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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 01/23/2008

Community Preservation Committee
Minutes of Meeting January 23, 2008
Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room

Present:  Peter Hall, Chairman; Dorothy Dolan, John Ketchum, Barbara Gray, Elaine McIlroy, Jan Plaue, Marcia Seeler, Judy Taylor
Absent: Victoria Pecoraro
Also Attending: R. Dennis O’Connell, Susan Monahan, Bill Burke, Peter Watts, Vasilios Katsaurias, Ben Zehnder, Peter McMahon, Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson

Chairman Peter Hall called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.  

Agenda Additions
Requests from Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson’s and the Open Space Committee were added to the agenda.

Minutes of 1/9/08
Dolan moved to approve the amended minutes of January 9, 2008. Plaue seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Additional Funding Request
Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson explained that the scope of the Uncle Tim’s Bridge project had changed to a full replacement, and he wanted to know if CPC would consider accepting an application after the deadline.  Marcia Seeler, the representative from the Historic Commission, said that the Historic Commission had indicated that the project should be a Town expense since the bridge is Town-owned property.  Ketchum said that CPC had established a policy of not accepting second requests for the same project.  

Total additional funds are $180,000, Peterson said.  Peterson explained why the nature of the project had changed into a complete replacement.  Plaue suggested that CPC could ask for its money back since the project had changed.  Plaue moved to not accept the late application because it was not in the best interest of CPC and because CPC had made a decision not to accept overrun applications.  Dolan seconded.  Discussion followed especially concerning the Historic Commission’s perspective.  The motion to deny accepting a late application carried 7-1.  
Application #08-01      Restoration of Gips House
Peter McMahon of the Modern House Trust and Bill Burke, historian for the National Seashore, Sue Monahan of the National Seashore, Ben Zehnder and Vasilios Katsaurias were present to answer questions regarding Application #08-01 for the Gips House.  Hall said that the historic restrictions needed to be in place.  Peter McMahon said the Modern House Trust had applied to get the Gips house on the National Historic Registry, and this is underway.  Seeler asked about the length of the lease with the National Park Service.  She also said she would check the Department of the Interior’s guidelines for leases and restrictions.  
Peter McMahon said that the Modern House Trust (MHT) would be designated as a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization at this tax season.  McMahon said the state designation of historic restriction was to prevent the house from being demolished.  Susan Monahan said the Seashore treats the houses under consideration for the Historic Registry as houses already in the Register.  The Gips house has been identified as having the characteristics of the other Modern Style Houses in the National Historic Register.  Monahan explained the Park Service’s non-competitive leasing requirements.   She explained that the Park does not offer leases in perpetuity.  Watts asked about leases with public access, and Monahan said that would come at a later date.  McMahon spoke about parking and access issues at the Modern Houses.  He also spoke about the scholar in residence plan and the availability of docent tours for at least 30 days per year.  
Ketchum asked about lease extensions and the historic designation.  Monahan did not have a firm answer in the case of lease renewals.  Seeler quoted a lease clause from the Seashore that limited leases to no more than 60 years.  Gray spoke about the Town’s interest in the historic restructuring of the Modern Houses within the Seashore.  She wanted reassurances that Town interests be protected and suggested a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with the Modern House Trust, the Town and the Park.  She said she wished there were 100-year leases available.  

Plaue expressed concerns about getting the application onto the Warrant for April Town Meeting because of the lease questions.  Ben Zehnder spoke about having an enforceable agreement between the MHT and the Seashore.  McMahon discussed the building’s needed repairs.  He said that MHT is seeking additional funding through grants and fund raising.  He suggested that CPC could review a draft lease with the Park as he’d like the Gips House proposal to be considered at April Town Meeting.  CPC said they could continue deliberation at the next meeting February 27.  Zehnder said the lease could be drafted with terms that make it contingent on available financing.  He also commented that Town Meeting vote authorizes spending on CPC projects, noting that doesn’t actually mean that the money will be spent.  

Hall entertained a motion that CPC approve the application providing the lease and adequate paper work were provided. Susan Monahan discussed the situation of the various Modern Houses that need restoration and why the Park stops short of a guarantee of a lease.  Bill Burke said he considered the CPC funding ideal if it can happen.  The Seashore would be very pleased with the arrangement, Burke said.  He spoke on the critical time element.  McIlroy discussed the possibility of money contingent on matching funds or contingent on the other elements (lease, non-profit status) happening.  Seeler said she was uncomfortable with going forward until she saw a lease draft and proof of MHT’s non-profit status.  

McMahon reviewed getting a lease with the Seashore and setting a time line for the lease.  Plaue asked if the CPC’s interest in the application was sufficient for the Seashore to forward the lease application to Philadelphia.  

Hall decided that CPC needed more information before making a decision.  He said the application could be continued to the February 27, 2008 meeting.  
Application #08-05 -    Pilgrim Spring Woodlands Addition
Denny O’Connell, Chairman of the Wellfleet Conservation Trust (WCT), came forward to present the application for the Pilgrim Spring Woodlands Conservation Area Addition.  He explained that this is a transaction with Ira Ziering, owner of 105 Pilgrim Spring Rd. (Map 29, Parcel 282-2).  Mark Robinson, Conservation Compact Director, has negotiated with Mr. Ziering on this property as he has in the past for other abutting Conservation land.  O’Connell explained how the purchase and the conservation restriction (CR) would work.  Gray moved to approve the application.  Dolan seconded.  Seeler and Hall disclosed they are on the WCT.  Hall and O’Connell explained the benefits of adding the land to the entire conservation area.  O’Connell also said there was a bargain price being offered.  Plaue asked if the application could be postponed for a future Town Meeting.  O’Connell explained other avenues of financing that WCT would be pursuing.  The motion to approve Application #08-05 carried 8-0.  
#08-04  USDA Self Help Housing – Land Acquisition
Elaine McIlroy said that more information was coming to the Housing Authority.  She said the USDA representative could meet with the CPC in February.  McIlroy discussed lot possibilities for the USDA grant.  Taylor said the USDA representative should meet with the Selectmen and the Housing Authority as well as the CPC.  The application will be continued until the next meeting.
Use of Administrative Money for Housing Newsletter
Hall questioned if the use of money for a Housing newsletter was an appropriate use of CPC administrative funds.  Seeler had explored the CPA website to get an opinion of the expenditure.  She said the expense was particular to Housing, not the entire CPC.  McIlroy suggested that CPC could put out a newsletter that included Housing information and progress. McIlroy said the Housing Authority has some money available from the Town Budget.  Gray had an idea of offering administrative money for the other categories of Open Space, Historic Preservation and Recreation.  Taylor said she liked the idea of a joint newsletter with each CPA category discussing what they are doing in the community.  Plaue suggested that this could cover the annual needs assessment.  A joint newsletter would fall into the designated uses of CPA money, Hall said.

Signs for CPA Projects
McIlroy said that she and Victoria Pecoraro will have some independent contractors give bids for CPA project signs as well as the DPW.  The discussion on signs will be continued at the next meeting.  

Staff Position Update
Jan Plaue had updated the job description and explained that the description had to be approved in order to have an advertisement posted.  She had added an item for creating/maintaining a CPC website linked to the Town’s website.  Seeler had questions about the task description for coordination of drafting contracts with the Town procurement officer.  Hall had a replacement suggestion.  He said that the CPC should communicate with the Town Administrator on any Town projects before putting them on the Warrant.  This item was changed to “Review contracts with applicant.”  Plaue moved to accept the draft.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

The Open Space Committee had requested a response to a recommendation for Town owned land at Indian Neck/Chipman’s Cove Map 28, Parcels 80 and 82.
Dolan moved to take no action.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Other Business
Gray announced that the Town Administrator will be present at the Forum meeting Monday, January 27.  She invited members to come to the meeting and enter into a conversation with Paul Sieloff.  

The next meeting will be held February 27, 2008.  

Plaue moved to adjourn, and the meeting ended by consensus at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
______________________                  ________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Peter Hall, Chairman
________________ Date

These minutes were approved at the CPC meeting held 2/27/08.