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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 10/25/2006

Community Preservation Committee
Minutes of Meeting October 25, 2006
Town Hall Conference Room, 9:00AM

Present:  Janet Erickson, Dorothy Dolan, Jan Plaue, Elaine McIlroy, Peter Hall, Barbara Gray, Judy Taylor, John Ketchum

Absent: Victoria Pecoraro and Co-Alternative Katy Suggs
Chairman Peter Hall called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.

Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of the September 27, 2006 meeting.  Dolan seconded, and the motion carried 9-0.

Ketchum moved to change the listing for the Recreation Commission alternates in the minutes of the hearing of October 23, 2006. Gray seconded, and the motion carried 9-0.
Plaue moved a language change in the final paragraph.  Gray seconded, and the motion to approve the minutes as amended carried 9-0

CPC planned for the presentations at Special Town Meeting.  Hall said that he would present the Articles and have the advocates speak for each Article. Hall will also get permission from the moderator to give an overall explanation of CPC, the regulatory process and release of funds.

There was a discussion of the Housing Trust Fund, which has not yet been approved by Massachusetts Legislature.  Money at Spring Town Meeting had been set aside for this fund, and the disposition of that money was in question if the Trust legislation was not signed.  Gray moved to send a letter to the governor urging the passage of the bill.  Taylor seconded, and the motion carried 9-0.  Hall and Gray will draft a letter to urge a swift passage of the bill for the Housing Trust Fund and send a copy to Shirley Gomes’ office.  

Taylor asked that another CPC session be scheduled for explanations of funding.  Ketchum said CPC needed its own tracking system of funds.  Hall discussed bonding and the voting necessary for that.

Returning to Town Meeting preparation, McIlroy said the presentations should be kept short.  Erickson said the little brochure she was working on might be a good handout for Town Meeting.  McIlroy suggested an additional 9 a.m. meeting or a subcommittee to work up the brochure.  McIlroy moved that a subcommittee work with Erickson to create a brochure.  Plaue suggested making a one sheet hand-out discussing all five Articles for Town Meeting.  The CPC brochure can be created without the November deadline.

Hall suggested changing the funding application deadline for spring Town Meeting, but the Board did not want to change the October 15 application deadline for Annual Town Meeting.  

Hall indicated that the Historical Society had expressed interest in resubmitting its application for the Historical Museum.  Erickson read a news release about a new funding source that would become available for historic preservation projects.  

Hall said that forming a Rules & Regulations document was something to consider.  Ketchum had sent out a draft that the Committee will work on at its next meeting November 29, 2006.

Dolan moved to adjourn.  Ketchum seconded, and the motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
______________________                  ________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Peter Hall, Chair
________________ Date