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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 04/17/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of April 17, 2007
Senior Center Conference Room
Present: Mark Berry, Chairman; Lynn Hiller, Julia Willecke

Absent:  Emily Beebe, Moe Barocas       

Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

ACO for Wellfleet Elementary School PWS ID #4318037
Chairman Mark Berry said that there would be money budgeted for a new well if Town entered into the Administrative Consent Order (ACO).   That new well would serve the fire station and the school.  There would be two Town Meeting cycles to secure approval for the expansion of the Master Plan Phases 3, 4 and 5 by the year 2011.  If that is not achieved, the ACO will allow temporary use of the existing well for the fire station.  A new well could then be installed for the fire station and school.  From the floor, Fire Chief Dan Silverman said that the DEP considers the existing well a non-compliant well.  However, the well is adequate to serve the two facilities for now, Silverman said.  Failing to gain expansion approval, the new well would have to be installed.  Silverman explained the needs of the fire station sprinkler system.  

From the floor, Helen Wilson reminded the Board that DEP could fine the Town for being non-compliant.  Wilson said an ACO was not necessary, but she suggested that the BWC should wait for its other members to make a decision on this.  She discussed waivers that the DEP could grant.  Berry said that the DEP would not allow expansion of use of a non-compliant well without an ACO.  Wilson urged that the BWC meet with Mike Quink of the DEP.  

Mark Berry discussed the option of installing a new well to bridge the gap instead of waiting until a water tank is built with Town Meeting approval.  Hiller suggested that the BWC contact Mike Quink to discuss the situation with them.  Berry said the current well is considered non-compliant because of the ball field within the zone of contribution.   

Wilson pointed out the wording of “preferred” option, not “required” option for expanding the water system.  Wilson discussed other provisions in the ACO.  Berry said that the BWC wanted Town Counsel’s opinion on the ACO.  He further wanted to discuss it in depth with the DEP with all BWC members.  He wondered if the ACO could be amended.  He also considered the option of installing a well without an ACO.  

Wilson suggested getting the gallons per day (gpd) for the school and the projections for gpd for the fire station before making any decision.  Wilson mentioned the option of double plumbing.

Boriskins – Response for Information
There was not a quorum present to discuss the Boriskins situation.

Survey Suggestions
The Board considered two revisions of the “Cost Information” part of the survey.  The Board went through the other questions and eliminated or modified them.

Public Hearing Date
Julia Willecke discussed the shape of the water tank.  Berry said that any debate over design would come down to aesthetics.  A tank with a skirt would provide storage space, Berry said.  However, the recommendation for the site and design of the tank should be determined before the public hearing.  The secretary will contact EPG regarding the balloon tests.

Charter Review Changes for TM
The Board discussed the Charter Review changes that are in the Warrant for April 23, 2007 Town Meeting.  Berry moved to recommend the Charter changes in the Town Meeting Warrant pertaining to Water commissioners.  Willecke seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

Priorities List
The Board considered the January 17, 2007 update of its priority list.  Berry discussed methods of gaining information for determining hook-up fees.  Hiller suggested action on #3A (an informational campaign) and #5 (articles for the WhiteWater newsletter).  Berry suggested waiting until the full Board was present to set the 2007 priorities.  Hiller also considered ways for handling #1 regarding capacity. She said a guideline or primer would helpful.  Berry discussed #2 on pricing structure.  

Minutes of 3/20/07
Berry moved to approve the minutes of March 20, 2007.  Willecke seconded and the motion carried 3-0.  

Berry moved to adjourn, Willecke seconded and the motion carried unanimously.  The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Mark Berry, Chairman
