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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 02/20/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of February 20, 2007
Senior Center Conference Room

Present: Lynn Hiller, Moe Barocas, Emily Beebe, Julia Willecke
Also Attending:  DPW Director Mark Vincent, EPG President Paul Gabriel and Helen Wilson, former Selectman and Water Commissioner
Absent: Mark Berry
Vice-Chairman Moe Barocas called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Paul Gabriel, president of Environmental Partners Group (EPG) gave an update on the design phases for the water system expansion.  He said that survey and borings along the proposed route are the first steps of design.  He displayed a large map of the additional route of the water main.  Gabriel explained where the old Coles Neck System exists and where the harbor main was added.  He said that the new extension would create a loop connection.  The advantage of the loop is that alternate routes would exist in case of an emergency shut off.  The Boy Scout Camp well site would connect into the center of town, and a new route from the existing well site into town center would complete the loop.  Gabriel said that EPG was also designing a water tank.  They provide hydraulic stability.  They also provide fire storage.  The fire hydrants were put in place ahead of this for economic reasons and for flushing purposes.    

Gabriel said the route survey will also indicate utilities.  No surprises have been found in the borings so far.  There were no ledges or rock.  EPG does not monitor water quality at the borings.  He showed the locations of the borings on the map.  Gabriel explained the plan for directional borings under Eel Creek.  

He displayed posters of the two water tower sites that were being considered.  Beebe asked about another possible site on Town-owned land, and Barocas asked if the tank could be at the well site.  Gabriel said the balloon tests for the height of the tank would be done soon.  Gabriel answered questions about selection of possible sites and the questionnaire that EPG had prepared for homeowners along the route.  BWC members advised Gabriel that they would need public hearings for some items on the time line.  

Gabriel suggested meeting again in mid-April or having a public hearing at that time.  Beebe wanted to get a hearing scheduled for possible sites.  Gabriel wanted to put together a matrix of sites before going into a public hearing.

Gabriel said he could have photographs of the balloon tests for the March 20 meeting.  Barocas asked about putting art work on the water tank.  Gabriel said the current trend for water tanks is to make them blend in, not call attention to them.

Hiller brought up the issue of helicopter use of the ball field at the school site.  Gabriel said a helicopter could still land, but it was an issue to discuss.  

Beebe mentioned the cemetery off Gross Hill Road, the Boy Scout Camp, and Town owned land on Gull Pond Road as other possible sites.  Helen Wilson said other plans for the Gull Pond Rd. property were already underway.

Gabriel said that a water tower site had to be at least an acre in size.  Beebe asked about use of the tank by the school if that was the site for the water tower.  

Hiller moved to request a status report from the Town Administrator and Board of Selectmen on the Tesson property.  Beebe seconded and the motion carried 4-0.

Gabriel reviewed the time line for the design plans.  He went over the routes as now planned.  Barocas asked about additional spurs.  Gabriel said at intersections, valves and fitting stubs are added so that expansion would be possible at a future time.  

Mark Vincent said to consider the closest customers of possible stubs if the BWC wanted to survey other homeowners near the route.  Helen Wilson asked about private road takings for subdivisions that the water main would run through.  

Gabriel said it was possible to proceed with the plan and simultaneously explore the possibilities of further connections.  The survey is one tool for this, he said.  Barocas considered meeting with the Board of Health to check on properties on the edges of the planned route.  

Gabriel said more customers would help pay for the system.  Barocas said he would like to look at those near the planned system.  Gabriel said that the questionnaire could be sent out to a broader base than those along the route.  

Mark Vincent discussed the Paine Hollow/Pleasant Point Private Water System.  Beebe discussed some possibilities for further expansion of the Master Plan.  

Gabriel said there is no one way to plan, nor is there just one questionnaire.  He is amenable to customizing the questions and plan as needed.  The BWC made several suggestions for the questionnaire: send it to people near the proposed water main route as well as those on it; add a disclaimer; have the Water Commissioners send out the survey, not the Town Administrator; clarify the wording of connection costs on the last page; include some average use guidelines for question #3; add a statement of lower costs with more customers hooked-up; add information on financing and tax relief; and add additional questions to #5 on use of bottled water and testing water.

Helen Wilson offered information on costs and water usage.  She said the former BOS voted to have the entire cost of the water system borne by the customers.  The formula now in effect is a 75% cost carried by the users and 25% from the Town.  Wilson also discussed usage according to meter readings over a three year period.  

BWC, Mark Vincent and Paul Gabriel discussed hook-up fee by units vs. by parcel.  Usage or betterment fees are often used for large parcels, according to Gabriel.  There are various formulas that can be used, he said.  

Hiller asked about the permits and their life spans.  DEP has a five year life span, but they are renewable, Gabriel said.  There is a pump test permit for Wellfleet-by-the-Sea that Gabriel will check on.

Paul Gabriel said he would respond to a letter from John Riehl of the NRAB.

Other Business
Barocas read a letter dated January 25, 2007 from John Riehl of the NRAB.  Gabriel said the concerns raised had already been dealt with.  The findings were that there was no draw-down.  

Irmgard Boriskin’s letter regarding a water connection will be addressed at the next BWC meeting.  

The Board discussed ATBS (Area to be served) near the Landfill.  The secretary will ask Mark Vincent about usage in that area.

Jean Woodes’ letter of January 30, 2007 needed a response.  The secretary will send her an e-mail message that her concerns are being discussed by the BWC.
BWC discussed the water supply at the fire station and the Administrative Consent Order (AOC) considered in a letter dated January 30, 2007 from the Town Administrator to Mike Quink of the DEP.  Beebe moved to send the Board of Selectmen a letter with copies to the Town Administrator and Charter Review Board referencing this missive and explaining that the BWC was not advised of the AOC discussion as it was progressing and had not had an opportunity to express the Board’s negative reaction to an AOC.  Additionally, the BWC would like to receive everything the Town Administrator receives from Environmental Partners at the same time that he does.  The letter will further state that the Water Commissioners would like to discuss their involvement in policy with the BOS and have their role defined in writing.  Hiller seconded, and the motion to send the letter carried 4-0.

An agenda item for next meeting is a BWC link on the Wellfleet Website with a suggested a one page overview of the water situation in Wellfleet.

Emily Beebe announced a one-day workshop “Financing Wastewater Solutions” to be held April 27, 2007.  

Barocas moved to adjourn. Hiller seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  The meeting adjourned at   9:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________         __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Moe Barocas, Vice-Chairman
