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CWMPC meetingmin 05/28/13
Wastewater Planning Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 28, 2013
7:00 pm Town Hall Conference Room
Attendance:  Alex Hay, Curt Felix, Ned Hitchcock, Janet Drohan, Patrick Winslow
and Lezli Rowell

Discussion of meeting time committee administration: It was noted that Janet has been sworn in to serve on the Committee. Scheduling was discussed with the consensus to continue meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at the new time of 7:00 pm. Since the meeting time does not accommodate the Town Committee Secretary, members will rotate the duty of taking meeting minutes. Alex indicated he would like to end each meeting with a direction of the draft agenda for next meeting.
Bakers Field update: Ned reported on the procurement discussion at a recent Board of Selectmen’s meeting, and will follow up with the Town Administrator, Harry Terkanian, as requested with a listing of any contractors who have done Clivus installations. The BOS will determine whether the previously assigned ad-hoc committee or some other entity will oversee the RFQ/RFP process. Curt indicated he will provide a narrative for the project scope. The Committee noted its preference for the same ad-hoc committee that so successfully brought forward the Bakers Field bathroom article to Town Meeting to continue.
Cape Cod Commission update: Curt reported his appointment by the BOS to the Cape Cod Wastewater Collaborative and discussions at the meetings he has attended. In addition, a Technical Advisory Committee of town representatives will be formed and he is willing to also serve in that appointment. His review outlined the 1978 ‘208 Process’ intended as a response to EPA water quality concerns though to the more current Collaborative in response to the CLF lawsuit as a ‘reconstituted process’. The input from town representatives has cautioned the CCC against stopping current works in process, and requested that body distinguish its efforts from the local wastewater management plans; the Commission will ‘regionally approve’ a plan that provides for treatment options or strategies as appropriate to four different water shed-types (not actual delineations but categorized based on density). In menu form, the local plans will be able to select from the options or strategies applicable to their watershed-types for CCC approval. The County discusses this as a process to funnel funding into local projects and the town reps raise the concern of reduced autonomy.
It was noted that Wellfleet’s MEP report is due on June 1st. [There was derisive laughter]. The Committee discussed moving along with the next phases of the Wastewater Management Planning contract and will make meeting with the consultants to review approach to alternatives analysis and adaptive management strategies with them in preparation of producing document sections. Ned and Curt will work on template MOU language and arrange partnerships with shared watershed areas.
Review of 2012 monitoring program (PCCS/UMass Boston/EPG) and Summer monitoring program updates: A draft report from the 2012 summer monitoring program with Center for coastal studies and UMass input will be circulated for comments, concerns and any input.
Other business: Shell recycling efforts and possible use of some grant money as rebates for restaurants subscribing to commercial haulers’ programs were discussed, as were other prongs of the County and USDA grant allocations to be made. Details of the clutching program were discussed; it was recommended that any shellfishermen who wished to suggest areas should let the Shellfish Constable know where. The committee reviewed conditions of the west side, and concerns with dragging.
Next Wastewater committee meeting will be June 11. Agenda is review progress of Wastewater Management Plan and propose next steps. Meeting minutes tabled for review at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned around 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lezli Rowell