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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 12/15/2005

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of December 15, 2005
Senior Center, Conference Room

Present:        Mark Berry, Chairman; Jean Schaefer, Lyn Hiller and Moe Barocas 
Excused:        Erik Mitchell
Also Attending: Dale Donovan, Selectman and former Water Commissioner

Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Presentation by Jacqueline Wildes-Beebe
Jacqueline Wildes-Beebe acquainted the Board of Water Commissioners with a plan to develop a Health Care Campus on the Council of Aging property.  In July of 2005 the group working on the project got approval from the Select Board to expand the building to include Outer Cape Health Care, add a pharmacy and build elder housing across the driveway to the south.  DEP did not endorse the plan because it would compromise the now conforming well.  With the Boy Scout well site only one fourth of a mile away, Wildes-Beebe hoped that the Water Commissioners would be able to move forward with development of that well and bring a water connection to the COA site (Map 23, Parcel 606). The Board of Water Commissioners was receptive to the plan.  

Wildes-Beebe said she would like to have warrant articles at April’s Town Meeting for the land use by the Outer Cape Health Care and the well at the Boy Scout camp.  The BWC will contact Paul Gabriel of Environmental Partners to meet with the Board to update cost estimates for the Master Plan stages and discuss other issues.

Moe Barocas expressed special interest in the project and at Wildes-Beebe’s invitation will join the task force working on the Health Care Campus plan.

Minutes of 12/1/05
Mark Berry moved to approve the amended minutes of December 1, 2005.  Moe Barocas seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

Committee Secretary Mary Rogers left the meeting at 6:55 and BWC Secretary Jean Schaefer assumed responsibility for the minutes.
Owners of six of the seven properties that were hooked up to the water system in 2005 chose to pay their participation fees on a payment plan with the Town over 5, 10 or 20 year periods.  As a result of the Town Auditor’s report, liens must be placed against these properties.  The lien documents require the signatures of a majority of the Water Commissioners.  After some discussion, the Board postponed signing the documents until Mark Berry asks Town Administrator Tim Smith about the credit ramifications to the owners.  

Annual Report
The Board approved the Annual Report prepared by Jean Schaefer.

Outer Cape Water Management Project‘s next meeting is Monday, December 19, 3 p.m. at the Eastham Police Station.

Other Business
Topics discussed:
a)  Recent (12/14/05) tour provided by Assistant DPW Director, Kevin Cahoon, 1996 – 2005 water usage report provided by Whitewater, possible articles for next Annual Town Meeting, need to talk to Environmental Partners and Whitewater.   Board members will compose a list of questions and topics.  Jean will contact Paul Gabriel of Environmental Partners.
b)  At a previous meeting, DEP agent, Mike Quink offered to arrange a tour of the Orleans water facilities and also to give the Board the exact parameters where a water system such as Wellfleet’s would become “noncompliant”.  Jean Schaefer will follow up.

Next BWC Meeting
The next meeting will be held January 5, 2006. Suggested agenda items are:
survey & identification of water quality problem areas; Health Care Campus Task Force – Moe to report; questions for Whitewater, (questions for Environmental Partners?); tour of Orleans water facilities & DEP noncompliance parameters - Jean to report; and participation fee.
Mark Berry moved to adjourn; Hiller seconded; all approved 5-0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _____________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Mark Berry, Chairman
                                                         _____________________ Date
Jean Schaefer, BWC Secretary