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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 01/05/2006

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of January 5, 2006
Senior Center, Conference Room

Present:        Moe Barocas, Lynn Hiller, Erik Mitchell and Jean Schaefer       

Excused:        Mark Berry

Also Attending: Helen Miranda Wilson, Selectwoman and former Water Commissioner; Carl Caruso, Finance Committee liaison

Vice Chairman Erik Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Jean Schaefer recused herself.
Although the documents that needed Board of Water Commissioners’ signatures were not there, Moe Barocas moved to sign the liens.  Lynn Hiller seconded.  The motion carried 3-0.

February 2 , 2006 at 5 p.m. looked like the best time for Russell Tierney, Division Manager of  WhiteWater to meet with the BWC.  Jean Schaefer will contact him to confirm the date and time.

Thursday, January 12 at 2 p.m. was a time the Board agreed upon for a tour of the Orleans water facilities with Mike Quink.  Jean Schaefer will confirm this.

Minutes of 12/15/05
Moe Barocas moved to approve the amended minutes of December 15, 2005.  Jean Schaefer seconded, and the motion carried 3-0-1.

Erik Mitchell reported receiving the Town Administrator’s memos on the Budget Hearings and the Annual Town Meeting Schedule.  Copies were made and distributed.

Other Business

WhiteWater Questions - The Board developed a list of questions to ask WhiteWater’s Russell Tierney.  Helen Wilson suggested that the Board of Water Commissioners request copies of the monthly WhiteWater reports which the DPW receives. She recommended that copies be sent to the Water Advisory Board also.        Jean Schaefer said she would invite the Water Advisory Board to the February 2 presentation by Russell Tierney.

Well Permits - Jean Schaefer distributed well permits dated March 6/7, 2003 and April 11, 2003 for the Cole’s Neck well and the Boy Scout camp area.  These will be discussed at a future meeting after everyone has had a chance to read them. The Board would also like to discuss them with Paul Gabriel of Environmental Partners.  Erik Mitchell, in reference to questions about recovery into the aquifer, suggested a study done by John Portnoy or directly contacting Portnoy.

Survey – Moe Barocas wished to move ahead with a survey identifying problem water areas in Wellfleet.  Board members discussed various approaches to this.  Jean Schaefer suggested meeting with the Eastham Water Resources Advisory Board and Wastewater Management Planning Committee. Moe Barocas will talk to Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson about funding sources for a survey.  The BWC will also ask the Board of Selectmen before it seeks grant money.

Participation Fees – The discussion of participation fees was postponed for another meeting.  

Training – Although DEP is no longer providing training sessions for Water Commissioners, Lynn Hiller wondered about other available offerings.  Helen Wilson had a recommendation of a rural water agency.  Erik Mitchell said that Mike Quink offered to come back.

Billing Questions – Carl Caruso from the Finance Committee asked some billing questions and offered some recommendations on quarterly billing with set minimums on residential units.  
Mark Berry moved to adjourn; Hiller seconded; all approved 5-0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _____________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Erik Mitchell, Vice-Chairman
                                                          _____________________ Date