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CWMPC Mtg Min 03/08/11
Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee
March 8, 2011, 2:30 pm
DPW Conference Room

Attendees:  Alex Hay, Ned Hitchcock, Curt Felix, Bob Larsen, Hillary Greenberg-Lemos, Paul Millett, and Paul Gabriel and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Regrets:  Lezli Rowell

Alex Hay called the meeting to order at 2:30pm.

Discuss Baker/Pier scope addition,
Paul Millett distributed a map identifying the areas that will contain GIS data.  
He also distributed a “blank” spreadsheet for updating the septic system database.  Information will be taken from data already in hand plus additional data gathered.  He gave an overview of graphic files which could be used in the future.  There will be scanned images of each individual parcel based on the data input.  Millett stated he will provide a copy of the master file on a disc which will hold the information.  There was discussion adding the sampling data already accumulated from the harbor to the master file.  After further discussion it was recommended information not be made available to the public until the figures are finalized.  This will include well water information as well as septic system data.
BOS meeting for approved scope
The Committee will make a presentation to the Board of Selectmen on March 22, 2011 for their approval of the Scope of work.  A signed agreement will go back to Paul Gabriel on March 24, 2011.

The SRF application will be submitted by March 25, 2011.  

Prioritization and review of additional grant opportunities,
Paul Gabriel provided information on various grants available as well as examples of grants given to various organizations / towns.  Of high priority is NOOA/ TNC (Nature Conservancy) which is due on April 1, 2011.  Felix stated he has had contact with TNC.  These are Federal grants and Nature Conservancy is the organization handing out the money.  There is an open issue with MA Audubon and the oyster reef grant at the State level (DMF).  It was recommended contacting Bob Prescott for a discussion to identify their issues.  

The committee discussed Wellfleet’s Harbor oyster population, enhancing the population, identifying locations were the populations are high vs low, and if the state / the shellfish constable can close an area off for science/ research.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos  will arrange a meeting between CLF/Audubon.   It was recommended we apply for the maximum amount of money available which would be a multi-year project.  Felix stated that historic oyster reef habitat is virtually gone from the harbor and Nature Conservancy has identified this as in critical decline worldwide and essential to restore..     
There was discussion regarding match money and donations from various organizations or start a “Friends” group where people could make donations.    
Alex Hay moved “if the Committee could get $250,000 matching funds within one week, we will give EPG the go-ahead to submit a grant application with NOOA.”, no second.  Further discussion took place determining what the project would be.  Curt Felix stated this would be an expansion to the CZM grant.   Hitchcock felt it would be premature and feels the committee needs to take the time to make a determination on how to sort out the DMF issues and Audubon issues.    The committee needs to clearly identify the project, eliminate controversy, and generate stakeholder support.  Hitchcock will discuss / do some research with other committees.

Alex Hay identified some small parcels on Commercial / Holbrook area which could be used for a relay station or pump station.  He requested Agent Greenberg-Lemos write a letter to the Town Administrator, copying the Selectmen and Local Comprehensive Planning Committee requesting them not to sell the small parcels at this time.

Develop Project schedule,
Gabriel and Millett will provide a schedule to the Board.

Possible forum meeting in May,
Discussion took place regarding a forum / educational meeting in May.  The committee needs to determine: who will be the moderator; speakers on how shellfish by their presence aid in the purification of water; what works; identify one scientist who can discuss project in layman’s terms; and somebody who is functionally involved in this process (Mashpee Shellfish Warden).  When we get some information from DMF, we could open that up to the public so there is a sense of what is going on.  Bose Hancock and Rick York were recommended as speakers, as well as Anna Maria and a member of the Board being a monitor.  Invite various other people, including Andy Koch.  

Curt Felix stated if we only used town money, we would not have to be involved with DMF.  There are locations in Duck Creek and Herring River where Andy Koch wants to place culch, increasing the oysters population for water quality data.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2011 with the selectmen meeting that night.

The meeting with A. Gotlieb has not been confirmed.

Ned Hitchcock moved to adjourn at 4:20 pm; seconded by Curt Felix; passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates