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BOS Minutes - 2/9/04
                                                        Board of Selectmen
Library Meeting Room
February 9, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dale Donovan.  Selectmen present included Jerry Houk, Ira Wood, Michael May and Helen Miranda Wilson.  Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

The Town Administrator reviewed the FY’05 budgets and revenue estimates.  He noted inclusion of $190,000 for Town Meeting articles ($50,000 Stabilization Fund, $90,000 salary adjustments, $50,000 water system employee), the amended budget request from the Cape Cod Regional Technical High School ($45,764 - an increase of six students), an increase of 18.1% in the capital budget and the lack of free cash.  He noted potential ATM articles/overrides to fund requests from the Chamber of Commerce, the Human Services budget, fireworks and an additional position in the Fire Department.  He reviewed proposed debt exclusions including $300,000 for DPW equipment; $300,000 for Uncle Tim’s Bridge; $1,000,000 for Lt. Island Bridge and $1,000,000 for landfill capping.

Houk moved to add to the operating budget funding for the Mustard Seed Kitchen - $5,000; Outer Cape Health Services - $4,000; Independence House - $2,000; Meals on Wheels - $3,000; and the Wellfleet Preschool Group – $1,000, for a total of $15,000, seconded by Wood.  Discussion included the method for allocating donations to human services providers.  The Town Administrator recommended that the Board appropriate $47,550 as a single budget line and let the Social Human Services Committee decide what services the Town needs.  On Houk’s motion the Board voted 2-2-1, with Wilson and Donovan voting against and May abstaining.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to add $47,550 back into the operating budget to fund human services for this year.

Wilson moved to increase the Housing Authority budget by $1,000 to $6,000.  The motion was not seconded.

Houk moved and Wood seconded a motion to reduce budget #121 Audit by $1,000 to $19,000.  Town Accountant Marilyn Crary noted that the Town will have trouble finding an auditor for  $20,000 due to new GASB 34 regulations.  On the motion the Board voted 1-4, with Donovan, Wood, May and Wilson voting against.

Wilson suggested that the Board consider the following:
a)      Cut the water system position.
b)      Ask the Recreation Department to come closer to funding themselves.
c)      Reduce budget #424 Streetlights by one-half.
d)  Remove funding for plowing of all private roads – Donovan suggested that the Board consider a policy on this matter.  The Town Accountant noted that if the Board reduces funds for snow plowing below this year’s level, the Town will not be allowed to deficit spend for this service.
e)      Reduce repairs requested for the Elementary School in the Capital Budget.

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Discussion followed:
·       Water system position - The Town Administrator suggested that a new DPW employee could cover the Town’s needs relative to the water system and provide additional man hours to the DPW noting that contracting water system services would cost $65,000.  On a motion by     Wilson, seconded by Houk, to not place this article this year, the Board voted 2-3, with Donovan, May and Wood voting against.
·       Recreation Department – Wilson moved to reduce the Recreation Department budget to $75,000.  The motion was not seconded.
·       Streetlights – DPW Director, Mark Vincent, noted safety issues if streetlights are removed.

Berta Bruinooge, Finance Committee Chair, stated that level funding all budgets could save approximately $70,000 and not creating the suggested two new positions could save another $100,000 noting that she is “appalled” at the size of the potential override.  She suggested  increasing the #945 Insurance budget noting the reserve fund transfers this fiscal year.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Houk, the Board voted 3-2, with May and Donovan voting against, to increase budget #945 Insurance to $180,000.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Houk, the Board voted 3-2, with May and Donovan voting against, to raise budget #132 Reserve Fund to $50,000.

Donovan moved and Wood seconded a motion to recommend to Town Meeting and to pass on to the Finance Committee the Operating Budget with the changes made this evening.  Town Accountant, Marilyn Crary, cautioned that if the override fails, the State will not allow the Town to overstate its income again as was done this year.  On the motion, the Board voted 4-0-1, with Houk abstaining.

May moved and Wood seconded a motion to approve the Capital Improvement Plan.  Wilson suggested assessing betterments to fund the needed work on the Lt. Island bridge.  On the motion, the Board voted 4-1, with Wilson voting against.  Wilson suggested asking Town Counsel how to go about placing betterments on this type of project.

On a motion by Houk, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Capital Budget.

On a motion by Wood, seconded by Houk, the Board voted 4-0-1, with May abstaining, to approve the Marina Enterprise Fund Budget.

On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:38 p.m.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Linda Smulligan
                                                        Administrative Assistant

Dale Donovan, Chair                      Jerry Houk                                           Ira Wood

Michael May                                  Helen Miranda Wilson