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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 11/17/2005
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Joint Meeting with the Board of Selectmen
Senior Center Long Pond Room
November 17, 2005, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Mark Berry, Chairman; and Commissioners Erik Mitchell, Jean Schaefer, Lyn Hiller and Moe Barocas, Dale Donovan, Chairman Board of Selectmen, and Selectmen Ira Wood, Helen M. Wilson, Jerry Houk, Mike May.

Board of Selectmen
Chairman Dale Donovan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m.
At the request of Jerry Houk, Dale asked those 3 selectmen who were in the majority of the previous vote on the use of town vehicles, if any of those 3 would be willing to make a motion to reconsider.
“Hearing none, issue is closed.”

Board of Water Commissioners
Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:03 p. m.

List: “What We Do/ How We Do It”

~This list outlines actions & duties that the BWC consider their responsibility.  Mr. Wood made a motion to endorse and approve the list.  It was not seconded.  
~ Consensus among BOS was that this list should be considered during the next BOS meeting (11/22/05) and that a motion to endorse it would be successful.  
~Discussion of the “What We Do/ How We do It” list and a successful motion at the BOS meeting to endorse it, would publicize the overall supportive and cooperative environment between the two boards.  It would also serve to publicize some of the plans of the BWC and clarify the board’s role.

Legal Opinion
~ Mark Berry asked the BOS how closely are we (BOS & BWC) going to follow the strict interpretation of the Charter in the legal opinion written by Kopelman & Paige, PC, dated 5/24/05.  
~ Dale Donovan said that the BWC should follow their action plan “What We Do/ How We Do It” and to expect the BOS to generally support the BWC.  If conflicts occur in the future, then the two boards will deal with the situation at that time.

Direction for BWC
~ First step of BWC – Find out demand for water by conducting a survey of parcel owners along the current and projected water main routes in the Central District.  (822 parcels).  Possibly include with the survey, educational materials to explain different possible solutions to drinking water problems and general location identification of known problem areas.
~ Mark Berry asked the BOS for a budget of approximately $1000 to finance the survey.
~ Move toward expansion of the water system.

Other Discussion between BOS & BWC
~ BWC requested water meter readings of the municipal water systems current hookups.
~ Further discussion between the 2 boards included system compliance issues, many survey-related questions, past letters from applicants to hookup, past surveys (including the recent one done for the Local Comprehensive Plan Committee), need for up-to-date Data Base of water tests linked to GIS and the need for ongoing flushing of the water mains at the stub end of the water main on Kendrick Avenue.

Adjournment – Board of Selectmen
Dale Donovan moved to adjourn; motion was seconded; the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:25 p. m.

Other Discussion - BWC
~Next meeting of the BWC is December 1, 2005, 5:00 p. m. at the Senior Center.  Mike Quink, (Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Southeast Regional Office) will speak and answer questions.  Dept of Public Works representative should be invited to participate.
~ Minutes should be written to conform to requirements outlined in Massachusetts General Law and Town Council legal opinion.  Documentation has been distributed to Board Members.
~ Outer Cape Water Management Project – Consensus was that BWC should be involved and Jean Schaefer will explore further.  Health Agent Hilliary Greenberg is knowledgeable about the project.
~ Water Commissioner’s statement for the 2005 Annual Report booklet is due 12/15/05.  First draft has already been distributed via email to all Water Commissioners.
~ Health Care Task Force has drinking water requirements to meet the needs of the Health Care Campus – possibly schedule presentation of proposal for 12/15/05 BWC meeting.

Adjournment – Board of Water Commissioners
Mark Berry moved to adjourn; Lyn Hiller seconded; the Board of Water Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                         _______________________
Jean Schaefer, BWC Secretary                                        Mark Berry, Chairman
