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BOS Minutes - 5/4/04
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall Hearing Room
May 4, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dale Donovan.  Selectmen present included Jerry Houk, Ira Wood, Michael May and Helen Miranda Wilson.  Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

On a motion by Donovan, seconded by Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to extend its appreciation and gratitude to Town Meeting and the voters for their support of the budget and important capital projects for the coming fiscal year and to thank the Town Administrator, Department Heads and staff for their careful preparation for Town Meeting and the countless meetings that led up to it over the past seven months.

There was consensus to accept Houk’s suggestion that the Board complete its agenda before reorganizing the Board.

The Board discussed:
a)  Business License – on a motion by Houk, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the business license of Gutsy Benders.
b)  Marina Gas Dock Fuel Bid – May recused himself and left the table.  The recommendation of the Harbormaster to accept the bid of Cape Cod Oil Co. for delivery of gasoline and diesel fuel for the Marina fuel dock was noted.  On a motion by Houk, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to accept the bid of Cape Cod Oil Co. for the Marina Gas Dock fuel bid with a dealer markup of $.059 per gallon.  May rejoined the Board.
c)  Stormwater Improvements Bid – on a motion by Wilson, seconded by Houk, the Board voted unanimously to accept the bid of Dubis & Sons, Inc. for stormwater improvements on Railroad Avenue and East Commercial Street with a bid price of $39,495.

Wilson announced the upcoming Water Issues Advisory Committee scheduled for May 20 at 7:00 p.m., the Outer Cape Water Forum meeting on May 12 at 1:00 p.m. at the Senior Center and the Cape Cod Selectmen’s and Councillor’s Association breakfast meeting scheduled for May 14 at the Bookstore Restaurant.

The Town Administrator noted the need to appropriate $118,000 for emergency repairs to the Lt. Island Bridge and suggested that the Board consider scheduling a special town meeting.  Discussion included a previous town meeting authorization of $40,000 to replace the top boards of the bridge.

Wilson indicated that the Water Issues Advisory Committee is requesting permission to meet with Paul Gabriel of Environmental Partners.  The Town Administrator noted that he has advised the Committee to wait until after the reorganization of the Board to speak with the Board of Water Commissioners.

Houk noted receipt of a letter from the Police Chief regarding a matter under investigation and asked the Town Administrator to follow up.

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Reorganization of the Board – Wilson suggested that each Board member indicate which duties they would be willing to perform and then move on to nominations.
·       Chairman – Wilson nominated Wood, seconded by Donovan; the Board voted 4-0-1, with Wood abstaining, in favor of Wood as Chairman of the Board.  Wood assumed the Chair.
·       Vice-Chairman – Donovan nominated May, seconded by Houk; the Board voted unanimously in favor of May as Vice-Chairman of the Board.
·       Chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners – Donovan nominated himself, seconded by May; the Board voted unanimously in favor of Donovan as Chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners.
·       Clerk – May nominated Donovan, seconded by Houk; the Board voted unanimously in favor of Donovan as Clerk.
·       Chairman of the Park Commissioners – Houk nominated Wilson, seconded by May; the Board voted unanimously in favor of Wilson as Chairman of the Park Commissioners.

Donovan suggested that the Board look at its Charter responsibilities and relationships to the Town Administrator and Town departments.

On a motion by Houk, seconded by Donovan, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Michael May as its representative to the Cape Light Compact.

Wilson suggested:
a)  that the Board take action on the application of Barbara Knapp for appointment to the Local Housing Partnership.
b)  that the Board take action on the request of Lisa Brown for a leave of absence from the Planning Board by not filling her position after she has missed four meetings.  Donovan suggested leaving the vacancy open until Ms. Brown is ready to resume her duties.
c)  that the Board discuss responding to correspondence.

On a motion by Donovan, seconded by Houk, the Board voted unanimously at 7:28 p.m. on a roll call vote (Houk, Donovan, May, Wilson, Wood – yea) to enter executive session for an update on a personnel matter under Exemption #2 and to not reconvene in open session.

                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                Linda Smulligan
                                                                Administrative Assistant

Dale Donovan, Chair (1)       Ira Wood (2)                                       Michael May

Helen Miranda Wilson                  Jerry Houk