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Planning Board Minutes 03.05/2014
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Wellfleet Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Gerald Parent, Chair; Andrew Freeman, Janet Morrissey, R. Dennis O’Connell, Janet Reinhart; Planner Patrice Carson
Regrets:  Eric Larsen, Alfred Pickard
Also Attending: Town Administrator Harry Terkanian

Chair Gerald Parent called the meeting to order and opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m.
Public Hearing
Town Administrator Harry Terkanian related his correspondence with A. Colleen Bailey regarding having a Zoning Bylaw and General Bylaw for the Floodplain District.  She had responded that only one bylaw was needed, preferably a Zoning Bylaw.  Terkanian will coordinate removal of the General Bylaw and follow-up with Conservation Commission Regulations as needed.    

Medical Marijuana Bylaw
Dennis O’Connell asked how the map of the Overlay District would be handled.  Harry Terkanian said the Town Meeting PowerPoint presentation could include it.  Members suggested providing the map as a handout.  Andrew Freeman asked about “Use of Consultants by the SPGA or the Planning Board” referenced in  

O’Connell moved to remove the phrase, “or the Planning Board,” from   Freeman seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.  

O’Connell moved to recommend the Medical Marijuana bylaw as amended for the Warrant.  Morrissey seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.

National Seashore Park Gross Floor Area Bylaw Revision
Griswold Draz had sent an e-mail communication1 stating his support for the revision.  A second letter2 from Superintendent of the National Seashore George Price supported the bylaw but suggested that the existing threshold of 3 feet for decks remain instead of the 5 feet specified in the bylaw proposal.  After discussion, the Board felt that no revision of deck height  was necessary.  

Jan Morrissey had a suggestion to reference subsections of 6.24.3 Standards and Criteria in the introductory paragraph of the Article, but the Board did not think the addition was necessary.  She also noted two small corrections in formatting and grammar.

Reinhart moved to recommend the Article with the small changes.  O’Connell seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Flood Plain Bylaw Revision
Morrissey noted that part of 6.13.2 section b of Floodplain District Zoning Regulation had been eliminated in the final formatted version.  Harry Terkanian will provide the correct language for this section.  

Renumbering of ZBL 9.2 Main Street Overlay District
O’Connell moved to recommend the renumbering of 9.2 Main Street Overlay District.  Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Freeman moved to close the public hearing except for the Floodplain Article.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Harry Terkanian said there will be a public hearing March 7 at 8:30 a.m.  at Cape Cod Commission  for USDA funding for the intersection of Rte. 6 and Main St. and requested that a Planning Board member attend.  Gerald Parent will attend.  

Disposition of Town-owned Property
Dennis O’Connell recused himself since the properties abut Wellfleet Conservation Trust land.
Town Administrator Harry Terkanian explained the three requests for recommendations from Planning Board in regard to the disposition of Town-owned property.

The first request from the Open Space Committee is to have the custody of  .19 acres located at Map 41, Parcel 198 transferred from Town to the Conservation Commission.  

Reinhart moved to approve the transfer of custody of Map 41, Parcel 198 to the Conservation Commission.  Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  

The Natural Resource Advisory Board and Open Space Committee had jointly requested that two additional Town-owned properties to be transferred to the control of the Conservation Commission.  The two properties are Map 29, Parcel 499 for 4.42 acres of salt marsh at Drummer Cove and Map 35.1, Parcel 160 for .32 acres of upland bordering Drummer Cove.

Freeman recommended the transfer of custody of Map 29, Parcel 499 and Map 35.1, Parcel 160 to the Conservation Commission.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

Harry Terkanian did not recommend sale of the third property, Map 14, Parcel 154.1  on the former railroad right of way on the west side of Holbrook Ave.  The request is by an abutter for the sale of the Town-owned property.

Morrissey moved, in agreement with the Town Administrator, to not recommend the sale of Map 14, Parcel 154.1.   Reinhart seconded.  The motion carried   4-0.

Future Concerns
Harry Terkanian raised several concerns.  He said that massing was not just a concern of construction within the National Seashore Park District.  Planning Board members discussed reviving bylaw work on massing, size, lot coverage, and use of a sliding scale for size.  Expansion of the Municipal Water System could also influence bylaw revision.  Mr. Terkanian said that he also plans to meet with Slade Associates and Planning Board members regarding Map 42, Parcel 601.  Janet Reinhart asked for Planning Board notification of complaints received by the Building Inspector and Health Agent.

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the March 19, 2014 meeting will include:  Public Hearing Cont. for Flood Plain District bylaw revision; Russell Subdivision signing; Request for Tree Removal on Scenic Roads; Stretch Code Presentation, Warrant Recommendations, and Future Concerns.  

O’Connell moved to approve the amended minutes of February 19, 2014.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.  

Russell Subdivision
Janet Morrissey called attention to the owner’s names as printed on the Russell Subdivision.  

Janet Morrissey distributed the mail log of February 19, 2014.

O’Connell moved to adjourn.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Gerald Parent, Chair    

The Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 3/19/14.

Public Records Material of March 5, 2014
1.) e-mail communication from Griswold Draz
2.) letter dated March 5, 2014 from George Price
The draft Warrant of 2/27/14 was used for all Article recommendations