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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 11/16/2006

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of November 16, 2006
Senior Center Conference Room

Present:        Mark Berry, Chairman; Lynn Hiller, Moe Barocas,
Absent: Erik Mitchell, Emily Beebe
Also Attending: Town Administrator Tim Smith, Chairman of the Board of    Selectmen and Former Water Commissioner Dale Donovan

Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Special Town Meeting Recap
The Board discussed the presentation of the Articles at Special Town Meeting, November 13, 2006.  They felt this was a first step forward towards construction of the expanded water system.

Moe Barocas moved to approve the minutes of October 26, October 31, November 2 and November 7, 2006. Lynn seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

The BWC needed a new vice chairman and new member.  The Board considered approaching candidates for membership on the BWC.  Berry asked for a vice chair, and Moe Barocas volunteered.  The Board will contact Erik Mitchell to confirm his intentions of dropping out of the BWC. The Board of Selectmen need to be notified through a memo if he is withdrawing.  Berry moved that Moe Barocas be vice chair.  Hiller seconded, and the motion
carried 3-0.

Design Services
Tim Smith explained that while there are specific laws for bidding in the construction phases of a project, design services do not have to go out to bid.  There is no set process for choosing a designer, but it is recommended that the RFP process be followed.  Smith reviewed the history of Environmental Partners Group (EPG) services for the Town. Smith recommended that the Town continue with EPG for design.  He’d like the BWC endorsement for his recommendation to the Board of Selectmen to use EPG in the form of a memo.  Dale Donovan discussed reasons for using EPG.  He and Smith gave a time frame for the design phase.  Smith mentioned other upcoming projects of financial concern.  The Board said there would be continuity working with EPG.  Smith said he has had good experiences with EPG and considers them trustworthy.  Lynn Hiller moved to endorse the Town Administrator’s recommendation to continue with EPG.  Berry seconded the motion. The BWC would like to be kept apprised of EPG’s progress.  The motion carried 3-0.  Smith gave a rough schedule that the BWC can expect from EPG on finances, customers and design.  
The Board also discussed briefly with Smith and Donovan: reversing costs, original customer costs, pipe materials, and cost of pipe installation.  

Senior Center Water
There will be a treatment system put into the Senior Center to prevent the corrosion of the pipes. The Board asked the Town Administrator to be kept updated, and he said that he would.  A connection to the Boy Scout Camp well would also alleviate the problem.  

Budget FY2008
The Town Administrator said he would establish a committee budget for the BWC.

Mail included a letter regarding the Balch hookup on Commercial St. and an
e-mail from Ian Schrauf.        
Annual Report
Barocas moved that Lynn Hiller prepare the Annual Town Report.  She agreed to do this with input from the other members of the Board.

Berry moved to adjourn.  Barocas seconded, and the motion carried 3-1. The meeting adjourned at 8:05p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________         __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                        Mark Berry, Chairman
