lifted, the well could be located there as well as the soccer field.  Mark stated the area would not require much work in terms of impacting the environment and there would be less of an impact to the neighborhood.  The property on Old Kings Highway would be a major impact to the environment.

Questions regarding other possible tank sites within the National Seashore arose, and Moe moved to write a letter regarding this to the Acting TA with copies to the Selectmen and Paul Gabrielle; seconded by Julie; passed 4-0.  
After discussing the option of inviting the Fire Chief and Acting TA to a meeting to discuss the construction of the Fire Station and water issues, it was agreed a letter would be written asking:  1.)  What, if any plans, are in the works?  2.)  Could a meeting be scheduled some time in the future to bring the Water Commissioners up to speed?  Moe moved to write the letter, Julie seconded, passed 4-0.

Environmental Partners has set up a time line, and Moe thinks that by now, the Town should be well on our way of choosing a site, but we are no where near there.  Should the Board be meeting more often?  

Julie asked if the use of the land is for the sake of the children, how putting a well there for the Fire Department is for the children.    Mark does not feel DEP will allow the non conformity of the well to expand for the Fire Department and the school.      

Julie discussed the brochure with information on fertilizers, water quality, etc.  She had written up a list for “KNOW YOUR WATER.”  There is a true or false questionnaire to hand out at the Oyster Festival.  Moe suggested a tri-fold format. All contestants get a chance for a random drawing of a quilt, hand made by Julie.    Although there is no line item in the budget for the Commission, Mark stated there might be some funds in the DPW for producing a tri-fold.  There was discussion if the Wellfleet Oyster Festival was the proper venue, and Mark stated it would reach more people and many families are shutting their water from their second homes.   Celeste will contact the Festival for a location for a table.

Items for next meeting agenda include the Oyster Festival and Reorganization of the Commission.
The Commission reviewed the letter from the Housing Authority requesting a response for town owned property.  Mark would like the response to read:
The Environmental Partners Group has suggested the property located at Map 16,  Parcels 110, 111 and 143 as a potential water tower tank for the Wellfleet Municipal Water System.

Based on availability of Commissioners, the discussion with the Board of Health will be scheduled for October
Mary Rogers will provide paperwork, sources, etc. to Celeste to help her get on board.  Mary will also supply a contact sheet to all members of the Commission.

Mark moved for adjournment at 8:50 pm; seconded by Moe; passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Bates, Committee Secretary