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Planning Board Minutes 01/29/2014

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Wellfleet Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Gerald Parent, Chair; Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, R. Dennis O’Connell, Janet Reinhart; Planner Patrice Carson
Regrets: Andrew Freeman, Alfred Pickard

Chair Gerald Parent called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes of 1/15/14
O’Connell moved to approve the amended minutes of January 15, 2013.  Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  

Items in the mail of January 29, 20141 included an e-mail from Finlay Engineering and the FEMA letter regarding the new flood plain maps and bylaws.  Janet Reinhart asked about receiving further updates from the Building Inspector on Building Department activity.  

Medical Marijuana
The Board discussed placing Medical Marijuana Dispensaries (MMDs) and/or the Medical Marijuana Overlay District (MMOD) in the Use Table of the Zoning Bylaws.  The Medical Marijuana Overlay District map2 is ready to be added to the Zoning Bylaws.  The draft Warrant Article will be revised for the MMOD bylaws3 and the Overlay map.  

Chair Gerald Parent reported on discussions with Town Counsel on the agricultural aspects of the Medical Marijuana bylaws.  

Reinhart moved to accept Town Administrator Harry Terkanian’s language for sections and of the MMOD bylaws.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

O’Connell suggested cross referencing the Overlay map with 9.3.4 Location, but the bylaw introduction does this.  The areas on the map were refined to match the definitions of the zones.  Several other small points were changed after discussion.  The final section of the bylaw on the bond was given further consideration.  Additional language was added to section  A final draft and map will be ready for the next meeting.  

Gross Floor Area Bylaws for National Seashore District
Former Planning Board member Gooz Draz joined the meeting to discuss revisions for the National Seashore Park Gross Floor Area (NSPGFA) bylaw with the Planning Board.  Janet Reinhart had prepared a January 29, 2014 worksheet4  with bullet points regarding gross floor area allowances.  The Board discussed: shed allowances; garages; porches; decks; and guest house size.

Planner Patrice Carson suggested that the Building Inspector review the revisions for NSPGFA.  The Board compared an earlier prose version4 of the bylaw with the bullet point version of January 29, 2014 and discussed the clarity of each version.  There was discussion of placing the NSPGFA definition in the general definitions of the Zoning Bylaws.  A short definition will be placed in the definition section with a section number reference to the table and full definition that accompanies the table and explains calculation of NSPGFA.  

A new NSPGFA draft will be prepared for the next meeting.  

Hahn Subdivision
At the request of the Planning Board, Slade Associates had submitted a revised Homeowner’s Agreement for the Hahn Subdivision5 with a new section 10 regarding termination.

O’Connell moved to approve the revised covenant for the Hahn Subdivision (DSD #13-07).  Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

Outer Cape Report
Jan Morrissey reported on Outer Cape Health Care Services’ meeting that public officials and various department representatives had attended.  Outer Cape had presented their preliminary plans and a list of possible concerns for their expansion.6  Because the project will come before Planning Board as a Development of Significant Impact if it goes forward as planned, Board members considered some preliminary issues that could arise.  Challenging topography and parking issues immediately came to mind.

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the February 5, 2014 meeting will include:  the Definitive Subdivision for Russell, Medical Marijuana Bylaws, NSPGFA Revision, Flood Plain Bylaws, and preparation for public hearings.

O’Connell moved to adjourn.  Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Gerald Parent, Chair    

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/5/14.

Public Records Material of January 29, 2014
1.) Mail list of January 29, 2014
2.) Overlay map
3.) Draft MMOD bylaws
4.) NSPGFA bylaw revisions  of 1/29/14
5.) Prose version of NSPGFA bylaw
6.) Outer Cape Health Center’s expansion proposal