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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 07/20/2006

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of July 20, 2006
Senior Center Conference Room

Present:        Mark Berry, Chairman; Moe Barocas, Emily Beebe, Lynn Hiller
                Erik Mitchell

Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.

Minutes of 6/15/06
Mark Berry moved to approve the minutes of June 15, 2006. Lynn Hiller seconded and the motion carried 4-0.

Lynn Hiller and Moe Barocas approved the minutes of May 18, 2006 which Jean Schaefer had prepared while she was a member of the BWC.

Balch Hook-Up Request
Mark Berry recused himself from the Balch case, and Vice-Chair Erik Mitchell assumed chairmanship of the meeting.
Attorney Ben Zehnder came forward to represent Betty Balch who owns the Cap’n Higgins Restaurant on Commercial St. (Map 21, Parcel 106) and a home next to it on Kendrick Ave. (Map 21, Parcel 107)  She would like to separate the two properties which are now hooked up to the water system by one line.  Zehnder read into record the letter to Ms. Balch from the Town Administrator dated June 12, 2006 regarding splitting the service and the hook-up fee for 6 Kendrick Ave.  Zehnder said there were no deed restrictions on bedrooms in the property, but there could be one until the Town water capacity is increased.  Zehnder said he would draft a deed restriction for one bedroom until such a time that the Town’s water capacity would increase. At that time the applicant could apply to have the deed restriction removed.  The BOH has already approved a new septic system for the restaurant.  There is an engineered plan for new lot lines, but there are complications of how the lots appear in the assessor’s map.  Moe Barocas moved to approve the motion to set up a deed restriction and approve a new hook-up.  Erik Mitchell seconded the motion.  Helen Miranda Wilson, from the floor, discussed the lot line and lot merger.  Zehnder addressed the issue of separate lots.  Beebe asked about meters for separate buildings, and Zehnder explained the difference between this property and a nearby property.  Wilson, citing the Rules and Regulations, said each unit in a multi-dwelling lot was to have its own meter.  Mitchell said there would be two pipes and two connections with separate meters.  The motion to approve the Balch hook-up with a deed restriction of one bedroom carried 4-0.  

Mark Berry resumed chairmanship of the meeting.

335 Main Street
Moe Barocas reported on a meeting of the 335 Main St. Committee.  The consultants recommended that the water hook-up should be established before they put out an RFP.  One suggestion had been to send the BOS a memo to hold Special Town Meeting in fall so that the question of a water tower could be put on the Warrant.  Barocas outlined potential plans for the property that mixed residential, retail and office space along with a potential community hall.

 A water peak estimate of 6,953 gpd is the usage projected by 335 Main St. consultants, Horsely & Witten.  Checking the Master Plan, Hiller gave the projections for residential equivalents with a water tower in place.  The Board took into consideration other uses for the water tower.  Developing the tower would yield 4,850 gpd, which does not approach the quantity of water needed for 335 Main St. according to the Horsely & Witten calculation.  

Beebe recalled the last time the water tower proposal was presented at Town Meeting.  She said a having a clear plan was essential before presenting it at Town Meeting.  Berry concurred that all the information needs to be organized for presentation at TM.  Mitchell calculated costs that would be involved.  Berry said the system needs to pay for itself; therefore the system needs more customers.  Beebe pointed out problem areas of South Wellfleet that need consideration.  Mitchell outlined Eastham’s plans for town-wide water service.  Their Water Board is still working on the phases of the Eastham plan.  Beebe referred to Provincetown’s checkerboard approach to sewer hook-ups.

Barocas cast some doubt on presenting the proposal at a fall Special Town Meeting, but he said the expansion needs to go forward.  Berry was concerned about the Horsely & Witten figures which do not take into account other projects and needs in the town.  Wilson went back to calculating total usage of the town and using the meter readings.  She also recalled hook-up decisions by the former Board of Water Commissioners, who did not include plans for 335 Main St.  She discussed maintenance of pipes after a water system is in place.  Wilson also had ideas about leasing Town land for private water systems

Barocas moved that he approach Horsely & Witten to check their method of calculation against the BWC calculations.  Berry seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Berry said that in lieu of this discussion, the BWC move to Step 5.  The costs should not fall entirely on the taxpayers, according to Berry.  Beebe discussed the use of WhiteWater management of small systems in the town.

Barocas moved that the BWC prepare a memo to the BOS requesting that there be a fall Special Town Meeting (STM) so that an Article for design and development of an expanded water system could be placed in the Warrant.  

The memo should state that the BWC requests development of the system from Stage 2 through Stage 5 for STM for design and engineering with the intent of having an Article placed on the spring Annual Town Meeting for the purpose of funding the expansion.

The memo should further ask that the Town Administrator shape the Article, stating the goals of the water system.  This would require a meeting with the TA and the BOS.  The BOS should understand where the BWC is going with development of the system.  The BWC wants to go over the cost, funding and amortization for Stage 5 infrastructure and the needs of 335 Main St. with the Selectmen

Barocas also discussed the insurance advantage of working water hydrants.  The BWC would also like the TA to investigate betterments through having water hydrants.  Wilson said that betterments have to be presented with a proposal.  Beebe said that betterments could be a future agenda item.  She explained how sewer line connections in Provincetown work.  This could be adapted to a water system in Wellfleet, she said.   With an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) people are allowed to be ready in advance for hook-ups and be connected when there is capacity available for them.    
The motion to send to the BOS and TA the memo requesting a STM carried 5-0.

BWC Reorganization
Barocas moved that Berry remains chair.  Hiller seconded.  Berry agreed to continue as chairman, and the motion carried 5-0.

Hiller moved that Mitchell continue as Vice-Chairman; Beebe seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Barocas moved that Hiller be secretary. Berry seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.

Rules & Regulations
The discussion of Rules and Regulations will be continued to the next meeting.
Wilson discussed the material as it had been shaped in the past.  She suggested that Mark Vincent be present for Rules & Regulations revision.  Wilson has a list of suggestions from the BOH.  Berry said he would like more standardization of the regulations with input from the Board of Health and DPW. Wilson also recommended reviewing the original regulations for a reference point.  She gave the BWC a Sept. 15, 2004 document from the Board of Health.   

Other Business
The preferred date for WhiteWater President Bob Maynard’s presentation to the BWC was August 17, 2006.

The next meeting was scheduled for August 3, 2006.

Berry shared a discussion he had about seasonal, pre-existing hook-ups near the pier.  If the original hook-ups are added into the larger system, there was a question of fees.  Wilson said the original water system for the pier has been replaced by the newer Marina system.  The hook-ups for this system will be an agenda item for another meeting.  

Emily Beebe was interested in serving on the multi-town water organization.  She discussed the concerns and organization of the collaborative out.  

Wilson reminded the Board that wastewater issues were a goal of the former Water Commissioners.   She had information to distribute:  The Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records and a brochure on training sessions offered by the Northeast Rural Water Association (NERWA).

Agenda for the next meeting included the hook-up fees and Rules and Regulations.

Berry moved to adjourn. Mitchell seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
-----------------_______________________________                __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Mark Berry, Chairman
