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Planning Board Minutes 02/05/2014
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday February 5, 2014
Wellfleet Senior Center

Present: Janet Morrissey, Acting Chair; Dennis O'Connell, Acting Secretary; Eric Larsen, Alfred Pickard
Regrets: Gerald Parent, Andrew Freeman, Janet Reinhart

Acting Chair Janet Morrissey called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Public Hearing - Definitive Subdivision, Russell, 185 & 190 Newcomb Hill Road
Acting Chair Morrissey opened the public hearing at 7:00. Since there was no longer a quorum as Pickard had previously recused, the public hearing was continued to February 19, 2014 at 7 PM. The applicant's representative had been advised of this likely rescheduling and was not present.

Minutes of January 29, 2014
The minutes were amended and approved by a vote of 3-0-1.

Janet Morrissey had prepared a summary of the mail. The Board noted that Truro was preparing for the changed Flood Zone maps.

Gross Floor Area Bylaws for the National Seashore District
Former Planning Board member Gooz Draz joined the meeting to discuss the final revisions to the proposed Bylaws before releasing for public hearing. O'Connell and Morrissey had prepared revisions dated February 5, 2014. A minor amendment to the introductory paragraph was approved. It was also noted that the document should include a strike thru of all deleted existing Zoning Bylaw language. O'Connell will prepare and submit to Mary Rogers.

Upon motion and second the board voted 4-0: 1.)  to approve the amended drafts of February 5 by O'Connell and Morrissey and 2.) to schedule the Public Hearing to the above for 7 PM on March 5, 2014 and publish the proposed bylaw changes.

The Board asked that O'Connell work with Mary Rogers to submit the documents to the Town Administrator for his final review, submission to Town Counsel as the Town Administrator deems fit and advice on what must be published for public comment. Ms. Rogers is also asked to submit the documents to the CCNS to advise them of the public hearing and to invite comments in writing or at the Public Hearing.
Mr. Draz thanked the Board for including him in this revision process. The Board thanked him in return and noted that the effort had been useful.
Medical Marijuana Draft Bylaw
Ms. Morrissey had submitted a draft of the changes shown and the changes accepted of the bylaw, both dated January 31, 2014.  The Board reviewed the changes made to the draft.  All changes were approved by a vote of 4-0. The Zoning District Map prepared by the Cape Cod Commission and dated January 31, 2014 was reviewed and approved by a vote of  4-0.  The additions to the Use Table prepared by Planner Patrice Carson had been revised for conforming changes by Morrissey and dated February 5, 2014.  The Board approved these changes by a vote of 4-0.

Upon motion and second, the Board voted 4-0 to approve scheduling of the public hearing for March 5, 2014 at 7 PM and publishing the proposed Bylaw. The Board discussed how this complex Bylaw should be presented to the public. Further efforts on that are needed.
The Board thanked Ms. Morrissey for her successful efforts in getting the Bylaw to this stage.
Floodplain Bylaw Amendments
The Board reviewed the changes-shown version and the changed version of the Floodplain Bylaw that had been submitted by the Town Administrator. Minor formatting changes were approved. There was discussion of the "appropriate town official" in Section 6.14.6.  considering the appropriateness of the Conservation Agent or the Building Inspector.  It was agreed that Board would defer that question to the Town Administrator. Upon motion and second the Board voted  4-0 to approve the language, schedule a  public hearing March 5, 2014 at 7 PM and publish the  proposed Bylaw changes. It was requested that the Town Administrator's office submit the amended document to the Committee Secretary Rogers for coordination and publishing.

Future Concerns
Mr. Pickard mentioned trying to continue efforts on affordable housing incentives built into a cluster bylaw. He also mentioned that the Board should study relief for existing houses in the newly deemed Flood zones. He noted that it may be possible to allow certain actions by Special Permit, such as house raising to save flood insurance premiums.

Agenda for the Next Meeting
The agenda should include the continuation of the Public Hearing for the Russell subdivision, mail, minutes, and preparation for the public hearings.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

___________________________________     ___________________________
R. Dennis O'Connell, Acting Secretary           Janet Morrissey, Acting Chair

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/19/14.


Public Records Material of February 5, 2014
1. Mail log of February 5, 2014
2. Draft Medical Marijuana Dispensary bylaws dated January 31, 2014
3. Revised Medical Marijuana Overlay District map dated January 31, 2014
4. Patrice Carson draft 5.3.2 Use Table dated February 4, 2014
5. Morrissey draft 5.3.2 Use Table Revision dated February 5, 2014
6. O’Connell-Morrissey draft National Seashore Park bylaw dated February 5, 2014