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CWMPC meeting min 09/27/11
Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee
September 27, 2011
DPW Conference Room

Attendees:   Alex Hay, Curt Felix, Lezli Rowell, Ned Hitchcock, Bob Larsen, Hillary Greenberg-Lemos,  Paul Millett, Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Chair Alex Hay opened the meeting at 2:36 pm.
·       Oysterfest Activities:
There will be Shell Recycling on both Saturday and Sunday (October 15 and 16), with tours scheduled for Saturday at 8:00 am and Sunday at 9:00 am at the Harbor.  The recycled shells will be placed into the resources immediately.  All oysters will be from Wellfleet.  Felix stated the ideal location for the oysters would be adjacent to the oyster propagation site across from the Pearl restaurant.  .  Frazier will be dealing with the trash as well as the shells.  There were approximately 8,400 pounds of shell from the Oyster Fest in 2010.  Anamarija will speak at 8:00 am on Saturday at the pier and Anne Marie and Andy Koch will speak at 9:00 am.  On Sunday, 9:00 am, Anamarija and Dr. Robert Brock from NOAA will speak.  Posters/signs will be located as a visual at the Harbormasters site.
·       Hay stated our marketing campaign needs to be clarified regarding the charge of the Waste Water committee and how the shellfish propagation is a part of that charge.  Millett stated another chart identifying the nitrate levels      should be displayed.  Felix stated we are actually a “water quality” committee and our charge is to make sure the water at the edge of the estuary is clean.   A discussion took place regarding marketing and education to the                         public, including information on the town’s web site.  Agent Greenberg stated Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies informed her water quality in Wellfleet Harbor has improved.  The poster board will include other projects                 the committee is working on including the mapping progress.     
·       Build out data:  Felix identified Herring River, Mayo Creek and Black Fish Creek as experiencing intense development near estuaries.  Garages, studios, and potential bedroom additions were used in the calculations of                        population additions for each of 45 watersheds in town.  A chart identified parcels and areas that could add additional bedrooms.  Felix stated when he calculated the forecast, the average summer population growth has been          300 per year versus 140 people in the off season.  There were no calculations to include day trippers.   The wintertime population is based on census data.; however there is no absolute data available regarding summer                      population changes as these are estimated by Mass Dept of Housing and Community Development and the Wellfleet Chamber of Commerce.   He estimates by 2030, there will be a population of 3,000 (low) versus 6,000                       (maximum) summer population.   Agent Greenberg-Lemos and Felix will have numbers ready shortly.    Watersheds will be identified, the total number of bedrooms and actual number of people.      
·       Closed session overall CWMP project performance review

Clean Water Action Meeting Hyannis (Ned Hitchcock/Curt Felix).  Valarie Nelson was the moderator/speaker and promoted people looking at alternative solutions.  Representatives from EPA and DPA discussed regulatory structure and Falmouth people discussed gray water usage, rain collection, etc.  Policies were discussed on the State levels.  There was discussion on adaptive management, which allows for accommodating CWMP plans to new information and alternatives over time.  Everyone including DEP and EPA are looking for viable alternatives to the current high costs projected for large scale sewer systems on the Cape.       

·       Bath House/Mayo Design next steps.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos reported she received the following information:  Marina Mon-Fri 250 people during peak season per day, Sat/Sun 400 per day per side;  400 on square dance            nights;  Bakers Field – Peak time 700 or 800 people using their facility (Recreation use).  Average between 300 and 400 people.  (Lezli Rowell  requested information on the porta-potty.)  Mayo Beach  - 200 people.  The new                  design will be for 999 gallons.  Millett stated there are approximately 3 vendors/types.  He recommended vendors come and give demonstrations.  Millett stated he should have plans ready in approximately 3 months.  Agent                   Greenberg-Lemos stated a list of questions needed to be addressed to the town due to personnel movement, location of bathhouse, etc.  Millett stated the proposed cost can be estimated in a couple of months and to present            the recommendations, and not get into personnel issues, etc.  Rowell stated this is grandfathered because there will be no additional  parking spaces, no new usage and no expansion for design flow.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos            will gather information on the marina design.  There will also be a design for the building with additional space above the first floor.
·       Oyster Propagation Project:
o       Data-mining Status:  Millett reported they are 65% complete with data entry and JS work.   Millett will provide information on the budget.  All monitoring devices and   wells were installed,
o       Sentinel Well Status – installed two weeks ago.      
o       Thank you letter to Town departments: DPW, Harbormaster, Shellfish, Health and Conservation.   Chair Hay will write and send   
o       Presentation by Anne Marie on water quality results to date and primer on parameters, units and what they mean :  She will present at 10/2501 meeting.
o       Presentation by Anamarija on O-Pro results to date:  We will request her to present in November
o       Ned Hitchock attended a meeting where the Department of Marine Fisheries provided a brochure of planting guidelines for shellfish.  He stated they are reworks of old regulations.  He stated Wellfleet had the best attendance at      the meeting.   Nothing was presented on best management practices, they are willing to let towns use restrictive areas for propagation, and they are focused on restrictions for no more than 3 years.  They used the word “open”               and everything needs to be fished.  Ned stated Andy Koch explained the project very well, and the committee discussed the importance of keeping the reefs going longer than 3 years.  
·       New Business   Agent Greenberg-Lemos received the Field Work Plan, Wellfleet Harbor Oyster Spawning Project and she has made some comments which she  would like to discuss with Ann Marie.
·       Minutes
o       Ned Hitchcock moved to approve the 07/26/11 amended meeting minutes; seconded by Curt Felix; passed 4-0.  
o       Alex Hay moved to approve the Waste Water portion of the joint meeting with the Board of Health held on August 24, 2011; seconded by Lezli Rowell; passed 4-0.

Curt Felix moved to adjourn at 4:30 pm; seconded by Ned Hitchcock; passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates