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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 01/09/2008

Community Preservation Committee
Minutes of Meeting January 9, 2008
Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room

Present:  Peter Hall, Chairman; Dorothy Dolan, John Ketchum, Barbara Gray, Elaine McIlroy, Victoria Pecoraro, Jan Plaue, Marcia Seeler, Judy Taylor

Vice-Chair Judy Taylor called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.  

Minutes of 11/28/07
McIlroy moved to approve the amended minutes of November 28, 2007.  Seeler seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.
Agenda Additions
Scott Klanhy, Recreation representation and a Housing request were added as topics for the meeting’s agenda,

335 Main Street Park Concerns
Scott Klahny came forward to express his concerns about the uses of the 335 Main St./ Preservation Hall property.  He is an abutter to the property and is concerned about unauthorized youth activity and noise levels in the area.  He expressed his support for Preservation Hall, but wanted his concerns addressed.  
Chairman Peter Hall arrived and assumed chairmanship of the meeting.
Peter Hall suggested that Mr. Klahny approach the DPW and Police Chief Richard Rosenthal. He was also advised to talk to the other abutters to work on solutions.  

Recreation Representation
Victoria Pecoraro reported that Katie Sugg has withdrawn as a representative to CPC.  Recreation wishes to maintain their option to have a second co-representative sharing one vote.

Open Space Opportunity
Peter Hall said that there is an opportunity for an Open Space land acquisition that has become available.  The property located at Pilgrim Spring Road is being offered to the Conservation Trust for $200,000.  An application for CPA money would be for $100,000.  Hall explained that the lot had to be purchased by May or the opportunity would be lost.  Because it is past the deadline, Hall called for a vote to accept an application for the purchase.  Ketchum moved to accept the application, and McIlroy seconded. The motion to accept the late application carried 9-0.  

Recap of STM
CPC expressed satisfaction with the results of Special Town Meeting since all the CPA Articles passed.

New Applications
#08-01  Restoration of Gips House
Plaue moved to approve Application #08-01 for $100,000 for the restoration of the Gips House.  Gray seconded.  Gray wanted assurances that the Modern House Trust had the lease agreement with the NPS.  She further considered seeking a lease longer than 25 years.  CPC considered the use of an historic restriction or MOU with the Seashore that ensured the Town’s interest in the use of the property.  Plaue suggested keeping the application open for two weeks until the additional information was provided.  Plaue moved to table the motion until the next meeting and Gray agreed with her second to continue.

Town Accountant Marilyn Crary reported that all the money for FY08 had been spent.  She does not yet know the percentage of state money that will be available for FY09.  CPC asked about the possibility of short term borrowing of $100,000 for a new application for the Pilgrim Spring Road Open Space.  That $100,000 would be subtracted from the FY09 money.   Crary said that $350,000 can be counted on from the Town, but she did not have a percentage of matching money from the state.  Borrowing would require a 2/3 vote at Town Meeting.  Hall suggested assuming a 70% match from the state and anticipating a balance of $600,000.  

TA Introductions
New Town Administrator Paul Sieloff introduced himself to the committee.  CPC members gave their round of introductions back to him.  Sieloff stated his intention to sit in on a CPC meeting at a future date.

Applications (cont.)
#08-02  Drummer Cove Access
Gray said the subject property was still in court and she moved to defer action on the application #08-02 to a later time.  Plaue seconded.  The motion to defer the application carried 9-0.
#08-03  Housing Support & Information Program
Gray asked if there was a break down of how this money has been spent in the past.  McIlroy gave an account of the spending from the past year.  Gray moved to approve Application #08-03.  Pecoraro seconded.  The motion carried unanimously 9-0.

#08-04  USDA Self Help Housing – Land Acquisition
Gray moved to approve Application #08-04.  Taylor seconded.  McIlroy discussed the land that was under consideration for the program.  Hall wanted information on who would be interested in the program.  Plaue asked about deferring the application because there are still so many variables.  Gray agreed to defer her motion. And Taylor agreed to defer until the next meeting.
Signs for CPA Projects
McIlroy said that DPW Director Mark Vincent would discuss creating signs for CPC projects.  Hall suggested creating a subcommittee to determine a choice of sign and costs.  McIlroy and Pecoraro volunteered to be on a sign subcommittee.  They will report back at the next meeting January 23, 2008.

Use of Administrative Funds for Housing Newsletter
McIlroy asked if CPC would consider using $2,700 of CPC Administrative funds to publish and mail a Housing Authority newsletter. She said it would be like the Housing Forum’s using the funds for dissemination of information to the public.  Hall questioned the use of CPC Administrative funds for this purpose.  McIlroy and Taylor explained that Housing Authority Funds had restrictions on use of the money for such a purpose.  This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

Staff Position Update
Victoria Pecoraro reported on the requirements and an advertisement for a staff support person.  The question was would the job be a subcontracted service or a salaried Town position.  Pecoraro said that the job description needed to be finalized, approved, voted upon and advertised.  

Respectfully submitted,
______________________                  ________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Peter Hall, Chairman
________________ Date

These minutes were approved at the Community Preservation Committee Meeting of 1/23/08