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February 6, 2007 Joint Meeting with FINCOM
Town of Wellfleet - Board of Selectmen
Library Meeting Room
February 6, 2007
Joint Meeting with Finance Committee - Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dale Donovan.  Selectmen present included, Ira Wood, Michael May Jacqueline Wildes-Beebe and Jerry Houk. Finance Committee Members present included Nancy Bone, Berta Bruinooge, William Carlson, Patricia Foley, Macgregor Hay, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely and Sylvia Smith. Town Administrator Tim Smith and Town Accountant Marilyn Crary also attended.

Michael Frazier submitted a packet to the Board of Selectmen to review at a later meeting.

1.      Brian Dunton – Firefighter/Paramedic
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the appointment of Brian Dunton as Firefighter/Paramedic.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  4     Nay  0.

FY2008 Budget Workshop – 7:05PM
Mr. Donovan would like to thank Pat Foley for performing as Acting Chair for the Finance Committee.

#300. Wellfleet Elementary School. Special Education increases this fiscal year. There is a chance funds will be requested at Special Town Meeting. A six year outlook for state reimbursement in relation to a special education student was presented to the boards. Ms. Teecia Kent pin-pointed a few line items.

#301. Nauset Regional. The proposed operational budget has increased to 3.23% A summary of the increases and decreases was presented.

Tim Smith discussed a recap of the operational budget, and addressed some new changes.

The boards discussed ideas as to how to cut $225,000 out of the operational budget to prevent from using the free cash and stabilization fund.

Pier Presentation – 8PM
Michael Flanagan discussed the C-Wall restoration project at the Pier. The Board was very supportive of the project.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to have a Special Town Meeting on March 26, 2007.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.           Yea  5     Nay  0.

Termination of Probationary Employee – 8:30PM
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen enter executive session to discuss termination of Probationary employee, and not to reconvene in open session.
Motion by:  Ira Wood.           Seconded by:   Jacqui Beebe.            Yea  5     Nay  0
Roll call (Houk, Beebe, May, Wood, Donovan – yea)

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth G. Hartsgrove
Executive Assistant