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CWMPC Minutes 04/10/12

Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee
April 10, 2012
DPW Building

Members Present: Alex Hay, Lezli Rowell, Bob Larson, Ned Hitchcock, Curt Felix, and Hillary Greenberg

Paul Millett and Paul Gabriel of EPG
Staff:  Christine Bates

Alex Hay called the meeting to order at 2:35 pm.

·       Recap on budget meeting with EPG
Millett stated we are not over budget and gave an overview of the discrepancies in the budget report.  He explained there is over $18,000 left in the budget.  Millett stated the committee should go forward with Task 5 and Task 6 in order to stay within the original scope.  Grant money or miscellaneous money will be used for the oyster program.  He recommended 6 months of sampling within the harbor in order to maintain the data analysis.  The alternative analysis has to be identified for the other areas.  We are still waiting for MEP data.  Curt Felix stated seven grants have been submitted and most require in-kind matches or cash match.  There was a preliminary submittal for EPA and NOAA.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated we need to get use of the materials for the oyster project and she has $15,000 in her budget which could be used for water sampling which would cover both reef sampling and harbor sampling.  She questioned if Mike Shearer would be the one to ask if using our YSI equipment independently instead of the samples going to a lab would be acceptable.  Gabriel suggested reducing the number of locations currently being sampled (12) to approximately 6 four times per year.  Curt Felix stated there may be other agencies interested in having our water sampling information and possibly the County may have some funds available.   The more information we get from the oyster reef, the more metric information will be available, and for the future, it could be the alternate solution.  We need to accept the level of water quality remediation that is obtained.  The information needs to be documented for DEP to keep the project going with science elements for study.  This will require two or three years of data.  A work plan needs to be identified.  Gabriel  stated we need support, possibly the Cape Cod Commission, which would be able to add support for grant writing and developing  collaboration.  It was recommended to build a consortium prior to going to the Commission.  Gabriel recommended a public forum this summer.   Alex Hay stated he would like to spend $10,000 on cultch to increase the population of the oysters in Duck Creek as well as other areas.  Gabriel stated it is important to increase sustainability by increasing the number of reefs and work with the shell fishermen.    

EPG will work with Agent Greenberg-Lemos to develop a work plan.   Annamarja’s report was discussed and needs to be finalized for our needs.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos recommended the members read her report and Shearer’s report prior to the next meeting for discussion at the
April 24 meeting.   

An amendment to the contract with EPG was recommended.    

Ned stated there is a county wide meeting on Friday, April 13, 2012 involving Selectmen and Town Administrators and feels someone from the committee attend.  Ned will get further information regarding recommendations for reorganizing county government.                        

·       Culch progress and funding – Curt Felix reported on the potential grant money (approximately $20,000) from the various agencies.  Andy Koch will be scouting around to the various areas for potential reef locations within the next couple of weeks.      

·       New Business:  The 2002 vote for the bathhouses was approved for $500,000 (borrowing authorization) and there is $17,000 sitting in an account for the bathhouses.   Curt Felix stated we could request an amendment to the Bathhouse warrant and request an additional $270,000.  It was recommended Town Counsel be informed of the history.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos will verify with Accounting the money for the bathhouse study and will ask if that money can be transferred into the committee’s budget to cover expenses to date on task 4.

·       Minutes
Shell shocked – a woman put together a documentary on NY’s oyster restoration project.  

Ned Hitchcock moved to adjourn at 4:05 pm; seconded by Alex Hay; passed 5-0.     

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates