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CWMPC Minutes 01/11/11
APPROVED Meeting Minutes
Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee
January 11, 2011
Wellfleet DPW Conference Room

Present: Alex Hay, Ned Hitchcock, Lezli Rowell, Curt Felix, Hillary Greenbergo-Lemos, and Paul Gabriel from EPG.  

Chari Hay called the meeting to order at 2:03 pm.

Meeting Minutes
Lezli Rowell moved to approve the October 5, 2010 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Ned Hitchcock; passed 4-0.
Lezli Rowell moved to approve the October 27, 2010 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Ned Hitchcock; passed 4-0.
Lezli Rowell moved to approve the October 29, 2010 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Ned Hitchcock; passed 4-0.
Lexli Rowell moved to approve the November 2, 2010 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Ned Hitchcock; passed 4-0.
Lezli Rowell moved to approve the November 9, 2010 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Ned Hitchcock; passed 4-0.

Paul Gabriel of Environmental Partners Group stated that based on the previous meetings, he revised the budget estimate and scope of services.  The revised budget sheet increased from $98,286 to $157,422.  Curt Felix stated the task list is essentially the same and questioned if the increase in money is for hours and Gabriel responded one increase is for public participation and outreach.  Felix also made a point there is risk for grant work, and EP would get paid for getting funding/money plus money for doing the work.  Gabriel discussed the subcontractors who will be assisting in the work.  

Gabriel stated if grant money should come in, Task 3 (Identify, Assess, and Prioritize Nitrogen Management Options) will take place.  There was discussion about “marketing” the developed  packages and materials such as Woods Hole, colleges, MA Audubon, and the National Seashore.  

Gabriel stated he would like working sessions with the team to generate more scope.  The shellfish recycling committee invited members to a luncheon on Monday.  

Gabriel stated the benefits of expanding the outreach task budget is that other agencies have a lot of leverage and can help open doors for additional money.  He suggests getting projects which need to be focused.  Task 2 identifies and assessing tasks and task 3 is implementation and execution and money coming in

Guest John Riehl stated standards and values need to be set for Task 2.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated Barnstable County is waiting for town of Orleans outcome of  its MEP review by  National Academy of Sciences.  The county will bring consultants in which will analyze the model.  There are natural as well as manmade inputs from watershed, and natural sinks such as filter feeders, shellfish, estuaries, that remove nitrogen from wastewater.  It was questioned if the model is accurate since it was developed with data from dissimilar ecosystems and is an input output model that may not be relativant to Wellfleet nor easily account for major changes such as Herring River Estuary recovery or Wellfleet’s aggressive implementation of IA systems for septic.  

Hay questioned when the MEP results will be available.  Gabriel stated some aspects can proceed without the MEP results.  Information from Wellfleet is not in the county model.  Felix advocated for developing our own data outside of MEP and defining our own concerns.  Gabriel stated it has to be made clear what the committee is doing.  Greenberg-Lemos stated U Mass Dartmouth has not provided the MEP report and they keep requesting for extensions on water sampling.  Felix stated every town who has received MEP reports has been unhappy.  Hitchcock was concerned DEP and MEP may find fault with the town doing their own data gathering.  Gabriel stated the town has not received feedback on MEP.  Felix feels if we can meet the standards according to DEP who must approve our plan, we can gather our own data which reduces the risk to the town of adverse findings from MEP and an ability to independently assess their conclusions.  Greenberg-Lemos recommended meeting with EPA and DEP and asking for more substance of what has been done to date.  John Riehl stated MEP’s product is valid and he feels the town should try to get hold of what has been done, and then for the town to finish the product.  He also said we may need political clout and have the Board of Selectmen write to Sarah Peake or get to the head of DCR in Boston because we have not received the information from MEP that is required.  

Greenberg-Lemos will review the MEP contract and make a decision to continue sampling.  They have 12 years worth data.  It was recommended a meeting take place to find out when the data will be available, and Gabriel will inform them the town wants to move forward to protect the water quality in the harbor.  

Gabriel requested edits be sent to him regarding the project management services.             
It was recommended someone from the town also attend meeting with Brian Dudley.  

The committee reviewed the Scope of Services and made editing recommendations.  Chair Hay requested a detailed breakdown of all tasks so that the committee has a complete estimate of costs thru the final delivery of a comprehensive waste water plan. He said while the committee is only discussing funding for tasks 1-3 at present, it must insure funding is managed properly in the event grant funds are not available to complete the committee’s mandate within currently authorized funds from the Town.

There was discussion regarding public forums and educational meetings.  There could be joint funding opportunities with the Herring River restoration project.  

The next meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2011 at 2:30 pm at the DPW building. Topics for discussion will be Budget proposals for Task 1 and Task 2 and Scope of Services.   

Lezli moved to adjourn at 3:50pm; seconded by Ned Hitchcock; passed 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary